InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ chatper 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hooray! I get to update. I have now my friendly friend, friend Phoenix Raven. She is now my partner in this story. This chapter is mainly her idea so give all the credit to her. Yay. If u think that this story is good read her other ones! She is extremely talented and if it wasn't for her I probably wouldn't have redid this story. I will also have KagomeReborn's help on this so… read her stories as well! As for chapter 9 just think of that as a preview. I now am glad to announce

Chapter 10!

Last time: Sesshomaru heard Kagome's breaths even out as she drifted into a deep sleep. Sighing Sesshomaru closed his eyes snuggling closer to the Miko knowing to well he would now have to truly kill his brother. `Inuyasha' a lone tear formed in the demon lord's eye…but never fell down.


Besides the feeling of Inuyasha betraying her, Kagome woke up feeling refreshed and quite warm. She felt a large object resting on her chest so she just assumed it was Shippou since it rain last night. She cracked her eyes open in amusement hoping to surprise the Kitsune since he probably would have just have wondered into her room.

Her eyes snapped open when she saw the source of the warmth that she had awoken to. She contemplated whether or not to wake the occupant of her bed.

`To think an arrogant, cold hearted taiyoukai such as Sesshomaru would actually stay and comfort an ex-human,' Kagome stared at the sleeping demon in question as she remembered the day before.

"Awake I see." Sesshomaru's velvety voice stated coolly tilting himself upwards resting his head on his palm turning towards woman beside him. "The same for you." Kagome shot back in a crisp manner. "Hmm…remember you asked me how to submit and I gave you the answer." Sesshomaru pointed out as he trace the mark of his bite along Kagome's shoulder with a clawed finger. "More like give me a hands on explanation." Kagome grumbled wiping the sleep from her eyes attempting to sit upwards.

"Are you always this stubborn?" "And you're the one to talk?" Kagome shot ignoring Sesshomaru's Redding eyes. Any attempt to that sitting up was washed away.

"Girl…do not try me. Why are you so bloody stubborn? Do you not realize I can kill you anytime I want?" Sesshomaru hissed pinning the young Miko/youkai under him with a clawed hand at her throat.

"Always a cut throat. You can't even try to get to know anyone before you kill them, can you?" The girl sheered with a disgusted look on her face. "You are worse than the humans you so hate. They kill innocent people, rape and control things that have every right to live freely. Answer me this, Oh Might Lord of the Western Lands, what on this forsaken dump makes you think you're better than the rest of its occupants. If you think it is because you are a youkai or rather a taiyoukai you're wrong."

"Don't talk to me as if I were some weakling wench…"Sesshomaru squeezed puncturing Kagome's flesh very lightly causing a little blood to flow.

"Oh yes Sesshomaru kill me. The where would you be? Are you so weak as to kill a woman? Remember `master' Inuyasha is the one you should kill not me." Kagome glared darkly at the taiyoukai as she hissed out the last of her sentence in sarcasm.

"Wench!" Sesshomaru roared then claimed the Miko's lips with his own receiving a sock filled gasp allowing him to deepen the kiss.

`Okay…so I do…love this annoying woman…'Sesshomaru admitted to himself. `I told you so.' The annoying voice of reason said in a singing voice. `Shut up…' Sesshomaru growled then teased Kagome's lips with chaste nips.

Moaning Kagome wrapped her arms around Sesshomaru's shoulders and tangled her fingers into his silken hair. By this time the lord's hands had moved from Kagome's throat to her cheek and were now gently running his thumb over her cheekbone.

`This is heaven or something close to it. I want more,' Kagome thought as she deeply kissed back. "I'm going to train you. That way you can watch over Rin while I hunt down Inuyasha." Sesshomaru stated placing his cold exterior back on as he pulled away from Kagome's warmth.

"But I want to go with you." Kagome sat up glaring at the taiyoukai. "Kagome…you are not to question me. You will start training tomorrow. I will kill my half-brother for what he has done. You will stay here and protect your kit and Rin. I will not say it's safer here but I will promise you that Inuyasha will not get away with the innocence he has killed." Sesshomaru stated firmly and coolly leaving no room for argument about that subject.

"But…what if you need help?" Kagome asked trying to prove that she should go with him.

"Your friends will accompany me and I'll make a bargain with them." "And what pray tell will you give them for their help?" "More land for crops?" `He's good…but not that good…' Kagome thought as she rolled her eyes. "Get dressed breakfast will be ready in an hour and a half. I'll come for you when it's ready." Sesshomaru strolled out the room. Kagome threw a pillow at the door. "Pompous son of a bitch." Kagome said laughing as she got up.

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*Somewhere in a dark castle*

"It seems my plan is working. She has no idea she has fallen in to my trap more that just that one. I'll get the jewel and I will get u for what you tried to do MIKO! I WILL BREAK YOU!" A deep familiar voice echoed throughout the room.