InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Your Daddy ❯ can you help me? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*Please dont stop the music.*

She rolled her body her hips swaying from side to side

* I wanna take you away lets escape into the music DJ let it play*

She tossed her head back as she climbed back up the pole

Cat calls coming at her from left and right...

,,Another day at the office she sarcastically joked in her mind.

She walked down the cat walk walking past her best friend her long butt length
hair was curled and bouncing as she finished her choreographed dance.

She stopped at the front of the cat walk eyeing many tents from these pigs that
come to strip joints

But these pigs were what paid the rent and for the food she got a chance to eat.

She dropped and spread her legs

She winked at some random man

She took off her top and played with it...teasing the men just drooling and
gawking at her to see more of her sinful body

Her body was perfect except for one thing....a scar

The scar that would stain her body forever...

The scar that reminded her she was the cause of her familys death...

She finished her dance as twenties, tens and ones were thrown at her.

The back room of the strip club....

She wiped off the heavy make up

Sango had left for the night...she had to take care of her little brother


Something she had wanted since she was 15 ...

7 years after their death.
She walked out of the strip joint with her hair hidden in a cap baggie t-shirt and
low-rise jeans.

The bus...

The only mode of transportation she could afford...

"Another day in the lab of luxury..." she muffled sarcastically.

"Pardon me?" a small boy with bright red hair asked.

kagome took off her cap and smiled.


"I-I Im lost..." the little boy started crying... "Can you please help me?" he asked
tears floring from his bright green eyes.

kagome picked up the little boy and placed him on her lap...

"Shh...its ok...where are your parents hun?" she asked as she wipped the tears
from his face.

"Theyre in heaven." he said looking out the window...

,,poor kid I know where youre coming from. she frowned and sighed.

"Do you have any family?" she asked hopeing not to rehash any open wounds
from the kid in her arms.

he nodded as another tear fell from his eye.

"My Uncle...Inutasha... hes not really my uncle but hes says he loves Me." the little
boy smiled.

"Where is he?" she asked understanding that Inu....whatever was probably a
family friend.

"He and I live on Maple dr. 1345 apt #4 in the landings..." he said out loud and
happy that he remembered.

Kagome giggled at the boastfulness of the little child.

"Ok do you know what Im gonna do?" she said looking at her watch...12:28 am!
This poor kid.

"What?" he asked sleepily.

"Im gonna take you home, feed you, let you sleep and then Ill help you find your
uncle. Do you know any phone number I can call him on?" she asked as the buss
stopped and she took the little boy as well as her belongs off and waved goodbye

to the bus driver.

"Thanks see ya tomorrow night." she waved.

"You take care of that child now! Ya hear me? I dont wanna go home turn on ma

TV and see sumtin about a small boy being feed to death ms. kagome."

"You got it Totosia night."

"Good night."

Kagome walked over to the pay phone inserted two quarters and asked the little
boy from the phone number.

"Oh silly me whats your name Hun?"
"Shippo" he said resting against her leg.

Meanwhile at the takahshi estate....

"Sess, I worried he isnt answering the pager I gave him and I havent heard from
him and its... ITS 12:34!!!!!!!!!"

"Well you shouldnt have taken him to that strip joint!"

"I told you before I was looking for new talent and I told you also asshole that I
found the girl I was looking for but she left along with a long haired brunette." he

"And now you realize shit head that a strip club is no place for a child!!!!!"
Sesshomaru screamed at his idiot half brother.

"I cant sniff him out either because its my....night....." He said softly.

"You pathetic half-breed I still dont understand why Kareem left his baby with

Click....dial tone....

"As swipe...."

*ring ring*

"WHAT!" he screamed into the receiver.

"WHAT "someone screamed into the receiver.

,,whoa...maybe I dialed wrong...."

"Uh is inutasha there?" she asked.

" Inutasha there?" a small female voice sang into his ears.

,,What the fuck?

"Im Inuyasha...and who is this?"

