InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why?! ❯ What's Wrong ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What's wrong?
It was late at night and kagome was at her desk writing her history paper. Her mother came home about 10:00 a little drunk asking for her brother and had to lie to her mother and said he was asleep upstairs. She bought and went to sleep.
Kagome and Sota were really close ever if there was a 6 year different. They could tell each other about anything. He was her protector, her nightlight in the dark and she was his.
Their father die when kagome was 4 and Sota 10 and ever since then there mother has been working all the time or going off on dates. They didn't really mind b/c they knew their mother loved them. So Sota pretty much grew up really fast to take care of kagome. To kagome, Sota is like a father to her.
Then Kagome heard a car rush up the driveway. She sighed with relief once she heard it. Then she hear her mother run down the stairs saying “who the hell is that!?” Then she hear her brother bang the door and say “Go back to sleep.” “Not until you tell me where you were and why your sister lie to me and told me that you were asleep!!” their mother said.
Kagome keep hearing there argument go back and forth for about 30mins. Then she hears the front door open and sham shut and a car go down her driveway. `Where is he going now', kagome thought as hear her mother go back to bed.
@@@@20mins later@@@@@
“Where is he!!!” kagome said worry. Then she hears a tapping at her widow and looks up and saw Sota at her widow. “WHERE WERE YOU!!? You had me worried sick about you. You could have called or SOMETHING!!” kagome yelled. “Shhh!! You'll wake mom up. Am fine, OK, there nothing to worry about I just came to tell you that am sleeping in my car to night and am fine and to wake me up at 8 for work, ok.” said Sota
“Why are you going to sleep in your car?” kagome asked. “b/c I don't want to be here right now” said Sota. “Fine I will wake you up at 8.” said kagome. “Thanks sis. Love ya.” said Sota. “Yea yea yea! love ya too and if you do something like that again I will ring your neck” said kagome. Sota laugh and hugged his sis good night and climb back out the widow and to his car.
“I was scared Sota b/c I don't know what I would do with out you.”Kagome said to herself.
{end of chp 3 hope you like}