InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Can't I Love Him? ❯ The Calm Before the Storm ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Why Can’t I Love Him?

The Calm Before the Storm.

Sesshoumaru’s POV

I was still in a lot of pain, but I knew that I had to fight. I owed it to this girl, and, God forbid, I owed it to my brother. All the things he had said rushed back into my mind. He was lying again. He wanted something from me, and I wasn’t about to let him get it. I still loved him and I knew that feeling was never going to go away, but I wasn’t going to give into it anymore. I was going to be strong and preserve my heart this time around.

I winced on the inside as I stood. I wouldn’t let anyone else see my pain. My hand went to my unprotected stomach involuntarily. I wouldn’t let them see. I wouldn’t let them know. I removed my hand and stood erect even though my battered body was screaming at me to stop. The remnants of the poison coursed through my veins once again. Not enough to kill me, but enough to cause pain and discomfort.

“Sesshoumaru-sama.” My brother approached me. My eyes widened in surprise. Why did he sound so humble. He had never called me by my proper title before, so why was he starting now of all times. “Let me take care of it. I don’t care if I die, but I’ll never forgive myself if you do.”

“This is my battle too half-breed. Stand back or I will personally kill you, and then we shall see how afraid you are of death.” I growled out. I had to hide my feelings at all costs. If I didn’t, the demons in my heart would overtake me and I would be useless.

“Both of you stop fighting. Now is not the time!” Myouga yelled out and jumped on my shoulder, “Sesshoumaru-sama, please do not fight. What will happen to your lands if you die? Think about that.”

That damn flea was right. The demons and weakling humans that lived in my lands depended on me. They had no one else, and I knew that Inuyasha would never make a good lord. But if I died there was nothing I could do about it. Inuyasha was the next in line and I couldn’t do a damn thing to change it, aside form have a son. That was out of the question, though. I had already given my heart away long ago.

I sank to the floor and growled. I wouldn’t fight, but they would know that I wasn’t happy about it.

“You don’t have to be happy about it, but I’m not letting any patient of mine leave in your condition. I don’t care who you are.” It was the healer. I was grateful to her because she’d treated my wounds, but there was a limit to how much I could ever like a human. And there was no way in hell that I was going to let one talk to me like that.

“Mind your own business, wench. You’ve done your duty, now go and hide like the rest of your pathetic race.” I said coldly. Her face took on a steely look.

“I’m not going anywhere,” She said as she reached for a bow and a quiver of arrows that she had left nearby.

“Unless you can shoot purified arrows, you need to leave. You’ll only be in the way.” Inuyasha growled out. The scent was getting closer. My brother moved his hand to the Tetsusaiga’s hilt. A small spike of jealousy flared in me and then went away. I didn’t want the Tetsusaiga as much as I used to! Why did I have this sudden change of heart?

“Purified arrows? No one can do that. It’s just a thing of legends.” the healer said and got in a fighting stance. I laughed and Inuyasha couldn’t help but let a grin spread across his face. This girl had much more to learn.

“There are people who can do it. Believe me....There are people who can do it.” I caught the irony. Yes, he was sealed to that tree with an arrow like that. But this healer had no idea of what had happened in the past. She wouldn’t be able to help us at all.

“INUYASHA!!” What the hell? Was that his wench’s voice? What could she be doing here? But there it was. Her scent wafted into the hut and in a minute her and her little group of friends came bursting into the hut. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. We had Kirara follow your scent, and then we saw the blood. Are you OK?”

She hadn’t even noticed me, but her companions did. The monk’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. The demon slayer gasped and covered her mouth, her face going white. The little fox child ran to hide behind Inuyasha’s wench.

“What the hell are you staring at?” I asked calmly and the priestess looked over at me for the first time. I read the question in her mind. She wanted to know why I was so close to her love without us trying to kill each other. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice.

“Inuyasha? What’s he doing here?” She asked. So now I was a log or something. I can answer for myself. I do have a brain. A bigger brain than hers obviously. What kind of person fights in a kimono that revealing? No wonder my brother likes her.

“Ask him. He can talk you know.” Wow! My brother defended me. It was like he was reading my mind or something. I pushed my surprise away and waited for the bitch to ask me.

“Sesshoumaru-sama? Why are you here with your brother and not trying to kill him. Was that your blood in the clearing?” The monk spoke for the bitch. Fine with me. It just gave me another reason to kill her once I had my strength back.

“I’m not here out of my free will. He found me and decided to play the valiant hero and brought me here while I was unconscious. That blood was mine, but if Naraku hadn’t have caught me off guard with another one of his filthy traps, I would never be in this position.” I had to admit some things. It was my fault that I had been ambushed.

“Kirara? What is it girl?” The fire cat that traveled with the slayer had stared growling just like my brother. The demon slayer bent down and picked the little kitten up.

“She smells the scent of Naraku!” My brother responded and ran out of the hut. The others, including the healer, followed him. The only one left was Myouga. I closed my eyes and rested for the internal battle I was about to enter.

Yuki’s POV

These people were all insane, and now there were more of them. How could they believe those old stories about priestess that could fire sacred arrows. The last story I had ever heard about someone who could do that took place fifty years ago. That was back when some half demon got himself pinned to a tree. That priestess died though. They were all crazy.

