InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Said it Was Easy? ❯ Angry Thoughts Make Me Realize You're There ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2

I do not own InuYasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru, Shippou, Sango, Miroku, Rin, Jaken, Naraku, Kanna, Kirara, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!! You get the damn point. Now read ^^ And send me reviews T.T;...

-…- is thought or flashback.

"Kagome! Kagome! God, wake up!" He shook her... Damnit, this wasn't a time to sleep in! He felt her forehead... She was in a fever... God, she was burning up! "Kagome! DAMNIT, YOU WHORE, WAKE UP!" She opened her eyes slightly... She was red across her cheeks and nose... "InuYasha... What're you doing here?" ....She was delirious. She didn't know where she was...

He lifted her into his arms. This was great, just great! Whatever was coming was really big and he didn't have time to battle it. Not to mention, Sesshomaru had taken Tetsusaiga. Not that Sesshomaru could hold it or anything, but InuYasha was sure Jaken would find his Lord a suitable arm.

InuYasha jumped up into a tree and began to jump across the branches. Airborne gave him more agility, not to mention ground coverage. Shit! How could such a large thing move so fast?! He clutched Kagome closer to his chest. He was beginning to be sorry for the fight they had the other day... Strange enough, that was the only thing he could think of right now...

-"Why do you have to blame everything on me?!"

"Because it was your fault!"

"It's not always my fault!"

"As far as I'm concerned, it seems fate really has a favour in you making mistakes!"

I saw her stop... Her hair swayed with her movements... She's so beautiful...

"...Where are we...?"

"KAGOME! You've gotten us lost again!"

"I've done nothing of the sort, InuYasha! See where you're standing?! IN THE FRONT!" She pointed at me... She was so angry... Her eyes were so hurt... I always do this.. "Meaning I'm following you, and YOU have gotten us lost!"-

Was the demon after him? Or was it just passing? He hid in the tree... He heard the large sounds of it's footsteps... It seemed that it might be thunder... The ground shook with each passing step. And suddenly, they just stopped... He swallowed hard, sweat consuming him... He wouldn't have been so nervous if he didn't have Kagome with him.

He was standing on a branch, his back pressing against the bark of a huge tree. That was his current position... And, trembling, he sidestepped across the branch slowly, slowly, and looked around the tree. A huge eye was staring at him and no doubt had caught sight of him. He swallowed again, and began to move the other way before a large voice boomed, commanding him to stop.

"GIVE ME THE SHIKON NO KAKERAS!" Kagome, Kagome... She had it... It was with her... Where she kept it was her business, especially since she didn't have any pockets...

"I-I don't have it..." The eye stared hard at him. "OF COURSE YOU DO NOT, THE GIRL DOES. GIVE HER TO ME!" Crap... InuYasha gently set Kagome down on the branch. No doubt he would have to fight this... thing...

"No! You'll have to kill me first before you get the Shikon Jewel!" The eye's pupil dilated at InuYasha, a clear form of surprise. "SO BE IT..." InuYasha lifted his claws. Crap... This was not his day...

-"I DID?! Kagome, you stupid girl, you're such an idiot! I didn't do anything to get us lost! Don't try to blame me, because I didn't do a damn thing!"


I was thinking... I didn't hear her... She was yelling at me... she was crying...

"InuYasha, all you do is walk around like you're the king of everything! It hurts me! Why don't you ever try being nice once in a while?! InuYasha, do you hear me?! INUYASHA!"-

"ARE YOU REALLY PLANNING ON FIGHTING..." InuYasha didn't feel like hearing his banter and talk. "SOUL SHATTERING IRON CLAW!" He clawed his way across the demon's eye and the demon screamed out in pain, falling over. InuYasha... landed... on the demon's eye... He could feel the moisture beneath his feet. He really wanted to vomit, but he had to finish the fight. And he had to get back to Kagome...

"Claws of Blood!" He slashed at his wrist and threw blades of his solidified blood at the demon's eye, slicing his way through, and literally cutting the demon's eye into thirds. The demon, nonetheless, died because of this. He jumped back up into the tree and carefully gathered Kagome into his arms...

Shelter, he needed shelter...

-"InuYasha, if you're not going to pay attention to me then fine!! I don't care! I'm going off on my own!"

I remember... once when she did... She nearly died...

She doesn't remember it though...

She thought it was a dream...

That was the second time I pushed her into her well... And told her to go home... This time, I let her keep the Shikon Jewel...

I couldn't stay away though... I would climb through her well at night and watch her while she was sleeping... And I kissed her once...And she woke up...

She thought that was a dream too...-

He climbed a small cliff and entered a cave. He didn't wish to venture too deep into it, because he wasn't in the mood to fight other demons... He hid Kagome in the corner, lying her down as if she were his offspring... So gently...

