InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Are You? ❯ So Close ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!
Author's Note: This chapter isn't done, but I put it up for all of you to read. Thanks for the reviews, but I crave more. Thanks for the help on the story Olivia.
Kagome turned to the side laughing. The two had been talking for at least an hour. They're many empty bottles and glasses that had been filled with alcohol sat next to them. Inuyasha took another swig from his bottle of beer before setting it down. He was also laughing. He was also thinking of how sexy he thought she was. Maybe she'll go on a date to me tomorrow. I wonder where. Chicks like restaurants... Hmmm…He pondered about this as Kagome talked away answering to all of Inuyasha's questions.
Kagome was pretty much thinking of the same thing as Inuyasha. She watched his mouth move and imagined her own pressed to it. Oh course Kagome wasn't used to this feeling so she pushed it from her mind. She was too busy answering all on Inuyasha's questions anyway. God he talks a lot. At least he's nicer than he was in our lesson. Maybe it's just all the beer. Kagome got worried. She didn't want to think Inuyasha was only nice when drunk. She also pushed that from her mind. Instead she watched his beautiful long silver hair sway as he moved. She did this until he waved a hand in her face.
“Hello? Kagome you here?”
“Yeah. Uh, I'm here. Sorry, so yeah. What did you ask?”
Inuyasha laughed. “I said do you draw?”
“Only a little. I'm more of a writer.”
Inuyasha stared at her. Wow a writer. He shook his head trying to erase the thoughts.
“Really? Isn't that what that Edgar Allen Poe guy did?”
“Yes. You've heard of him?”
“My mom reads his stuff all the time.”
Kagome smiled and grabbed her drink. She motioned for him to grab his, which Inuyasha did. They lifted their glasses about to toast.
“Let us toast to…” Kagome stopped trying to think.”
“A beautiful night, and the gorgeous girl who sits before me.”
Kagome giggled but they toasted and each took a big swig of their drinks.
Inuyasha put his glass down and looked at her. She did the same.
“Inuyasha… why are you-“ Kagome's voice trailed off.
Inuyasha shook his head and gave a sheepish grin. “Nothing. Forget it. Just thinking.”
Thinking of how she'd look under all those clothes he thought.
Not true he argued back.
You know it is. Don't deny it.
Inuyasha looked away from Kagome. He realized he was having an argument with himself and stopped. Kagome looked at him as he looked away.
“What?” she asked hoping it wasn't her.
“Hm? Oh nothing.” He responded turning back to her.
“Ok.” Kagome looked down at her cell phone.
“Shit. Inuyasha, this has been lovely and all, but it's way late. I gotta go.” She stood. “Sango's gonna kill me.” She said to herself.
“Did you say something?” Inuyasha asked.
“No. Just, talking to myself.”
“Oh, ok. Here. I'll walk you to your car.”
Kagome smiled. Inuyasha took her arm and led her out the door. Her thoughts buzzed as he touched her. His warm grip was a wonderful feel to her. She led him to a black Jaguar. The doors unlocked and Kagome opened the door.
“Damn.” Inuyasha breathed as he saw the car. Kagome only laughed.
“Yeah.” She turned and looked at him. Her eyes glinted under the bright stars.
“You look….. beautiful.” Kagome blushed and looked away. Inuyasha cupped his hand under her chin.
What the hell are you doing? He asked wondering if he had gone to far. It was too late. He leaned forward and kissed those apple red lips of hers. Kagome didn't protest. She kissed him back. He pressed against her lips asking for entrance. She allowed him. The two shared in the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away. Kagome looked down.
“I-I have to go. I will see you Monday. Same time. Good bye.” She stepped into the car and started the ignition. She pulled out and was gone before Inuyasha could protest.
“Fuck. What have I done?” He walked numbly back to his car. As he drove home, his mind was occupied with thoughts of her. This girl made him feel like no other. Kagome. Her name even sent shivers up his spine. He wanted more. Needed more.
Kagome drove down the dark streets towards the house she shared with Sango. Her heart was pounding. The kiss the wonderful. It also scared her. She had just met this guy today. Barely knew anything about him. Another thought entered her mind as well. She had a boy friend. The school heart throb, Houjou.
Kagome shuddered as she thought about his pain if she told him.
“What have I done?” she asked helplessly.
Kagome pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. She unlocked the door and walked into the dark house. She sighed. No one was there.
“You speak too soon.” Said a familiar voice. Kagome groaned and looked at Sango. Her brown eyes were filled with rage and worry. Her brown hair collected around her face which was tired looking.
“Where have you been all night?”
“Out where?”
Kagome hesitated before answering. “Uh…. Barbed Wire.”
“That dingy place! Kagome I can't believe you! I called Houjou. He's out looking for you. Should be back any time now.”
“Shit.” Kagome muttered. Her boyfriend was coming. She was going to have to tell him.