InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who wants to be a millionaire: Inu-style ❯ Let's get it on ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Who wants to me a millionaire: Inu-style

Who wants to me a millionaire: Inu-style!!!

Created by: Me! Missy-Bee

When: some nights ago when I was umm doing something I shouldn't have been doing (Blushes and sighs) but that was a very funny night!!!!

Summary: When Inuyasha and the gang appeared on a "very special" episode of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

How: I kidnapped everyone who was on it and all the creators of both shows and the all the staff. Hmm I'm repeating what I just said! All well, it's cool. While wearing a mask and calling myself, the black spider or I think it was Zorro but I can't remember now cuz I was (coughs, coughs) ahem on with the show.

Chapter one: Let's Get It ON!

Me the host: (yes I get to be the host cause this is my story and I can be whatever I want but only cuz I'm ummm me!! Ha ha sucks to be you.) *Shakes head and clears throat* Okay welcome everyone to a very special episode of who wants to be a millionaire! Now lets meet our contestants for today.

Audience: YAY!

Me: okay meet Inuyasha! He's a Hanyou that was struck to a tree fifty years ago by some insane psycho bitch named Kikyo!

Inuyasha: how I get here again?

Me: Sit boy.

Audience: HA HA!!! (Then cheers are heard.)

Inuyasha falls down to the ground. Swearing and making death threats.

Me: no one speaks but me! GOT IT DOG BOY!

Inuyasha shakes head as he gets up in a pissed off mood.

Me: well then next meet Kagome. She is a modern day 15-teen-year-old girl from Tokyo Japan and get it through her head no one but Shippo that punk ass little fox demon over there. (Points to Shippo.) And some faggot ass dude named Hojo who couldn't make it here dud to a plane crash he was in thus causing him to have a slow fiery death. (Laughs evilly)

Audience: HA! HA!

Kagome: WHAT! I'm not clueless.

ME: Sure ya are now shut up or I'll kill you.

Kagome nods head also looking pissed.

Me: Then it Miroku he some lonely ass bastard that can't get a woman in his life. Mainly cause his breath stinks.

Miroku: Hey I brush my teeth all the time!

Me: Shut up! That isn't what the cue cards say to that mean what you say is wrong!

Miroku: okay, whatever. (Sighs) looks up into space.

Audience: HA HA! Dumb Monk!

Me: next is Shippo. He's a fox demon that had a bed-wetting problem and is so annoying who doesn't want to kill him?

Shippo: (starts crying and yells) I DON'T HAVE A BED WETTING PROBLEM!!

Audience: HA HA! Isn't he cute? AWWWWWW. (someone in the back.) Lets kill him!

Me: sure, ya do. Now shut up for I skin ya alive. No can't kill him yet.

Shippo sniffs then shuts up. Face is fire truck red.

Me: Next is Sango who is demon exterminator but can't get Miroku from groping her. guess she a whore on the side!

Sango: What! HOW DARE YOU! (throws that boomerang thing at me. I stop it with my hostess powers. Hmm I didn't I had powers. Shrugs.)

Audience: ooooooh's and ahhhhhh's over my power and hosting abilities.

Me: Next is Kouga he a wolf demon and he has the runs. I mean he can run really fast and is obsess with Kagome but she a blockhead and doesn't like him.

Kouga: Growls whatever. She's is my woman whatever she likes it or not!

Inuyasha: SHUT UP KOUGA! Fore I kill you!

Kouga: Go on and try it mutt face or should I say dog turd!

The two of them start to fight and I just say what the hell and let them keep at it.


Me: HEY, THIS ISN'T JERYY THIS IS ME SHOW! NOW SHUT UP. (There is complete silence in the room.) Then it's Kikyo. She a dead evil cold- hearted crazy ass bitch that pinned Inuyasha to a tree and steals the dead soul from young women.

Kikyo: I'm not crazy and I am not a bitch! How dare you….

Me: yak yak yak yak. Shut up already.

Audience: Yeah Shut up Kikyo and go to HELL KIKYO!

Kikyo: I'm taking Inuyasha with me!

Audience: (start booing her and throwing cans and wine bottles at her.) SHUT UP! GO TO HELL!

Me: okay okay! (clams the audience) Last but not the least is Sesshomaur! He is Inuyasha older full demon brother! Inuyasha chopped his arm off a while ago but he can still get around!

Sesshomaur: (smirks) seems like I'm the only sane person on the show.

Me: Okay now for the fastest finger question! (loud music is heard and puts everyone into shock.) Okay question number one: On what US station does Inuyasha appears on?

The groups think about it the question. Audience is completely silence. (A loud booming sound suddenly sounds.)

Me: Aww! time up people you all come back tomorrow when I show off all the answers! If you don't come back I'll hunt you down and make you wish you had came back! (laughs evilly and disappears.)

Author notes: yup I'm so ummm…. Anyway, that was chapter one. Yeah I wrote this story in one whole night!