InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Doomsday ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: YAYNESS! I'm happy! People have guessed who the bad guys are (although they're not completely right...nobody guessed the second guy right...which is too bad, cuz he's my favorite! =D) And...umm...I don't remember what I was gonna say...ah well! Doesn't matter. Oh...I realized that like...Jakotsu doesn't come in until waaaaay later in the series...(so anybody who watches this on Adult're screwed! JUST KIDDING) I'll give a brief description...since I've decided he will be one of my main characters...=D

Jakotsu is the pretty boy fighter of the Shichinin-tai (Seven Man Army) who has a fetish with Inuyasha...and he likes to kill "pretty/cute" men. Oh! Does anybody know the name (if there is one...) of his sword by any chance? Please do tell if you know! =D

Okay...that's pretty much all ya need to know about him, I think.

Oh yeah! I have decided that I am waaaaay better at comedy fics and such...cuz I just hate being all serious...I dunno, I just don't write that way very well. Anywho, I'm probably not gonna work on 'Trials of the Heart' anymore...whatsoever. Unless I get lots of people saying that they really want me to continue that one...and if I do, it won't be much of an angst. Also...'Emotions' is gonna be pretty much way less serious from now on too (not that it ever really was...)'ll update that one soon-ish, I hope! Okey! ON WITH THE STORY!

Disclaimer: Ah I own would ooooooooooooobviously be so screwed up if I did! *Sigh*

Chapter VIII: Doomsday

"Kikyou?" an uncertain voice asked, causing the sleeping miko to jump slightly. 'Damn, how the hell did he get under me without me noticing?' she wondered.

"Inuyasha..." was all that she said in reply.

"Naraku!" Sango seethed, preparing to launch her Hiraikotsu at the youkai/hanyou.

"Wait! No killing! It's in the rules!" Kikyou commanded. When Sango turned to glare at her, Kikyou sent her the coldest look she could muster (which isn't too hard for her...). Sango immediately backed down, and decided to glare at the grass instead. The sounds of battle could be heard, but nobody was paying any attention to it...Kagome was holding and cuddling Shippou, Inuyasha was just staring at Kikyou, Kirara was trying to cheer up Sango, who was still glaring at the grass.

"Kikyou? What...what's going on?" he asked hesitantly, expecting an 'I'm going to drag you to hell' speech again.

"Well, it seems that Naraku is having rabbit problem...and got me to help him. I figured that if these rabbits are indeed he says, then I'm sure that we'll need help...and what luck! We ran into Kagome and Miroku!" Kikyou said, almost happily.

"You know their names?!" Inuyasha asked.

"Um...I'm not stupid, you know..." Kikyou said, rolling her eyes slightly. 'Maybe its just the fact that dogs are stupid?' she pondered.


"Maybe we should get them to stop fighting then?" Kagome asked softly. Kikyou shook her head.

"It's no use...and I'm not going to risk my butt to try and stop them," she said, glaring at the battling duo.


"Myouga-sama!" Jakken cried out, then immediately clamped his hands over his mouth.

"HOW DARE YOU USE MY NAME!" the leader of the group screamed at the little toad youkai (although, he's much bigger than Myouga...). Jakken looked down in shame, knowing he will be punished for his blunder. ' the readers know who I am!' Myouga thought bitterly. He continued to glare at Jakken.

"Are you going to just sit there and glare at him...or actually punish him?" the old woman asked.

"Ah, shut up, Kaede!" Myouga snapped.

"Hey! Just because you were found out, doesn't mean that you have to give us away too," the second man said, almost in a snapping tone.

"He's got a point," Kaede agreed.

"I don't care!" Myouga shouted. He turned back to Jakken, then an evil smile crossed his tiny features. "I know what I'll do with you now..."

"M...Myouga-sama!" Jakken stuttered, backing away from the scary flea youkai.


Jakotsu sighed, then glared at his traveling companion, who had been complaining nonstop since they left the hideout. "Why did I get stuck with you? I didn't do anything wrong," Jakotsu said bitterly. He looked down at the annoying youkai, then rested his hand on his (really awesome, mind you) sword. He sighed wistfully, knowing he couldn't use his weapon on the stupid toad, because Myouga would yell at him...and even though when Myouga got angry, it was a hilarious sight, his voice would really start to cause a major headache. Jakotsu thought back to the last time he had gotten Myouga extremely angry, a grin appearing on his face.


"Damnit! Why didn't you get me more rabbits?!" Myouga demanded.

"Sorry...I couldn't find any," Jakotsu said, bowing slightly. Myouga looked rather pissed, and Jakotsu noticed a very small vein popping out of his forehead. 'I wonder if he gets mad enough, if that would burst...' Jakotsu pondered.

