InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ New Lab Partners ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 2
New Lab Partners.
Saturday finally came, and all Kagome had to look forward to was her best friend tutoring her in her worst subject. Maybe she could talk Sango into going out with her later on, but then again she probably already had plans with that lecher she calls her boyfriend.
“Kagome, Sango's here!” Her mother quickly yelled up the stairs.
“Okay!” Kagome yelled back not moving from her spot on the bed, where she had a perfect view of the ceiling.
“Knock, knock…” Sango said discontentedly as she stood in the doorway yawning, with her knuckles pretending to thump on the door.
“Um… come in.” Kagome said looking at her friend like she had just barged into her room naked. “How could you possibly be tired? I got off the phone with you at 10 when you said you were going to bed… Wait a second; you weren't out with Miroku last night… were you?” Kagome asked raising a brow and looking at her skeptically.
That got Sangos attention, as she suddenly stood straight up like she had been whipped in the back, with eyes almost bulging out of her head. “NO!” Sango said a little too quickly to be considered honest. “Why would I want to spend any time alone with a lecher?” Sango asked as she diverted her eyes to the side where they met the door.
“It's ok… I forgive you.” Kagome said joking, as she sat propped up on her arms laughing at Sangos behavior. “I mean it's nothing to be ashamed of Sango, Miroku is your boyfriend, and it's not like its anybodies business but yours.” Kagome reasoned as she tilted her head to the side and gave Sango an imperturbable look.
Kagome smiled inwardly, she could always get a reaction out of Sango when she talked about Miroku. But Sango was smart and always quick to change the subject.
“So Kagome… going to Inuyashas party tonight? I heard it's gonna be awesome.” Sango said in a sing song voice, looking at Kagome with a smirk planted on her face that she couldn't remove if she wanted to.
Kagome just dropped her head back, and looked back up at the ceiling like it didn't bother her at all and shrugged, “There's no way I would go to that guys house intentionally.” Kagome said in an airily manner. But Sango had noticed the way she clenched her fists.
`I can always get a reaction out of her when I talk about Inuyasha' Sango thought happily to herself trying to stifle a giggle. “Well, what exactly are you having problems with in Mr. Annos class?” Sango said getting down to business and effectively changing the subject as she plopped down on Kagomes fluffy, pink bed.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
As usual Kagome was on her morning walk to school on that chilly Monday morning, as she stopped at the crosswalk and waited for the signal to say it was safe to cross. She hadn't really been feeling all too well that morning, maybe she didn't get enough sleep last night. She felt like she was floating on a cloud and if she didn't pay attention her head would start flying away like a balloon. Yeah, she definitely wasn't feeling to healthy today.
“Kagome, want to walk to science class with me?” Kagome looked over to see the guy she'd been in love with ever since she could last remember, too bad everyone thought he was gay or she might have had a chance.
“Hi Hojo, sure, maybe if I'm lucky we'll even get to be new lab partners,” `Yeah, maybe if I'm lucky I'll get to be your new lab partner.' Kagome thought to herself as she held in a giggle.
“Yeah, I forgot we're being assigned new lab partners today. Aren't you excited?” Hojo said, beaming off his bright smiling.
`What the heck is there to be excited about?' “Oh yeah, I'm just thrilled.” Kagome said the word thrilled a little less enthusiastic, but smiled nonetheless.
“Yeah, I hope we can be partners, I'd be the happiest student in science class if I could work by your side for the rest of the semester.” Hojo said looking ecstatic as he held the door open for Kagome to walk through. It would have been a really nice gesture and much appreciated for Kagome since her hands were full.
But fate had other plans as Kagome fell into the door dropping everything she had in her hands and causing all her papers and books to fly in every which direction in the entrance to science class. “EEEK!” Kagome squeaked as she hit the hard wooden door with the side of her head and fell down flat on her butt.
“Damn, clumsy wenches,” Inuyasha mumbled as he stepped over Kagome and into the classroom.
Of course Kikyo being practically glued to his back since they started seeing each other, had to witness everything as she stood pretending to laugh in this obnoxious high pitch squeal. `She sounds like a dying pig.' Kagome thought dazed, still not feeling well from earlier and now feeling like maybe she's going to have a concussion.
