InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why?! ❯ befor it happen ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: it about a girl who lost he older brother and how it changed her. And in this story Sota is the older brother and dies am sorry but I don't know how it is to have a younger brother.
Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha
Before it happen.
Chapter 1
*BEEP!!!!!!!!!!! BEEP!!!!!!!!*
A young girl about the age of 15 wake up in a rush and fall out of bed to shut off her alarm. “stupid alarm clock!” Kagome said angerly at the alarm clock, “ Why mankind made them is beyond me.” Kagome is glaring at the clock before she realize what time it is “ shoot! Am going to late for school” kagome say run to get in the shower and get ready for school.
@@@@at school@@@@
Kagome is now run to get to her first block class on time. `am almost there. Am almost there!' kagome says thinking to her self. Right when the bell rang she was in the door. “You just made it Miss. Hurgish, but you might not be so lucky the next time.” Ms. Eller said her English teacher. `why is she so mean to me. I do really go in her class and I don't give her any trouble and she still really mean I don't get it; what did I do?' though Kagome. “ Yes ma'am” kagome said running over to her to talk before class.
Kagome and three best friends Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha, have been friends since the second grade when she moved to Tokyo, Japan.
“ So why were you almost late Kagome?”, Sango asked. “ Because my stupid alarm clock woke me up late” Kagome said pouting, “ I hate that thing it never works right.” “Awwww!! Poor Kagome her alarm clock didn't work.” Say inuyasha in a teasing tone. Kagome mock glaring at him “ Shut up inuyasha!” kagome sticks her tongue at him. Laughing inyasha says “I was only teasing you kagome.” While he is say this he walk over to her and put his arm around her shoulders (in a friendly way). `man! She so pretty when she mad. I wish I could tell her how much I love her, but I know she only see me as brother' “ I know I was just play too.” kagome says giggling as she looks up at inuyasha. `he is soo handsome and I love his little doggie ears. I love him so much but he just see me as a little sister' kagome think to her self.
“well it time to start class. Everyone get to your seats” said Ms Eller.
{ end of chapter 1 sorry if this is not that good right now. And yes inuyash is hanyo and I will get better}