InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who You Really are ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dude I am in a really good mood to put this chapter up even though I only got one review.

Who You Really Are
Chapter 3 : Kidnapped

(Me talking)

After the discovery of Kagome being a Hanyou, Inuyasha and Kagome decide to go back to camp.
"Inuyasha" said Kagome


"UmmWhat if everyone at camp doesn't like me anymore"Inuyasha then stopped walking


Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a tight embrace

"Kagome how could you even think that. You should know by now that we will always like you for who you are" (AWWWWWW)


"Kagome do you understand me, no matter what, your friends will always be there for you"

"Yes I do"

"Good" Inuyasha then took himself out of the embrace

"Thank you Inuyasha"




"I sense 10 or more jewel shards"

"Yeah and I can scents Naraku not too far from here"

"Kukuku" Laughed Naraku as he came out from the shadows. (Can anyone tell me why people make Naraku laugh like that, I mean I have never heard him laugh like
that on TV or in any of the movies I've seen. I haven't even heard him laugh like that in the Japanese shows anyway on to the story)

"Naraku! What the fuck do you want!?!" yelled Inuyasha

"Nothing really, but I see you've found yourself a new bitch"

"I did not"

"Yes you did I see that she is a hanyou when your old one was a human"

"Naraku I may have been human yesterday, but today I changed into a hanyou because I realized my father is a Inu youkai"

' Ah I see, she looks like the daughter of the Lord of the Eastern Lands I killed 50 years ago'


"Kukuku! Now that Kai-sama is dead I can have some fun with his daughter"

"DADDY!!! Don't go!Please Don't! Mommy is at home waiting for us" Screamed what looked like a 4 year old Kagome

"Kuku Don't waist your time, his dead and theirs nothing you can do about Kagome" Naraku said getting closer to Kagome

"Stay Away from me you monster"

"Kukuku" Laughed Naraku. He was just inches away from Kagome

"I said STAY AwAY FORM ME" Kagome yelled while reaching her hand out into the air. Then all of a sudden a blast of engery was thrown on to Naraku

"Kuku Kagome this wont be the last time we meet" Said Naraku as he disappear


"Naraku! This is the end of you!" Yelled Inuyasha as he unshelth T essusaiga

"You can Try Kuku"

Inuyasha then started running towards Naraku with Tessusaiga in his hands


"Kuku you think that attack will destroy me, well think again"

"NARAKU!" Said Kagome but then all of a sudden a puridfy arrow came shotting towards Naraku

"You little bitch"

"Naraku this is the end of you!"

"Ha!You think that will kill me!" Naraku then started running towards Kagome. When Naraku came face to face with Kagome he knocked Kagome unconscious.

"No! Kagome! Naraku give her back or I'll-" Inuyasha was interupted

"Or you'll what? Kill me? If you try anything right now I'll kill her, if you want her back come to my castle with the shards" Naraku the disappeared.

' Grrr, Damn you Naraku, how dare you take my Kagome! Wait! Hold it! since when is Kagome mine. Do I really love Kagome more than Kikyo. Maybe with Kikyo it was more of a companionship then love. I have to save Kagome, but I need help. I'll ask my friends'
Inuyasha then started running towards camp tp get help from his friends.
(A/N: I would end it here but I'm in a really great mood ^^)

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As Inuyasha was running he smelled someone he hasn't smelled since he was very young

"Whos there?" Asked Inuyasha

"Inuyasha, it has been awhile" A man with long silver hair in a high pony tail appeared. His eyes were amber like Sesshomaru and 1 blue stripe across his cheek and a cresent moon on his forehead. He was wearing what looked like Sesshomaru's outfit but with shoulder armour with spikes coming out of them, and his tail was in the back.

"Who are you?" asked Inuyasha while holding Tessusaiga ready to strike if needed.

"Why I am Inutaisho your father"

"My father died along time ago"

"Yes it is true that i did die along time ago but today is the day all the lords and ladies of all the lands are revived today"

" I see, Dad you have to help me , Kagome has been kidnapped by Naraku"

" I see, I will go and get the lords and their sons to help us"

"Ok, I will get my friends"

"Ok" Inuyasha then went to get his friends while Inutaisho went to get the Lords and their sons"

>>>> With The Gang<<<<

"You guys Kagome has been kidnapped by Naraku!"said Inuyasha

"What!?! Oh no we have to save her"said Sango

"Yeah my Dad is getting help from all the lords and their sons"

"But isn't your Dad dead" Asked Miroku

"He was but today is the day all the lords and ladies of the lands get revived"

"Ah I see" Said Miroku


"Huh?!? Oh Dad yuor here"

"Yeah and I brought everyone"

"Good, But WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!?!?! Yelled Inuyasha while pointing at Sesshomaru

"I am here because father forced me too" repled Sesshomaru

"Ok...Lets Go save Kagome!"

Kiyari:DUN DUN DUN What will happen, will Inuyasha save Kagome or will Naraku have his way?

Inuyasha:I know what will happen i will kick Naraku's ass, save Kagome and make her mine. Muahahahahahhahaha!

Kiyari:You can't tell them that

Inuyash:And why not

Kiyari:Because I'm the Author and I control you

Inuyasha:No you Don't

Kiyari:Yes i Do

Inuyasha:No you Don't

Kiyari:Yes i do

*Both Continue to Fight*

Kagome:Uh...Kiyari wanted me to tell you to review PLZ!...Will you Guys FUCKING STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!

Kiyari and Inuyasha:O.o

Kiyari:Did Kagome Just say Fucking?

Inuyasha:Yeah she did


Kiyari:Anyway PLZ REVIEW

Both:Ja ne