"OH sorry, my name is Kagome Hyugarashi and I found your nephew on my way
home tonight from work...he was on a bus headed the wrong direction from what

he told me. I thought I would call you and tell you that that his name?"

"YES YOU FOUND HIM! OH THANK You!" a wave of relief flooded over him.

"Ok...great hes asleep in my dance bag so I was gonna carry him home let him
sleep and return him to you or if you prefer I could take him to you...your only 13
blocks away would take twenty minutes." she offered.

"No...thats alright Im just glad there are still some decent people in this world I
was beginning to think the worse..."

"You dont need to worry hes fine...and Ill bring him by tomorrow Inuyasha..."

"Thank you so much for..."

said into both of their ears.

"Im sorry but that was all the change I had I have to go now but Ill see you
tomorrow and youre welcome."

She hung up and walked to her small apartment.

At her home...

She pushed the door open and flicked the light on...

The boy in her arms cringed and snuggled into her shoulder.

"Its ok..." she walked him to her small bedroom and tucked him in...

She slowly slipped out of the bedroom

She crawled onto her couch and fell fast asleep...

"Nice lady wake up! Wake up!" a small voice said as two little hands attempted to

shake her.

"Hmmm?" she asked.

"Im hungry do you have cereal?" it asked.

She cracked her eyes open and saw fire red hair and green eyes waiting to greet

"Oh sorry Hun I forgot you were here..." she yawned and stretched.

She walked him over to the cupboard and opened it to see his eyes go wide.

"RAMEN!!!!!!!!!" he squealed and hugged her leg.

"Do you want ramen? She asked.

"Yes please..." he ran over to the breakfast bar and smiled happily.

"I like where you live....its not so big....and you dont get lost in it!" he smiled

She prepared the ramen and sighed.

,,It was nice having a little one while it lasted...

"Alright Shippo after this I gotta take you home ok?" she smiled leaning to face


At the takahshi estate...

"Inuyasha, a young woman is here to see you and Shippo are with her."
housekeeper said and bowed out as a little red hair energy ball flew at her Master
full force.

"INUYASSY!!!!!!" he cried happily and clutched his leg.

"Shippo!" a wave of relief ran over him as he hugged his ,,Son.

A throat cleared trying to make it known.

Inuyasha turned to see a young girl...

Breathtakingly beautiful

"Hi..." he found his voice.

"Hi...Im Kagome...I see Shippo found you alright in this magnificent home." she
meant to say huge.

"Inuyasha...and I know my home is a bit much..." he smiled modestly.

She felt her knees buckle.

"Uhh...I guess I should go now...bye Shippo..." she turned and walked slowly
towards the door and whispered, "Ill miss you..."

Inuyasha heard her...her voice and heart sounded like it was breaking.

"Kagome...Wait!" Inuyasha placed Shippo down and ran after her. Shippo tailed

She turned around and she saw his amber eyes piercing her Smokey grey orbs...

"Uhh... would you like a ride to work?" he asked kindly.

Her eyes widened and she felt her breathe leave her.

"Oh...oh no...thats not necessary Ill be fine..."

He smelt the fear and lies on her.

He noticed the smile on her face....

"You...Youre the stripper....from last night..." he said running the back of his hand
on her smooth skin of her face.

She fell backwards a little...

"No...n-no you must be mistaken...or...I ....Yes...I Am." she admitted.

He noticed her insecurity and cowardice ....

"Dont be embarrassed." he said.

Her eyes turned harsh...

"Dont be... easy for you to probably own half a Co. and Im a lowly
stripper making my way on tips and shit...shoot...Im sorry Shippo."

He smiled with his thumb in his mouth.

"Its okay..."he smiled.

"Youre right...Im sorry" he said and handed her his wallet."

"Whats this?" she asked trying to return it.

"Take all the cash out of it..." he demanded.

She stared at him in awe.

"What? No! I make my own way. Take care of Shippo." with that she walked out.

But not forever hed make sure of it.