InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who needs high school? ❯ Meet kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not, will not, and have never owned Inuyasha and co.

"Good morning Tokyo! Its 6:30 on this wonderful Monday morning" Kagome grabbed the alarm clock and threw it against the wall. "Die clock die" she muttered as she lay back down.

"Kagome, get up! You're going to be late for school!" Kagome rolled over and taught the pillow some very colorful language. She stretched and fell of the bed.

"Damn you mornings" She grumbled as she turned on her radio. She hopped in the shower and sang along to the song playing. She jumped out, put a towel around her head and put on her robe. She went over to her closet.

"What to wear, what to wear" she decided on a tight black happy bunny wife beater that said 'I'm not crazy I just have issues', a pair of black baggy jeans that hung low on her hips with 10 pockets,3 chains and 2 bondage straps, and her black combat boots that went up to her knees. She threw her 3 color hair into a high ponytail. Her hair went down to the back of her knees and had electric blue highlights in it. Her bangs were bright red and went down to her chin.

She sat down at her desk and did her makeup. She put on some black eyeliner and grey eye shadow. She put on a little bit of light brown lip gloss, grabbed her black leather flasher trench coat and headed down stairs.

She kissed her mom and grabbed a cereal bar and her Discman. She blasted Linkin Park as she headed to the garage. She mounted her red and black Suzuki, revved it up and blew out of the garage and toward the school. "Just another day in hell."
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