InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Rock You Like a Hurricane ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Hehehehe, I had fun with this chapter >=)! Anywho...sorry I haven't posted in so long! And I left the last chapter with a semi cliffhanger! *Sigh* shame on me! *Hits self repeatedly* Anywho! I have been asked if they know what 'allergies' are in the feudal era...and well...that one bunny knows. Don't ask me how...but she does! So I'm sure that kinda answered the other question! You should stop reading this and go on with the story now, geez! ^_^


Chapter VI: Rock You Like a Hurricane

"Kagome?" Inuyasha questioned, looking towards the direction of the shriek.

"Sure sounded like her," Sango said with a thoughtful look.

"Maybe we should go see what that was all about?" Inuyasha suggested.

"Nah, I'd rather finish playing this game," Sango replied. Inuyasha looked down at the card game that they were still going at...after three hours.

"Aren't you tired of War yet?" Inuyasha moaned.

"Nope, I won't be tired until I kick your ass!" Sango said happily.

"Man...I wish Kagome and Miroku were here...then we could play Dai Hin Min," Inuyasha whined.

"I could play with you guys!" Shippou said happily.

"But we still need one more player," Sango explained. "Plus, we have to finish this game," Sango said, glaring at the hanyou.

'Damn you Kagome, for teaching us how to play cards,' Inuyasha thought with an exasperated sigh.


"MIROKU!!!" Kagome screeched, dancing around like a lunatic.

"Well, if you'd hold still!" Miroku replied, trying hard not to laugh at the girl.

"JUST GET IT OFF!" Kagome screamed at him.

"Then just hold still!" Miroku told her.

"What the heck is this anyways?!" Kagome asked him, after she stopped dancing around. "It sort of looks like..." Kagome stopped mid-sentence, and her eyes widened. "EW! Get it off!!!" she screamed, renewing her frenzied dancing.

"Kagome!" Miroku shouted, failing at keeping his laughter in check.

"Miiiiiiroku!" Kagome whined, not wanting to stop.

"Please Kagome, just hold still, so I can get it off of you," Miroku begged.

"Uh-uh! I'm not letting you touch it!" Kagome told him.

"Then what do you propose?" Miroku demanded.

"Just get a stick or something! Knock it off!" Kagome told him.

"Well, I suppose I could do that..." Miroku said. He went and picked up the nearest stick, which happened to look slightly like a deformed walking stick.

"ACK!!! You damn humans!" the creature clinging onto Kagome cried out.

"Then get off of her by your own free will!" Miroku demanded.

"But I was ordered to--"

"Nobody cares!" Kagome yelled at the ugly creature.

"Let go of her, toad!" Miroku demanded.

"NEVER! You filthy humans!!! You will all be destroyed!" the toad laughed evilly.

"Damnit! I will use your Staff of Heads on you!" Miroku threatened.

The toad paled slightly, though it would be awfully hard to tell. His normal chartreuse skin turned into a much lighter green color. "Okay! I'll let go of her," the toad said, letting go of Kagome.

"Give me that!" Kagome demanded, and snatched the staff away from Miroku. She then turned towards the toad, and started to pummel him with his own staff. "Stupid Jakken!" she yelled at him, whilst jumping on him, much like she did one of the first times she met him.

"Gwak! I'm sorry!" Jakken cried out in pain.

"Kagome," Miroku said, walking up to the girl, and putting an arm around her shoulders. "Just give him back his staff, and let him go," Miroku told her calmly.

"Ooooookay," Kagome said, pouting slightly. Jakken snatched his staff away, and scurried away as fast as his little toad legs would allow him.


"My liege!" Jakken cried out, out of breath.

"What is it Jakken?" the youkai responded.

"I have done as you asked...there are small pieces of carrots all over the annoying human wench's clothes," Jakken stated with a bow.

"Wow...did Jakken actually do something right?" the other two occupants of the room asked at the same time.

"Of course I did!" Jakken defended. "I always did what I was told to do, and I did it in the most precise manner!"

"Then why do you constantly get stepped on?" the female asked.

"!" Jakken finished, and rushed out of the room.

"Ah, this is wonderful," the first male stated happily. "The first phase of my plan went smoothly," he grinned.

"Now what?" the woman asked.

"Hiroko will take Akio, and they will find recruitments for the Imperial Bunny Army!" he stated happily.

"And then?" the other man asked.

"Then, the Army will attack the houshi and miko!"

"And then?" the woman asked this time.

"Then...we will send them after the hanyou and youkai exterminator!"

"And then?" the male asked again.

"Um...they will...GO AFTER NARAKU AND SESSHOUMARU!" the smaller youkai replied with an evil laugh.

"And then?" the woman this time.

"Um...we THE WORLD!"

"And then?" I'm guessing you get the pattern?

"Um...well...there's not a whole lot left to do after taking over the world..." the leader said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"So that's it? That's your great plan?" the woman asked.

"Yes?" the leader asked in a small voice.

"And you couldn't have gotten something more ferocious to use...besides bunnies and butterfly youkai?" the other male demanded.

"But...bunnies and butterfly youkai are scary..." the leader replied, his voice shrinking.

"Maybe to you because they're bigger than you," the woman hissed.


"But that doesn't mean that that insolent pup won't be able to destroy them all!" the other man growled out.

"But the Imperial Bunny Army in undefeatable..." the leader pouted.

"What? Nonsense! You don't even have this so called army put together yet! You have a whole two rabbits!" the woman exclaimed in exasperation.

"But Hiroko and Akio will train them!" the leader defended.

"Train them?" the other man asked skeptically.

"Ah, my put too little faith in me!" the leader declared, and laughed evilly again. The other two just stared at him for a moment, then shook their heads.

"You up for some lunch?" the woman asked.

"If you're cooking!" the other man replied happily.


"Ah, finally! We're here," Miroku declared happily.

"Why are you so happy to see this drunkard?" Kagome asked him skeptically.

"Oh...I'm not. I'm just tired of walking," Miroku explained.

"Oh! I understand," Kagome replied with a smile.

"Mushin? Ya there?" Miroku asked.

"Yes, yes," the old man replied, walking out onto the porch. "Ah! Meeroku-puu!" the man exclaimed happily.


"I sthee you bought that buitiful young gurl wif ya!" Mushin said happily.

"What much have you had to drink today, Mushin?" Miroku asked him, eyeing him wearily.

"Only fife boddlesth of sthakey!" the old man slurred.

"Five too many, if you ask me..." Kagome muttered, causing Miroku to grin down at her.

"Well...I suppose we should stay here until he sobers up," Miroku declared.

"Yeah, I guess so," Kagome sighed.


"What? You mean to say that Miroku and Kagome went to see Mushin? Why?!" Inuyasha snarled.

"Well...he wanted to talk to Miroku-dono..." Hachiemon explained, backing away from the angry hanyou.

"Couldn't they have come told us before they up and leave?!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Inuyasha...that's probably why Hachiemon is here..." Sango told her friend.

"Oh..." was the only answer she received. "Fine then. We'll wait until they return," Inuyasha sighed dejectedly.

"Good!" Sango exclaimed happily.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Translation for Mushin's drunk talk:

--"Meeroku-puu = pretty self explanatory... "Miroku-poo!"

--"I sthee you bought that buitiful young gurl wif ya!" = "I see you brought that beautiful young girl with you!"

--"Only fife boddlesth of sthakey!" = "Only five bottles of sake!"