InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whole New World ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Whole New World

Chapter 6

By Kagome

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha

Here is chapter 6 of a whole new world. I hope you like it. Thank you for all your reviews and you patient as I wrote this chapter. Please read and review


Hakku and Ginta carried Inuyasha’s future mate-to-be. They carried her to their den, where they meet Kouga. They gentle place her on the cold ground in front of Kouga.

Kouga noticed the woman, and he kneed down next to her. Her black hair was all in her face and he could not see her face. She he gently moved her hair out of the way. Kouga was shock to see that dog-trud had good taste in his woman.

‘Man, is she pretty.’ thought Kouga as he picked her up and place her on his pile of furs.

Then he left her there, to go talk to his cousins. Hakku and Ginta were standing in front of the den. Waiting for Kouga to arrive. When Kouga arrive, he said to his cousins.

“Good job, boys. I think she will make a pretty captive.’’

“Good. So what are we going to do with her?’’ asked Ginta

“Umm, I think we allow her to rest for a while. I know Inuyasha is on his way. He would not like if his woman would fall in love Me.’’ said Kouga

“WHAT!!.’’ said both Ginta and Hakku

“I think I may be in love.’’ said Kouga as he got a dreaming look in his eyes

“WHAT, Kouga. You can’t be in love. You just meet the girl and not only that she is the dog-people’s leader woman.’’ said Hakku as he tried to shake his cousin.

“Yea, I agree with Hakku about this. Kouga you can’t let you feeling get in the way. We are just using her for our on purpose and that purpose is to get revenge on the dog people.’’ said Ginta

“I don’t care.’’ said Kouga

Both Hakku and Ginta continue to argue with their cousin. In the forest of the dog people was Inuyasha. He was sniffed the scent of the two man who had kidnapped Kagome.

He followed the scent. He did not take any of his men with him, for he want to go on the journey by himself. He told his men to find them a new home. One that was far away and were the wolf people would not find them and cause more trouble for them.

Inuyasha ran in the woods, and he found the dog people’s village. The lived in a den, where all of them and their wolves live with them too. Inuyasha creep through the woods, so he could spy on them. He watches Kouga and the two of his men argue.

Inuyasha notice the scent of the two men. The were the men who took Kagome away. Inuyasha ‘s eyes flashed red. How dare they notice his mate-to-be. He was going to rip those two men apart for what they had done. If there were one mark on Kagome’s body, there would be heads rolling on the ground.

Inuyasha walk up to the three men and said to them in a dangerous voice. “Where is my woman.’’

“Why do you want to know?’’ said Kouga as he glared at the dog leader

“Because she is mine.’’

“Well, I don’t see you mark on her. So she is free game.’’ said Kouga

“Well you know what, wolf she is mine and I am taking her back.’’ said Inuyasha he got ready to fight Kouga to the death.

Okay, here is chapter 6. I am sorry that it is short. But I am lazy and my creative juice is out again. So please read and review and tell me what you think.

Bye Kagome