He found himself brushing the hair from her beautiful, doll like face...



He forced himself to stand... The reason she had a fever was because it was freezing outside... He needed to get a fire to her...

He went back out into the woods and gathered some, this time carefully choosing them out... Last night he didn't, and this time she was very ill because of it.

-She had touched my face... And stroked it... And asked me if I was a dream... And I told her yes...

She asked if this was a vision, if she should go back...

And I told her...

I told her...-

He carried it all back to the cave, every last one of them. Back to their makeshift house.

And InuYasha started a fire there.


"InuYasha...?" He stood, looking down at his precious Kagome... He hadn't meant to make her cry yesterday... But that seemed to be the only thing he was good at.

"InuYasha... Why are you at my house? And why is it so cold? Did Sota kun turn down the air?" InuYasha smiled quietly and sat down next to her. "You seem so big... Even though you're right next to me... Do I have school tomorrow?" InuYasha shook his head, no, she didn't. "InuYasha, my head hurts... My throat hurts too... Do I have a fever?" InuYasha lifted his hand and rested it on her forehead... Yes, she did... It was so high... It burned his hand...

He nodded to her. "InuYasha, you're not talking... Is it because you're a dream again?" InuYasha felt his face turn red... He nodded... Yes, he was a dream...

"Is it all right if I kiss you then? Because the real InuYasha hates me... He yells at me all the time. He can't stand me..." InuYasha felt himself bite his lip... His heart was pounding in his ears... He felt like this is something Kagome might do... He wanted to cry... He... didn't quite know why... But he did.

"He would never kiss me..." InuYasha smiled at her as quietly and gently as he possibly could... And he nodded... And leaned over... And touched her lips gently with his. He broke the kiss much sooner than he wanted too. He didn't need to get sick as well. He needed to watch her.

"InuYasha, why was he crying? Do you know?" InuYasha took her hand and shook his head, looking down at her fingers... He spread them across his palm, and kissed each one of them tenderly... He watch a small smile spread across her face... And her brown eyes stare lovingly at him... "Go, sleep. Dream of something else..." Kagome looked confused. "You are all I ever dream about... I'd think you'd know that." InuYasha blushed. "Close your eyes." She did. And he knew, out of pure exhaustion, she fell back asleep.-

At this, he sighed and stared down at her... -She just infatuates me.. How can she control me like that...? How can that stupid wench make me feel like this...?-

InuYasha tilted his head towards the opening and sighed sardonically... More towards himself than anyone else... It was so ironic that he would fall in love with the reincarnation of Kikyo... It just wasn't fair... All he really wanted was to be a full demon.... Wasn't it?

InuYasha... Kagome peered through her lashes at him... As she had suspected, her kissing him wasn't a dream... And when he came into her room at night, and watched her all night... And before she woke up he would be gone... Every time... And when he woke her up that one day... And she had touched his face...

This time, she didn't sob... She didn't full out cry... A single, crystalline tear rolled down her cheek...

The still air in the cavern was a defined setting for scents... And InuYasha sensed the altered mixtures... It was slight but distinct. He turned his head slowly towards his Kagome... And she appeared asleep well enough...

He crawled over to her quietly, leaning his face close to hers... She was indeed asleep... But a tear streak traveled over her cheek and nose, and down to the floor. It had caught the dust on the floor, and was a single drop next to Kagome's thick lashes... The tears laced the lashes, the singular ones easily seen... It resulted in a sort of dim shine in the firelight... Oh, Kagome... He was so sorry...

He kissed her burning forehead softly with his lips... His chapped lips against her skin... Her skin was so supple... he shuddered quietly... And he mentally abused himself...

He loved Kagome, but he had a debt to Kikyo... If only... He turned his gold eyes towards her, watching her with a silent fascination...

Again, he abused himself... He couldn't own her, ever... She wouldn't allow him... She didn't love him like he did her... It was never meant to be...

Kagome watched the silent conflict within InuYasha... she opened her eyes unaware that she had done so... Her wavering gaze kept upon him... She was so dizzy, and everything was so blurred... He seemed the only stable thing she could see... The only focus she had...

InuYasha's back was facing her, but his head was tilted so she could see part of his face... He pounded the ground with his fist, clenching it tight to where to blood poured between his claws. And she may have been mistaken through the haze, but she thought she saw a solitary tear fall down his face, much as she had done...

She whimpered, her head throbbing and she closed her eyes... Finally subduing into sleep. InuYasha heard her whimper, and turned his head toward her... In the morning he would take her to the village midwife. For now, it was best to keep her near the warmth. He watch her elegant fingers tug at his red haori he had let her use as a blanket, and he realize with full intent she was not sleeping... He sighed, turning his head away and stared at the entrance of the cave to wait for the coming of dawn.