“Ha, ha, ha… Guess maybe you should learn when to get out of peoples way, bitch,” Kikyo said evilly as she too stepped over Kagome and Hojo with her nose stuck in the air.
“Oh my gosh, Kagome are you ok?” Hojo said panicking with his hand on her shoulder trying to shake the stupefied look off of her face. “Kagome how many fingers am I holding up?” Hojo asked urgently sticking two fingers in front of Kagomes face
“Um… four…” Kagome groaned squinting her eyes trying to focus, while writhing on the floor.
Hojo grimaced.
“Is there a problem?” The Science teacher asked tapping his foot impatiently looking down on the two with a peeved expression through his thick glasses.
“Umm… no Mr. Hirano.” They said simultaneously, while Hojo grabbed Kagomes arm and helped her to stand up. Kagome grabbed the door handle for extra support feeling like if she didn't sit down soon she would be helplessly falling backwards.
When class finally got settled down Mr. Hirano took attendance and explained the new project in chapter 24. “Alright now class, I'm sure you all know by this time I'll be rearranging lab partners. Now if you'd all just stay quiet I'll start reading them off.” Mr. Hirano said crudely as he studied the paper while adjusting his glasses.
“Shigeto and Mai, Etsumi and Kouga, Gaku and Kikyo, Hojo and Amika, Fuyumi and Ouji…” Mr. Hirano continued to say off names.
`Hmm… I haven't heard my name yet.' Kagome thought absently.
“…and finally Kagome and Inuyasha,” The teacher said looking smug, waiting for a reaction to which he was not disappointed.
“WHAT!?” The two new lab partners screamed in unison. Inuyasha even jumped up to slam his palms down on the table, which Kagome would've done if she didn't feel like she was going to collapse. “Ugh, could this day get any worse,” Kagome muttered to herself trying to be discreet but unfortunately Inuyasha heard as he forcefully yelled over the class “Yeah, bitch, well the feelings mutual,” while waving his fist back and forth in front of his face.
“Sit down Inuyasha!” Mr. Hirano screamed hoarsely and Inuyasha grudgingly sat down with a thump. “I don't want to hear another dispute out of either of you for the rest of the year, and if I do, you'll both regret it.” Mr. Hirano shouted to them as the whole class went silent with wide eyes. Inuyasha however was a force to be reckoned with; he was going to find a way to make this teacher pay.
“Tomorrow I'll have the new seating charts posted up on the projector, for right now I suggest you get familiar with your new lab partner, you'll be spending a lot of time with them over the semester.” Mr. Hirano said pointedly looking at both Kagome and Inuyasha to which they both looked at each other and scowled.
The bell rang sending the students flocking out of the classroom like a wave.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“Wait; let me get this straight…” Sango said stopping in front of Kagome before she walked any farther down the hall. “Mr. Hirano assigned you and Inuyasha to be lab partners. What was he thinking?” Sango asked perplexed.
“I don't know. Why don't you go ask him?” Kagome said crudely, obviously very irritated.
“Sango, beautiful, I was hoping I'd get to run into you.” Miroku gushed while he gave Sango an unexpected hug.
`Seen that coming,' Kagome thought even more irritated.
“MIROKU!” Sango screamed angrily. “What did I tell you lecher!?”
“Now Sango dear it was merely an accident.” Miroku defended himself calmly while rubbing his offended cheek that now sported a bright red handprint.
“Save it lech!” Sango snapped a little harsher than she meant to.
“I can't believe Mr. Hirano! What was that idiot thinking, setting you up with that loser,” Kikyo fumed for the 8th time that day while she sat on the side of Inuyashas inside pool smoking a cigarette. “You have straight A's, if he assigns you to work with that idiot; who knows how drastically your grades will drop.” Kikyo spit out taking another drag of her cigarette.
Inuyasha effortlessly pushed himself out of the water and walked around the edge of his pool. `What the hell was I thinking? Hmm but she is good in the sheets,' Inuyasha thought wrapping a towel around his waste and sending Kikyo a warning glare to stop ranting on endlessly.
“I'm going up to my room to change. Afterwards we need to talk.” Inuyasha announced interrupting Kikyos ranting while storming away without a second glance.