InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


He sniffed the air again, and it was still there, the scent. He knew that he recognized it but he could not place it with a face. It was like someone was trying to hide his real scent. He growled low, he did not like it, no not at all. He knew he had smelled this spicy yet gentle scent before.

The Lord of the Western lands made a slow walk towards a village where he saw the people light up a big bonfire. He saw the remains of a big insect youkai and his nose twitch in disgust as the strong odour drifted towards him. He stopped before getting to close to the bonfire. He stood there, waiting for someone to notice him. Sometimes humans were both blind and deaf, but he had grown patience over the years so he just waited. He was lucky; this time an old lady noticed the presence of the handsome Lord and she scurried over to him, bowing to show him the proper respect.

- My Lord, what can I do for you? she asked without looking him into the eyes.

- What happened here? asked Sesshoumaru with a cold voice.

- A young man who was staying at the inn saved our village from being destroyed by the youkai we are burning today, said the old lady. He was very good with his swords; he killed the demon with out any trouble at all.

- A young man? How did he look like?

- Short black hair, eyes that in some angles almost looked like they were burning in crimson red. It seemed that he had been travelling for some time, he was very dirty… but… the woman's voice died off.

- But.. WHAT?! The demon lord demanded an answer.

- I am sorry My Lord, but I found it very strange that a man that dirty did not smelled bad. In fact, he smelled of herbs that only women use. And it confused me a bit. But as I said, he was very good and skilled in the art of killing youkais. He thrust his swords into the youkai's neck, making it choke on its own blood. Killing it before it did any damage to the village. Very impressive for such a young man.

- Indeed, said Sesshoumaru.

He was not fooled easily; he understood that it had been a woman in a males outfit. But he had to admit he was impressed by the fact that this woman had defeated this youkai so easy. She must have great knowledge about demons weak spots. "It reminds me about the young taijya I once saved on the battle field." he thought and turned his amber gaze back to the old woman.

- Obaasan, where is this young man now? I wish to speak with him, said Sesshoumaru.

- I am sorry My Lord, but he left before the dawn, said the woman.

- Thank you for your answers obaasan. May you village live in peace and prosper.

With those words the Lord disappeared into the sky. He wanted to find this woman, dressed as a man, just to see whom she was. Did he know her? All his instincts told him that he did, but he cursed the fact that his memory was failing him.


Sango was met with several happy faces as she ventured into the next village. She frowned, she was not pleased by their smiles and the way they whispered about her being a hero. She shivered and headed towards the nearest inn. It was then she was stopped by two older men.

- Can I help you? she asked politely, adding some roughness to her voice.

- Young man, there is a rumour spreading through the villages now; it is like a wild fire, said one of the men. They are talking about a young man in black clothing, carrying two swords. They are talking about a young man that is helping them with pestering youkais.

- And what is that have to do with me? Sango's left eyebrow twitched, she wanted to get away before this turned ugly in her face.

- Young man, we know that you are this person and we have taken it as our duty to reward you for your help, said the other man and handed over a small pouch.

- No, you have the wrong guy here, protested Sango but they just smiled and left her with the money.

Of course, she was in dire need of money but this?? No, she hated this. The rumour also gave her a free night at the tavern and she took it. "Just this one time." she thought and went to sleep early. But the sleep did not want to come. She just lay there on the futon, thinking about the past and the present. She was twenty-five years old. Practically an old hag in the feudal Japan. She should have a husband and a bunch of children by now. She was an odd figure, a demon slayer and a woman to boot. She was strong and knew how to fight. She could protect herself against most enemies, both human and youkai. Her skills: The most efficient way to kill a youkai, and how to make a giant boomerang out of a demon fang. Gods, her skills was really something a wife should know. She should be drowned in cooking and giving birth to children by now. She closed her eyes and forced herself into a light sleep.

When the morning came she was gone. The villagers talked about the mysterious and reluctant young hero, he who saved each and every village he came to. In the end, Sango was the one who alone had killed the evil Naraku with her bare hands and saved the land from his evilness.