"You know what...we need togetherness! And because of you...we cannot achieve it!" Myouga screamed, his voice squeaking on and off...sounding much like he had just hit puberty. Jakotsu didn't say anything, and Myouga seemed to get even more angry. He started flapping his arms in the air, and stomping on the ground, like he was having a temper tantrum. "You're bringing us down!!!" Myouga shouted.

He was trying very hard not to laugh...he really was...but seeing the small flea youkai throw a tempter was too much for the zombie. He was holding back so hard that tears were forming in his eyes.

"It's NOT funny!" Myouga screamed. "I'll punish you for this...I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!" he screamed, then stormed off.

~*~End Flashback~*~

"This is all your fault!" the little toad screamed, bringing Jakotsu out of his musings.

"What? Why is it my fault?" Jakotsu asked, slightly confused, but not really caring.

"Because! You were supposed to find Inuyasha...and now we're lost! I thought you had like Inuyasha-dar or something!" Jakken whined.

Jakotsu decided to ignore the annoying toad next to him. Instead, he found his fingernails...or what was underneath them to be more interesting.

"You bastard! You aren't even listening to me!" Jakken cried out. Jakotsu continued to ignore Jakken, irritating the toad even more.

"What are you bitching about now, Jakken?" an eerily familiar voice asked. Jakotsu turned excited eyes towards the old youkai, and grinned.

"What brings you out here, Toutousai-sama?" Jakotsu questioned, patting the cow youkai's head, in which Toutousai was riding on.

"Mooooooooooo!" Momo (I think that's its name...cuz ya know...MOMO DROP!) said happily.

"It seems that Myouga hasn't gotten mad at me, because I was back talking too much..." Toutousai explained. "Although, I think that Kaede back talks more than I do," he added with a pout.

"It's okay...I think you're the smartest of the three anyways," Jakotsu gushed.

"Stop kissing his ass, it's not going to help you!" Jakken squawked.

"I'm not kissing his ass, just stating the simple truth. At least he wouldn't use bunny rabbits and butterflies to attack Inuyasha!" Jakotsu defended.

"I suppose you're right," Jakken said thoughtfully.

"I still don't understand the point of what we're doing right now though..." Toutousai said, gazing towards the sky.

"We pretty much have to stalk Inuyasha...which I'm already very good at, mind you...and I don't see why we need three people to do this...well...two youkai and a zombie...whatever! I could do this by myself...and be less obvious than having to have him follow me and whine constantly," Jakotsu grumbled, pointing over his shoulder at Jakken.

"But you see...if we just sent one person, it would be too easy...just like sending big, scary, evil youkai after Inuyasha is too easy," Toutousai explained calmly. Jakotsu sighed, then looked to his left gleefully.

"I'd know that yell anywhere!" Jakotsu said happily, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.

"Lets go already," Jakken mumbled, not liking all the insults that seemed to be directed at him.


Kikyou sighed for the umpteenth time that hour, and pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly. "Are you quite finished?" she asked the quarreling party. The eight of them (including Shippou and Kirara) had finally agreed on teaming up...after her threatening Naraku and Inuyasha a lot, and trying to convince the girls and Miroku that she wasn't indeed an evil bitch that they all believed she was, and exactly why she wanted to drag Inuyasha to hell. The only ones that seemed to understand and actually agree with her were the two full youkai. Shippou seemed to take an instant liking to her once he realized that she wouldn't threaten his 'family', and Kirara seemed intent on annoying the crap out of Naraku.

"I still say we don't need their help," Naraku huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, and pouting, much like a little kid would do when not getting their way.

"Because they are strong, and our enemy seems to be least according to you. If these...bunnies...are as threatening as you say...well, we'll have to get all the help we can," Kikyou explained...again.

Kagome looked at Kikyou, and realized that she understood exactly what the older woman was going through...she had to do that everyday with Inuyasha! Kagome sighed again, then looked over to the houshi. He seemed lost in his thoughts, and rather angered by the fact that he had to travel with Naraku. Kikyou had tried to get Naraku to agree to letting Kohaku go free, and getting rid of the Kazana curse, just so they could all try and work together, but he blatantly refused. Instead, he said that after all was said and done, he'd do one of the requests as Kikyou requested, if they won. It was also up to him which he would do. Kagome thought about it, and wondered which he would pick. She realized that it would have been easier for him to just do both things, then Miroku and Sango wouldn't want bad. They would still hunt him of course...but he wouldn't die such a slow, painful, tortured, and excruciating death then! It would most likely even be a quick death with only a little pain! Must be the fact that he's a man...that's why he had to do it the hard way.

Kagome was brought out of her musings by a bright, cheerful, and almost feminine voice.

"Inuyasha! It's been too long!" Jakotsu cried out.

"So much for the 'secret stalker approach'," Toutousai muttered, shaking his head in denial. "At least he'll be happy for awhile."