InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Killed My Twin ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Who Killed My Twin

Chapter Six

By Kagome_13

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha

Here is chapter six, and I am so sorry for the long wait.

Inuyasha and Kagome got into the car, and drove to Santa Teresa hospital, to see the boy. When the got to his room there was two ser guards standing in front of the little boy’s room. Inuyasha and Kagome walked up to the two men and showed them their badges.

“I’m detectives Inuyasha Fremont and this is my partner Kagome Higurashi, we have came to see Shippo Kistune.’’ command Inuyasha

The two men nodded their heads and allow Kagome and Inuyasha to walk into the room. The young fox demon had moved to this new room. Once he saw them, the little boy lit up.

“Hi little guy, my name is Kagome and this is my partner Inuyasha.’’ said Kagome as she gesture toward Inuyasha. Inuyasha nodded to the boy.

“We came here to asked you if you remember anything about you attacker who killed your parents?’’

“I know.’’ said Shippo

“Well, can you tell us? What they look like?’’ asked Kagome as she told out a pen and paper.

“Well, I remember that he was a big man.’’ start the seven year old.


“And he had a funny accent.’’

“Mmm’’ said Kagome as she scribbled the information down. The little boy continues to think, but he could not come up with a more information for them.

“I am sorry, I can’t remember anything else.’’ stated the little boy as he looked at his hands and start to cry.

“Oh, don’t cry.’’ said Kagome to the little boy “It will be alright.’’ She gave the little boy a hug.

“Are you sure? What happens if the bad man comes after me again.’’ asked Shippo

“Don’t worry, runt. We will protect you.’’ said Inuyasha as he stared at Kagome and Shippo.

“Yea, don’t you worry about It.’’ said Kagome as she tucked him in his bed. Inuyasha and Kagome were about to step outside his room. When Shippo asked them a question,

“Where are you going?’’

Both Inuyasha and Kagome stopped and looked at the little boy.

“We going home now.’’ said Kagome

“But…’’ said the little boy

“Don’t you worry? We come back tomorrow.’’ said Inuyasha

Shippo looked at both of them. Thinking about weather to believe them or not.


“Good, see you tomorrow.’’ said Kagome waving to him

Kagome and Inuyasha left the hospital. They head toward Inuyasha’s car

“Poor boy.’’ said Kagome as she stepped into his car.

“What do you mean ‘Poor boy’?’’ asked Inuyasha

“He has no parents.’’ said Kagome

“He has an aunt that lives down here.’’ said Inuyasha as he start his car.

“He does?’’

“Yea, I check it out last night. I want to make sure that the kid had somewhere to go.’’ said Inuyasha as he made a turn


“Yeah and you thought that I would not care.’’ said Inuyasha

“Well yea.’’


Inuyash a stopped in front of Kagome’s house. He parked his car and walked Kagome to her door.

“You did not have to walk me to my front door.’’ said Kagome as she looked for her house key.

“I know, but I want to.’’ said Inuyasha

“Ah-ah, found you. Your little bugger.’’ cried out Kagome in joy as she found her key

“You weird.’’ said Inuyasha as he gave her a weird look

“Do you want to come in?’’ asked Kagome as she open her door.

“No thanks, I just want to make sure that you didn’t forget you house key again.’’ teased Inuyasha

“Hey, it not my fault that Miroku took my keys, and that was for my Car.’’ said Kagome in fury

“Yeah, I know. I just like teasing you.’’ said Inuyasha as he start to walk toward his car.

“Hey Inuyasha.’’


“ I had a really fun night.’’ said Kagome as she kissed him on his check.

“Bye Kagome.’’ said Inuyasha as he left Kagome. His checks were a little pink from his blushing.

“Bye.’’ said Kagome as she shut her door

Inuyasha start his car and drove to his house. Kagome walked into her house, putting her keys on the desk.

“Miroku, I home.’’ she yelled as she looked around her house. She noticed that his keys were not in it place.

‘I guess his not home yet.’’ thought Kagome as she walked to her room

She got ready to go to bed. Once her head hit the pillow she was out. Her dreams were of happy thought and of Inuyasha

End Of Chapter

So what do you think? I know that I have not written for this story for like months, but I am lazy and school is getting hard. We just had finals, and I don’t if I did well on my biology and Algebra. So wish me luck that I do. Read and Review please.
