InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Knew? ❯ I should have stayed home ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The day started like any other.Sesshomaru prepared to go to work at 6:30 in the morning like he normally did.awoke, went through his morning ablutions, dressed, went downstairs to the kitchen where the help had prepared a light meal and a cup of tea to get him through the morning until lunch, and left the manor in his car as usual.
The tension started mounting as soon as he arrived at the office.telltale signs of his heat were beginning to show but being the controlled Daiyoukai that he was, he went about his day as usual.
But it was not to be.traffic was backed up due to a collision on the highway making him almost 30 minutes late.though he owned and ran the company, he prided himself upon punctuality.Then, finally arriving to find that the idiots in planning had made a half a million-dollar mistake that he had to approve the reparations of causing the job he had bid on to go over-budget almost 25%.Then there was the meeting with human resources and his attorney’s dealing with a claim of sexual harassment against him by a female he had never met before.The mounting pressures of his company along with the heat in his loins that only his mate could assuage were getting too much to handle this season.
Instead of spending his lunch at the very exclusive country club at the dojo he had funded and built for his personal use for days like this, he decided that it was time to seclude himself with his mate.
It was also time to pup her.
They had spent the last 500 years together getting to know one another before bringing a pup into the went against the inu’s nature to wait so long, he understood the reasoning behind his mate’s wish.
Sesshomaru and Kagome had mated after the destruction of Naraku and the final wish upon the Shikon-no-Tama.The wish had basically reversed much of the damage made by the evil hanyou and any destruction and life lost due to the influence of the shards.meant Kikyo was alive and back in Inuyasha’s life.
Kagome, having loved the puppy-eared hanyou as nothing more than a friend, was happy for Inuyasha when he and Kikyo had finally mated and settled down in Edo.Miroku and Sango had married and had taken Kohaku and Shippo to rebuild the Demon Slayer’s Village. After all was said and done it had left Kagome available to the Western Lord’s attentions.
He courted her for months and she resisted, unsure of his real reasons for wanting to take her as mate.was human and a powerful Miko and his constant verbal attacks against her humanity and Inuyasha’s weakness for being a hanyou were forefront in her mind.
It had taken Sesshomaru months to finally convince her that he loved her.not in so many words but definitely in actions and she had finally given in.
To make sure that there were no issues with the heir to the Western Land being hanyou and causing problems with the surrounding Lords and the Demon Court, they decided to hold off having a pup.Sesshomaru was still young, the youngest out of all four of the Cardinal Lords, but he was strong and had to continually fight to show his strength and to hold onto his lands.Sesshomaru and Kagome decided to wait and see if the social climate changed.
When hanyou were becoming more prevalent to the lands and humanity was procreating at the speed of rabbits, the subject of pupping the Lady of the West came up again. Hanyou were longer seen as weak and Sesshomaru finally had seen his half-brother for who he was: a strong member of his pack.
But Kagome put the brakes on having children thoughts were to wait until the time that the well had closed (when the Shikon had been wished upon) and to see her family in the future.that had come to pass, and then she would agree to being pupped.
Sesshomaru reluctantly agreed, especially since Inuyasha and Kikyo had their own 5 children by this time.would tease his half-brother mercilessly asking if he even knew how.It was days like that the hanyou would be reminded who was the Alpha in the pack.
Deciding to quit for the day, Sesshomaru made a phone call to his lovely wife and mate.had waited this long and had fulfilled all of Kagome’s wishes, having met with her mother, grandfather and brother not the month prior, so there was nothing, NOTHING stopping his beast from pupping his bitch.
Listening for Kagome to answer the phone he growled out, ÒYou will be ready mate.Your time is up, no more waiting.ÓAnd then hung up the phone.
Sesshomaru grabbed his jacket and keys and made sure his wallet was in his coat he left his office and barked out to his assistant on the way out, ÒI will be unavailable for the next two weeks.Re-schedule all appointments or cancel them, but do not bother me until my return.ÓAnd then he was gone in a flash.
The hanyou secretary knew what that meant and proceeded to make the appropriate arrangements.
Kagome put down the phone on the cradle and knew what was coming.knew that she would not be leaving their home unless she was pupped.moved needing to immediately make the necessary arrangements before he arrived.
ÒJaken!Jaken, where are you!Ó Kagome yelled throughout the huge home, searching for the little green kappa.
The little imp waddled from one of the many rooms of the house having just given orders to the maids to clean and change the bedding of the Lord’s room.
ÒYes my Lady?Ó he squawked, his false bravado given away by the slight shaking of his little limbs.was no one to mess with just like his Lord.
ÒIt’s time.just called and he’ll be here soon, so you need to get everyone to clear out, now!Ó she told him in no uncertain terms, her nervous arousal beginning to build.
Knowing exactly what the matter was from the scent coming off of his Lady, Jaken ran to the center of the home where a button was hidden away for this particular emergency and pushed it.At that moment a series of chimes, made as to not hurt demon hearing, rang throughout the house and grounds.
ÒMy Lady, the bedding in your room is the only thing that has not been finished,Ó Jaken reluctantly told her.
ÒDon’t worry about it, Jaken.’ll take care of it before Sesshomaru gets here,Ó she told him.ÒNow get out!Ó she shooed him out of the house.
The household staff knew to get out and quick.was aware that Sesshomaru had been holding off to pup his mate for over five centuries and going against his nature.No one wanted to be nearby when he finally took her.
After checking to make sure the house had been emptied, Kagome took to the stairs and made her way to her and Sesshomaru’s room.There on the bed lay the sheets that were going to be switched out.
Deciding that she might as well do something to try to calm her nerves she gathered her iPod and headphones and put on some dance music to take her mind off of things.everything secured and the song chosen she began the chore of making the bed.
Their bed was a low platform the ground like a futon but with the comfort of a western-style mattress.pulled off the blankets and then the sheets and pillowcases putting them off to the side for washing later.then began the task of putting the new fitted silk sheet on the mattress.Finding it easiest to sit on her hands and knees at the head of the king-sized bed and tuck the fitted ends to each corner, she continued with her task as she moved her body to the music.
That was how Sesshomaru found his mate.
Mesmerized by the female’s movements, Sesshomaru quickly and quietly disrobed as he watched his female continued to move her hips side to side as she was on her hands and knees.
Kagome was oblivious to everything around her since she was so focused on the music and her mission to finish making the bed.Not completely happy with her results due to the stupid wrinkle of bedding in the middle, she got on her hands and knees and crawled to the object of her frustration.Before she had a chance to fix said imperfection, a heaviness fell upon her and she found herself surrounded by heat and the vibration of a very aroused, almost feral Sesshomaru.
He attacked like the warrior he was with no mercy.
Days later found a fully sated and calmer Daiyoukai along with an equally serene but fully pupped Miko.
AN:really, don’t take this seriously.was making the bed, and go figure this came to mind.leave you all to fill in the obvious blanks, you hentai!really, just have fun with it.did!
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