InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who ever said Cats and dogs don't get along? ❯ chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone I'm so sorry I haven't updated like I said I would. But I found out my sister is coming here and amber is having a wedding so yeah. I am so happy I haven't seen Kitsune in 1 year!!! So here is the Next chapter! Warning! LIME ACTION!

Answerers to reviewers Q's: yes Kagome's well was destroyed when Kagome killed Kikyou and Kagome's demon is like a kyawl or like a bobcat- panther…A kyawl is a cat like anime out of the book Vampire game. READ IT!!!!

Last time: That voice is so familiar.' Sesshomaru eyes widened slightly as they narrowed to slits with a deep read color. "Naraku" The man smirked as They both heard a loud distant scream… "It seems Inuyasha played his part huh Sesshomaru?" An evil laughter filled the air after Sesshomaru figured out what he meant. `Kagome!'

*At the castle*a few minutes before the scream*

Kagome awoke in her "room" to hear rustling around the house. (A/n: demon hearing remember?). `Grr…when I get my hands on Sesshomaru …I'll…I'll' Kagome inhaled as an attempt to calm her self down but quickly notice something had enter her room and smelt like pine and oak trees. Kagome gasped "Inuyasha." Kagome didn't get the chance to close her mouth before she found a body heavily on hers and, a tongue in her mouth which seems to just be exploring. Kagome muffled a scream when she felt his hands roam her body.

Sesshomaru was stiff. It felt like his body was on fire. `Why… she is only a stupid human. Why should I care? He is just a mockery to the family.' The word mockery ran throughout his head. `No! They will not shame this family's name!' Sesshomaru growled as he smirked. Naraku laughed as he heard Kagome scream out again.

"I guess the Miko can scream damn loud." Naraku said as he continued to laugh.

"I could care less." Sesshomaru stated monotonously as he loosened his body and slowly walked towards Naraku.

"I guess your wondering why I look like your brother taiyoukai…am I right?"

"No I know u gathered blood from my brother from your little "fights" and u made a clone so when your spirit left this body it would return to that one."

"Hmm…I guess you're not stupid after all."

"You will not call this Sesshomaru stupid half breed!" Sesshomaru drew the Tokijin and jumped toward Sesshomaru. "You will die."

Sesshomaru jumped and slashed the Sword at Naraku's head. Sesshomaru hit air. Suddenly Naraku pounced on Sesshomaru knocking him down and the blade out of his hands. Naraku and Sesshomaru kept switching places.

Chocking, Acid poisoning and, slashing. Sesshomaru was in much worse condition that Naraku but Naraku had more poison in him. Even with the poison it looked like Naraku would win. "Where are your offspring? I'm surprised they aren't trying to kill me yet." Sesshomaru dragged Naraku up and attempted to hit him but got the air knocked out of him by Naraku's knee. "They were killed off and the rest died with my body. Now for the final blow my ally." A loud blood curdling sound was heard and blood when everywhere.

Kagome was now only in her underwear. Her night gown and bra was on the floor in a heap of shreds. Tears where running down her body and they mixed with the blood from his claw marks and it as hurting her like hell. Jaken had come in as an attempt to save her but was thrown across the floor in an unconscious mess. It was a very good thing that Rin and Shippou were with Miroku and Sango visiting a far away village or else they would have gotten hurt. There were marks her across neck, arms, breast and abdomen. "Stop it!" Inuyasha slapped Kagome across the face. More blood spilled across her face were new claw marks her imbedded.

"Why…?" Kagome asked in a hoarse voice from all the screaming. "Why..? WHY? I'll tell u why. U killed her. You killed the one thing that I have loved since I can remember and you took that away. If I can't have her I will have u. But what even pisses me off more, is the fact your some whore for my brother."

Kagome was pissed. This was it. But Kagome had tried to purify Inuyasha in an attempt to get free but it didn't help and Kagome never got to train so she had no idea how to get out of this. `Think what Sesshomaru can do with his demon powers…hmm"

Kagome thought and thought. `Poison!"

Kagome stopped fighting Inuyasha and embrace him as she realized that all her clothes where off and so where too. Inuyasha pulled up to see Kagome staring at him with loving eyes. "Inuyasha please…I cry because I am in love with you. Make love to me" Kagome pleaded as she grabbed his member and started to caress it. (A/n: It's not what it seems.) "Kagome" Inuyasha moaned out.

Blood was everywhere. Sesshomaru looked up to find Naraku clutching the Katana that was in his stomach with his one had that was left. Sesshomaru looked around to see Naraku's arm along with Sango's giant boomerang but when he turned that other way he found Miroku, Sango, Shippou and `Rin' Sesshomaru looked at his ward she was glowing a brilliant white purple color. But before he could speak to then Naraku was up with the Katana out of his stomach and attempting to regenerate his arm but was getting no wear.

"What the fuck." Blood spilt out of his mouth as he talked. He looked in this stomach to see it glowing white and turned to Rin. "Damn Miko bitch!!!" That was the last word Naraku ever spoke. His heart was ripped out by Sesshomaru and that was the last think Naraku ever saw.

"I thought there was something funny when Rin came to my study room to tell my Kagome's necklace was talking to her." Sesshomaru stated as Rin ran to Sesshomaru and the others went to greet him. "So I was right about Rin being a Miko?"

"Yes Sesshomaru It is a good thing you waited to tell Kagome I'm sure she will be so happy!" Miroku said as he smiled at Sesshomaru but it turned to a frown when Sesshomaru turned pale. He had forgotten about her. `Hold on!" His eyes narrowed as turned and hit the pressure point in Rin's neck. "Hey! What you do to Rin?" Shippou said as she started to run towards Sesshomaru but Sango picked him up half way there and knocked him out. Both were unconscious. Sesshomaru put Rin in Sango's arms.

"Follow" Sesshomaru said as he ran towards his place.

"What?!" Miroku said as he and Sango mounted Kirara holding Shippou and Rin.

Kagome made Inuyasha believe that she wanted him. `Now for my plan!' Kagome pretended moaned. "Inuyasha…I need u …now" Inuyasha hovered above Kagome as she guided him to her opening. As soon as she got him to the opening she dug her claws in his member and released her black poison into his throbbing member. Inuyasha screamed out as Sesshomaru burst into the room.

Sesshomaru ripped off his outer haori and threw into onto Kagome covering her up as he ran and punched Inuyasha in the stomach. Inuyasha spit out blood. Kagome instantly felt stronger and realized her powers were back. She tied Sesshomaru's haori around her with a piece of the cover that was close to her and ran towards Inuyasha.

Suddenly Kagome glowed pinkish-purple and blasted her powers. The whole place around her was destroyed. Mikou and Sango got thrown out the room just as they entered.

Kagome's hair flew violently around her as she started to chant. Her make shift dress flew up around her and it came unloose as the power grew. Inuyasha stared. Sesshomaru when threw her shield shredding his inner haori as well as gaining many gashes. But Kagome was growing weak and he could tell. He went up behind her and held her body against his as she finished. A bright blue light flew from her body in the shape of a Neko demon. Inuyasha was thrown out the room and out of the perimeter. As soon as he was Kagome put up a Shield of purification around the whole Castle.

Sesshomaru Caught Kagome as she passed out. He noticed something that he should have smelt before. Kagome was unconscious from blood loss and was dying. There was a pool of blood all around them. The Shikon was lying on the ground and glowing a bright color of her powers. She had purified the jewel as well. Sesshomaru got the tenseiga off the ground and place Kagome there. `I seem the demons' Sesshomaru could see the demons coming to get Kagome. He slashed Kagome….and waited…..