InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Can I Trust??? ❯ InuYasha's Decision and Kagome's Heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1: InuYasha’s Decision, And Kagome’s Heart

It was late at night the moon shined brightly in the darkened sky the trees whispered softly in the wind of the night.

Kagome Higurashi, now 17 years old was just coming back from the bone eaters well.

She was headed back to Kaede’s hut to reunite with her friends since she was away in her own time taking her final exams of high school at Tokyo High.

Throw her yellow beaten up back pack over the lip of the bone eaters well said girl began the hetaerist task of climbing out of the well using the support of the vines to support her weight.

After what seemed like forever said girl made it to the top of the well in a very annoyed state.

“Next time I go back home I’m going to make sure to bring a step latter back with me, said Kagome to no one particular but herself.”

After grabbing her yellow bag from the ground she hosted said bag over her left shoulder and preceded the journey back to Kaede’s village where her friends were.

******Meanwhile elsewhere with InuYasha ******

Kagome had been gone what seemed to be a week it was so boring there was nothing to do and there hadn’t been any new tip offs on the location of any shards and besides it was no good anyway because without said missing priestess the little group could not detect the jewel shards by themselves anyways.

“I wonder what is taking Kagome so long how long does it take to take those what did she call them?”

“I believe Lady Kagome called them Final Exams InuYasha, commented the monk Miroku.”

“Yeah I know Idiot, was InuYasha’s lame comeback.”

“Then why did you ask for asked Miroku.”

“Shut up”

“Guys why are you fighting asked Sango the demon slayer of their group.”

“Because that idiot thinks I’m stupid or something replied InuYasha.”

“I did not say you were stupid I only answered your question remarked the monk.”

“Whatever I could have figured it out without your help Monk.”

“Just trying to help out, a friend replied said monk.”

“Whatever I didn’t ask for your help mumbled InuYasha.”

“What was that InuYasha I do not believe I heard you asked Miroku?”

“None of your business you stupid nosy monk.”

“I’m going to get Kagome she’s been gone to long and those jewel shards aren’t going to find themselves.”

“InuYasha I don’t think that’s wise remember what lady Kagome said before she left?”

“Who cares what she going to do?”

“I clearly remember her say, (“InuYasha I’m going to be gone a week I ask you not to fallow me this is a hectic time I have final exams so please do not bother coming to get me I will return when I have finished with my exams.”)

“Oh yeah she also said after you I quote said (“And what if I come and get you before then what are you going to do about it?”)

“And I remember Lady Kagome say “ InuYasha in that sweet tone of hers “ If you come and get in the way of my final exam you baka I will sit you until you reach the 7 depths of hell,” Then she jumped down the well.”

At the memory of what Miroku said InuYasha flattened his ears just picturing a very pissed off Kagome getting ready to sit him into the depths of hell.

“Uh no I’ll go there without her knowing I’m there just to check up on her.”

“You know what will happen if she catches you there you were warned commented Sango.”

“Yeah I know Keh like I care.”

Mentally InuYasha was shaking at the very thought of being sat to hell.

(“That would definitely be scary thought InuYasha shaking his thoughts for now.”)

InuYasha stood up from his sitting position on his favorite branch and took off into the air on his way to the bone eaters well.

Just as he was about to reach the bone eaters well he caught the sent of bones and grave yard soil on the wind signifying the dead priestess Kikyo was near by.

Said priestess sent her soul collectors to lead InuYasha to her.

The soul collectors soured to the tops of the trees to be in great view to lead InuYasha to their mistress.

Inuyasha immediately changed his route of direction in the direction the scent of decayed bones and grave yard soil was coming from in search of his dead lover.

It took him only a matter of seconds before he caught sight of the soul collectors of his dead lover hovering over the tree tops.


Inuyasha took off speeding like a bullet fallowing the soul collectors as they lead him to their mistress.

Reaching deep into the forest the soul collector stopped at a very large tree in size circling around it.

All of a sudden said Dead Priestess By the name of Kikyo appeared from an orb of light sitting calmly on a looming branch.


“InuYasha it is good to see you again you are doing well I presume.”

“Kikyo what are you doing here?”

“I’m hurt do you not want to see me InuYasha?”

