InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ As the World Falls Down ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Sorry to disappoint everybody, but there are no evil butterfly youkai in this chapter. First, we must meet the most evil character of all time…the one who controls these evil creatures that will eventually destroy the world………………………… ………….

What? Did you expect me to tell you now? Hmph, what do I look like? What was that? I didn't quite hear you…………………………&# 8230;……………………..

That's what I thought. = P

By the way…no, the ultimate evil is not Naraku, but it will be somebody else from the show/manga. No, probably not Shippou either…I've already got him being all evil in my other fic. JUST READ IT ALREADY!!! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING THIS?!?!?! GEEZ!!!

Oh yeah…please read and review! LOVE AND PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: MOMO DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter II: As the World Falls Down

"Kagome…are you okay?" Miroku asked the girl in the hot spring before him. He noticed the girl nod slightly, and he smirked. "That water is not helping, you know," he said calmly, waiting for her reaction. The girl blushed, and his smirk widened. "Tsk tsk…what would Inuyasha think? His precious shard detector is sitting out here…all alone, and totally off guard…" Miroku thought aloud.

That's it! She could call for Inuyasha!!! Then he would murder this perverted monk!!!

But that wouldn't work…damnit. Why did she always have these weak spots for these men? She sighed.

First Inuyasha, then Kouga…and well, Sesshoumaru doesn't count…because he's so cold…and…and…it's not like he'd ever even talked to her like she was a civil human being…besides, who couldn't resist him?! He is gorgeous!

'Focus, girl!' Kagome scolded. "Miroku-sama…please," Kagome said, finally bringing her whole head above the water. Miroku cocked an eyebrow, and tilted his head to the side, and looked so much like one of those adorable puppy dogs, that nobody could ever resist!

But of course Inuyasha did that so much better…with his cute little doggy ears…and…'gah! FOCUS!' she scolded again.

'Wait…that nobody could ever resist? What does he want?' she pondered.

"Please what?" Miroku asked, his expression absolutely adorable.

"Um…" Kagome could no longer find the words. 'Should this seem familiar? I don't think I've ever done this before…' before she could finish the thought, the damn perverted monk pulled her out of the water, and had her pulled tightly against his body.

'WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING?!' Kagome screamed mentally. She almost voiced her thoughts, until she saw he was looking in a different direction. After a swift movement from the man, she found herself wrapped in his robes. 'Wow…he's talented…' Kagome thought absently.

"Miroku?" she whispered, watching him carefully.

"Quiet Kagome-sama," Miroku instructed. "I sense an evil presence nearby," he muttered, holding her closer.

'Should I be enjoying this so much?' Kagome pondered. Kagome's thoughts stopped when she saw a fluffy white bunny hop along the trail.

"Is that the 'evil presence', Miroku-sama?" she asked, trying to contain her laughter. Miroku nodded slightly, and she lost it. "Y-y-you mean to t-t-tell me that you pulled me out of the w-w-water because of a wittle bunny wabbit?" Kagome asked through giggles. Miroku glared at the girl…but his eyes softened when he remembered…well, he had her in his robes…and she was naked.

'Now this doesn't happen every day…' he thought, a smirk on his face.

"Um…Miroku, the bunny is gone…you can let me go now," Kagome whispered, blushing profusely at the look the houshi was giving her.

"Maybe I don't want too," he replied, a serious expression on his face.

Too bad the hero and heroine of the story did not notice the person…er…youkai in the bushes, watching the whole thing.

"Yes, my precious Akio…soon, very soon, I will show them!!! I WILL GET MY REVENGE!!! They will feel what it is like to constantly be squashed!" the mysterious youkai said while stroking his pet white rabbit. The rabbit started its way to the rabbit hole, and a resounding 'Gamyon' could be heard if one were to listen close enough.