InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whole New World ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A whole new world

Bye Kagome_13

~Here is a new story, so tell me what you think about it. If I should continued it or forget about it.~

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters from the show Inuyasha. But I wish I did.

Kagome’s point of view

Hello, my name is Kagome. I have just recently moved to the America from England. I come from a rich family, but I like to help the servant and people around me. Everyone thinks I am a ‘Witch’ for the reasons I do not know.

My features are, I have raven hair that falls to my shoulder and I have brown eyes. I’m about 5feet and 4inch tall. I think one of the reasons I am ignored is because of my looks. I look too much like my great grandmother Kikyo. Some say that grandmother had the power to purify anybody or anything. I guess look like you dead grandmother is a bad thing

~Somewhere else~ *regular point of view*

A Native American tribe was getting ready to go to battle with the wolf people. The leader of this tribe was a man name Inuyasha. He had become the war leader at the age of fifteen. So far two years he had gone to battle with their enemy tribes.

But Inuyasha’s Mother wishes for him to take a wife. Inuyasha moved a lock of his hair out of his face, while his cute dog ears scanned the area to see if anybody or anything was near.

‘Time to take care of those Wolf bastards.’


Kagome had decided to take a little walk in the forest. For her parents had decided to wed her to the mayor of their little town. His name is Naraku Smith. Whose wife had died gave birth to his twin daughters who looked nothing alike.

There was Kanna, who had look like a little girl with her white –blond hair and with her black eyes that held nothing in them. Then there was her twin sister Kagura, Who had the brown hair and red ruby eyes. IF Kagome married Naraku she would be their stepmother.

That would be strange for they are both a year older than she is. For she is only the tender age of fifteen.

‘How could they do this to me?’ Thought Kagome ‘I want to marry for love or unless someone who is so …old.’

Kagome kicked a rock. As she continued her walk in the forest. She saw a bunch of Indians. Kagome ran behind a tree so they would not notice her. She looked at the them, they looked strange in their buckskin gown and with their war face paint on their face.

She looked at the man that looked like he was leader the group. He had strange hair color that was white-silver color. Instead of human ears at the side of his face, he had dog ears at the top of his head. With his war paint on he looked vicious.

The men looked ready for a battle for they had their weapons with them.


Inuyasha sniff the area around him. He notices that there was a heavenly scent around him and it sooth his soul. It smelled like Jasmine’s. So Inuyasha lift his hand signal his men to hold up.

He followed they source of the smell. It came from behind a large oak tree.

‘EEP he found me.’ Thought Kagome as she prayed to god that the Indian won’t find her. Inuyasha follow it, but he ran into a leg, then he went to the chest and then finally he found the face of the scent. For it belong to girl, and a white girl at that.

Inuyasha looked into her brown eyes and she looked into his. Kagome never such beautiful eyes before, they were a beautiful shade of gold. She felt like he was looking into her soul.

~So what did you think of it. Better then Love Between the Species. If so tell me, because I’m thinking about rewriting it. Also I’ll work on Chapter five of blood and Chapter six of My Love. So Review Please. ~ Bye Jazz