“No of course I want to see you.”

“Is that so or are you wanting to see someone else say my reincarnation for an example?”

“No what does Kagome have to do with this?”
“Does that girl mean more to you than I?”

“What are you talking about of course not she is just a jewel detector she doesn’t mean anything to me.”

“Your all that I care about that is why I am dead set on killing Naraku and avenging your death.”

“I see”

“Naraku is moving in fast he has half of the jewel as does Kagome he will be in search of her.”

“Where is the girl InuYasha?”

“She is in her own time.”

“I suggest you keep her safe Naraku wants to get his hands on her for two things the jewel and her eyes.”

“Yes I know that all ready.”

“InuYasha take the jewel from her and send her home to her own time this war has nothing to do with her its ours to fight.”

“Your life belongs to me InuYasha.”

“As yours belongs to me Kikyo.”

“I’m going to find out more information on Naraku so stay out of my way.”

“I will be the one to kill Naraku.”

“Kikyo you don’t need to fight let me protect you.”


“I’ll always protect you Kikyo you don’t need to fight anymore let me be the one to bring down Naraku.”

“I don’t want to loose you again because of that bastard.”

“Stay with me Kikyo join us in the search for Naraku."

“Let us be together like you wished.”

“After Naraku is defeated I will wish you back to life.”

“What of the girl Kagome?”

“I don’t care about her she can go back to her own time its you that I care about and its you that I want to be with no one else I won’t settle for any less or any better its you I need.”

“I love you Kikyo.”

“I told you that 50years ago and I will tell you that today I did not lie when I said I would become a human for you I meant it.”

But only for you.”


“I love you as well but my hatred for you never will be set to rest my soul still believes it is you who betrayed me.”
“I did not betray you how could of I when I love you.”


After realizing the man she confined all of her trust into was telling her the truth Kikyo jumped down from the branch and embraced InuYasha.

The two lovers shared a passionate kiss unaware of their audience.

*******Back To Kagome*******

Kagome had been walking for what seemed like forever before she finally admitted to herself that she was lost.

“How can I be lost?”
“It’s so creepy out here man I wish there were street lights here in the feudal era.”

Kagome heard a branch snap behind her.

“What was that it’s so dark I can’t see god where is InuYasha when I need him?”

Kagome looked in front of her then behind her then turned and looked in every direction nothing was there that she could see.

She continued walking as she continued walking she felt like someone was watching her and the hairs on her neck began to stand.

“Okay this is so creepy.”

Instincts kicking in that she was being fallowed after hearing another twig snap behind her she took off running into the thick forest.

She ran and ran until she began to tire.

Something was still behind her but wasn’t coming after her but she could sense it still watching her every move.

Just as she was about to start walking in another direction a bright light caught her eye.

At the top of the tree there she saw Kikyo’s soul collectors hovering as if they were waiting for something.

“Kikyo’s soul collectors, she must be near by I wonder if she’s here because of InuYasha, oh no InuYasha could be in trouble I’ve got to go find out.”

With the thought that the one she loved so deeply could be in danger she took off running towards the area the soul collectors were hovering over.

It took only two minutes before she came to a bush and then beyond the bush she sees Kikyo sitting on a branch.

(“What is she doing here, she asked herself.”)

Just as she was about to say something to the dead priestess she heard the voice of InuYasha speak.


“InuYasha it is good to see you again you are doing well I presume.”

“Kikyo what are you doing here?”

“I’m hurt do you not want to see me InuYasha?”

“No of course I want to see you.”

“Is that so or are you wanting to see someone else say my reincarnation for an example?”

(“Why is InuYasha here with Kikyo and what does she mean to be talking about me.”)

“No what does Kagome have to do with this?”

“Does that girl mean more to you than I?”

“What are you talking about of course not she is just a jewel detector she doesn’t mean anything to me.”

(“That jerk just a jewel detector I’ll show him.”)

“Your all that I care about that is why I am dead set on killing Naraku and avenging your death.”

(“Of course you would say that InuYasha you’ve loved her all this time.”)

(“Why does it hurt so much, knowing that he loves her?”)

“I see”

“Naraku is moving in fast he has half of the jewel as does Kagome he will be in search of her.”