“Shit!” Inuyasha yelled and grabbed the girl that was wearing the ridiculously short green skirt. They practically flew into the tree that stood over my hut. The little kitten was engulfed in a burst of flames and the girl in the black and pink armor grabbed the man with the purple robes and the cerulean eyes and pulled him up on the cat demon’s back. The little fox kit with the emerald eyes hurried to hide under my hut. Where they had been standing a second before was a giant hole. I felt a pull on the collar of my kimono and before I knew it, I was airborne.

“What the he–?” I was cut of by landing in a tree next to the girl with the weird clothes.

“Stay here.” she said and climbed on Inuyasha’s back. “Oh! I’ll take these!” She grabbed my bow and arrows from out of my hands.

“Hey!” I said, but went silent. There was a girl with blood red eyes and jet black hair standing in front if my hut.

“Kagura! You’re not getting away this time!” the strange girl yelled and fired off an arrow. It sparkled and then turned pink. A sacred arrow! The strange demon leapt away and Inuyasha and the others followed after her. The girl who’d fired the arrow was still on Inuyasha’s back. She readied another one.

“Hiraikotsu!” A giant boomerang flew though the air. And was repelled by a burst of wind that came from this new demon’s fan.

“Miroku!” The oddly dressed girl yelled out. “There are no poison insects!”

The monk in the purple and black robes nodded and reached for the blue prayer beads on his arm. “Wind Tunnel!” He yelled out, but before he had the chance to remove them, the demon spoke.

“Stop! I’m not here to kill you!” Kagura yelled out and the monk stooped. Inuyasha came to a stop and let the strange girl down off his back. Kirara, as I was now sure the fire cat was called, landed next to Inuyasha and her riders hopped off. Everyone turned to face this new threat.

“The what the hell do you want from us?” Inuyasha yelled out.

“I want what you want. My freedom from Naraku. I’ve tried your brother Sesshoumaru, but he refused....” Kagura began, but was cut off.

“I refused for a good reason Kagura. If you cannot defeat him yourself, then you do not deserve to be free. Freedom is won not bought in this world.” Sesshoumaru limped out of my hut. What the hell did he think he was trying to prove? He was still weak and shouldn’t even be walking yet!

“How would you know? I am not strong enough to defeat him. He has more of the jewel than you think. Kouga is dead!” The strange demon yelled out. The girl in the weird clothing scream and fainted. Inuyasha didn’t even bother to catch her. He just laughed. Sesshoumaru looked at his brother strangely. The demon slayer and the monk just exchanged confused looks.

Inuyasha's POV

Kouga was dead? Finally! I thought that I was never going to be free from his blackmail. I couldn't help but laugh. Kagome's face was priceless. Even her faint seemed hilarious to me now. I was finally free of one of the things that plagued my soul! I could be myself once again! I could go back to Sesshoumaru, if he'd have me. This huge misunderstanding was finally going to be cleared up!

I could feel my brother's gaze on me. He was confused, as were the rest of my group, but I didn't care anymore. I wanted to run in circles and scream and shout out in joy. I wanted to proclaim my love for my brother at the top of my lungs, but I refrained. I didn't know whether he would accept me again.

I clutched my stomach and came down to a small giggle. My eyes were watering. Even Kagura was staring at me in surprise. I don't think I'd ever laughed so hard in my entire life. Not that there were a lot of things to laugh about in the past.

"Inuyasha? Are you all right?" Miroku said and walked towards me slowly. Sango rushes forward to take care of the forgotten Kagome. She sent me a dirty look, but I didn't care any more. I didn't have to pretend to be in love with that whiny bitch from the future any longer. I was finally free of it all! I just stared out into space wrapped up in my happieness. After being chained to that wolf demon and then Kagome for so long, I had forgetten how it felt to be truly happy. Two birds with one stone.

"I've never been better!" I said and turned to Kagura. I didn't hate her any more. I didn't see how I ever could have before. She wasn't like Naraku at all. She was someone entirely different. I would help her defeat Naraku because I now knew that he had done horrible things to her as well. It didn't matter who it was that Naraku acted against. They all had an equal right to kill him.

Sesshoumaru stepped forward. I stood up straight and met his gaze head on. I wasn't afraid of him. I wasn't going to be afraid of anything ever again. Fear had gotten me into this mess and a fluke had gotten me out. I was never going to give into fear again.

"Inuyasha, What is the meaning of this? You surely cannot be happy about your lover dying." I almost broke off into fresh laughter. So that's what it had been! Kouga had used my brother to get me. A lot of things were making sense now. A lot of things, but there were still a few details that didn't match up. That didn't matter much, though. I had what I wanted in my grasp. I just had to reach out and take it.

"Sesshoumaru." I looked deep into his eyes. I wasn't going to back down now. Miroku looked like he wanted to jump in and stop whatever was going on. I'm sure that he was thinking another fight was about to break out, but if I had my way, we would never fight to kill again. "So that's what he told you so long ago. I had always wondered why he had seemed so happy when I ran into him on the way back to the castle. Now I know, but it's too late to do anything. I don't know what he used to sway your mind, brother, but it wasn't the entire truth, I'm sure. I'd like to ask you now if you will forgive his soul, and mine, or will you force me to live the remainder of my miserable life alone?"

He was thinking hard. I could always tell when he was deep in thought, even though his face never changed. There was just something about his eyes that told you he wasn't there any more. Something that said he was far in his own mind mulling things over. I saw that look now.

He opened his mouth and I steeled myself for anything that he could throw at me. Even hate. I stelled myself for my inner storm, while the outer one was about to rage around us.
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