InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why did the chicken cross the road - InuYasha Style! ❯ In retrospect... maybe sugar was a bad idea ( Chapter 1 )

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Why did the Chicken cross the road? (Inuyasha Style)

Disclaimer: I own nothing... 'cept a *deepbreath* Gayjealoussuicidalemocoffeeobsessedratcalled... Rodney and a young posh smexy emo named Ems! If you sue, all you'll get is custody of them.. and I'll guarantee you'll give them both back within a week.

This is what happens when I watch inuyasha at 3.20am after reading a book all about jokes >.< I need to give up the caffiene.


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Inuyasha: *pulls out Tessaiga* I shall defeat the chicken!
Chicken: *beats on Inuyasha*
Inuyasha: *beaten* Ow... *sees the chicken walk towards kagome* DIE! *suddenly fights great and defeats the chicken*


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Kagome: *glares at the chicken* Asuwari!
Chicken: *puzzled look*


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Miroku: Is it a pretty chicken? Will it bear my children?
Sango: *fume* Houshi-sama!
Miroku: I want nothing to do with any chicken, I have my precious... uh... *checks scrap of paper* ...Sango!
Sango: *hits him with Hiraikotsu*


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Naruku: I shall control the chicken and make it betray its friends! *makes the chicken grow huge and tentacled*
Chicken: ROAR!


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Kohaku: I... don't remember.... any chicken... *twitch* I LOVE YOU CHICKEN!


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Shippou: I shall defeat the evil chicken! *gets trod on by the chicken*
Chicken: Cluck cluck
Shippou: *turns into a pink chicken*


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Kouga: I shall take the chicken as my mate, and treasure every egg as a symbol of its devotion!


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Kagura: I cannot betray the chicken, it has my heart. *stalks sesshoumaru*
Kanna: *stare*


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Sesshoumaru: Die *kills chicken*
Jaken: Oh Sesshoumaru-sama! *fawns* you're so great!
Sesshoumaru: *walks off*
Rin: *steps on Jakens head* Wait for me sesshoumaru-samaaaa


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Jakotsu: Oh such a pretty chicken... I shall cut its beak off because I love it so much!


Voiceover: Why did the Chicken cross the road?

Hojo: Ahh chicken, you look unwell, I have brought you this basket of medicines so you'll love me. *starry eyes*


And now I've been sufficiently random... I shall now sleep *falls*