“Where is the girl InuYasha?”

(“What do you care, you just want to steal InuYasha back.”)

“Wait what am I thinking she’s always had him hadn’t she it’s not like he was ever mine.”)

“She is in her own time.”

“I suggest you keep her safe Naraku wants to get his hands on her for two things the jewel and her eyes.”

(“She doesn’t care about me all she cares about is the sacred Jewel.”)

Kagome thought while unconsciously placing her hand over the jewel that was hooked to a chain around her next.

“Yes I know that all ready.”

“InuYasha take the jewel from her and send her home to her own time this war has nothing to do with her its ours to fight.”

(“That bitch how dare she tell him to do that to me besides it’s my battle to because I was the one the broke the jewel into pieces.”)

(“It has everything to do with as it does with them.”)

“Your life belongs to me InuYasha.”

(“His life doesn’t belong to her it’s his life she can’t own him.”)

“As yours belongs to me Kikyo.”

(“InuYasha you baka.”)

Kagome began to cry silently tears began to form in her eyes.

It hurt her so much to learn that he still loved Kikyo when she did everything to try and make him happy.

“I’m going to find out more information on Naraku so stay out of my way.”

“I will be the one to kill Naraku.”

“Kikyo you don’t need to fight let me protect you.”

(“Of course you would say that InuYasha, but you also promised to protect me or was that a lie?”)


“I’ll always protect you Kikyo you don’t need to fight anymore let me be the one to bring down Naraku.”

(“I can’t watch or listen to this anymore.”)

“I don’t want to loose you again because of that bastard.”

“Stay with me Kikyo join us in the search for Naraku."

(“Are you really going to replace me with her?”)

“Let us be together like you wished.”

(“I can’t listen to this anymore it hurts to much he does still love her was does it hurt so much to know the truth?”)

“After Naraku is defeated I will wish you back to life.”

“What of the girl Kagome?”

“I don’t care about her she can go back to her own time its you that I care about and its you that I want to be with no one else I won’t settle for any less or any better its you I need.”

“I love you Kikyo.”

“I told you that 50years ago and I will tell you that today I did not lie when I said I would become a human for you I meant it.”

But only for you.”


“I love you as well but my hatred for you never will be set to rest my soul still believes it is you who betrayed me.”
“I did not betray you how could of I when I love you.”


After realizing the man she confined all of her trust into was telling her the truth Kikyo jumped down from the branch and embraced InuYasha.

(“He does still love her.”)

Kagome began to cry even harder.

(“He loves her he doesn’t love me he doesn’t even care about it hurts so much I hate it I hate them both.”)

Kagome began to cry a little bit louder and she also began to shake causing the bus to move a little that she was hiding behind.”

InuYasha immediately noticed the bush shaking and got into a fighting stance.”

“Who is there we know your there come out.”

Kagome had no choice so she came out from behind the bush with tears still leaking from her eyes to face InuYasha.


“Kagome I….”

Before InuYasha could explain she took off running back towards the bone eaters well not caring anymore letting the tears pour from her eyes she picked up her pace still crying.

InuYasha was completely stunned to the spot he stood in.

(“How long was she there did she hear everything I said?”)

He asked himself while still in complete shock.


InuYasha was pulled from his state of shock by Kikyo’s voice.

“InuYasha I bid you farewell here we will meet again.”

“Kikyo wait”

“Its clear to me InuYasha you do have feelings for that girl so I leave you now.”

“Kikyo wait let me explain….”

Before he could finish what he was going to say Kikyo disappeared with her soul collectors into the night.

Without thinking about anything further InuYasha took off in the direction Kagome took off running from in search of Kagome he needed to talk to her explain himself to her.

“I hurt her”

“I need to talk to her.”

With that on his mind he took ran off in the direction her scent was coming from.

*****************With Kagome*****************

Kagome kept running not caring where she was going she just needed to get away far away from InuYasha and that bitch.

She kept running until she nearly tripped and came crashing into something extremely hard.


Kagome looked up to see what she ran into and there she saw…..

That’s it for now I hope you enjoy this story please review and let me know how you like it and ill add another chapter I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter please review until next time


Thanks for Reading!!!!!