InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ Why? ( Chapter 1 )

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A/N: It's my first poem that I'm posting here. In fact it's the first thing that I have ever posted! So please be gentle. Also please read and review. No flames please.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha and Co. If I did Sesshomaur and Kagome would live happily ever after. Ok on with the poem.

Why does your face always reside in my dreams?
Why is you voice in my head?
Why do I always think of you?
Why do I worry for your well being?
Why do I grow restless every minute of everyday when I'm not with you?
Why does my heart beat fast when I see you?
Why do I hurt when I see you in someone else's arms?
Why am I afraid to see you get hurt?
Why would I cry if I were to lose you?
Why do I get lost in your pools of chocolate that you call eyes?
Why do I long to hold you in my arms?
Why can't I wait to see you everywhere I go?
Why do I want to be covered in your heavenly scent?
Why do I have the strong urge to kiss you every time I see you?
Why do I want to feel your soft caress?
Why do I miss your face?
Why do I care for you?
Why do I . love you?