InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ Awkward Meetings ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I could actually benefit from some feedback, so for any of you who think this story sucks, or likes the story a lot; I'd appreciate you telling me this. I am new at this site… and I've never really wrote a story before so if you'd like to give me some ideas or constructive criticism… that'd be great…so yeah feel free to say whatever you want… thanx!
Oh yeah and in later chapters Inuyasha is going to have another big party… cuz I know I didn't really go into that much detail for his last one and probably disappointed a few people, plus my own friend got mad at me for it… sorry.
Oh and another thing… I'm thinking about writing another story… it's kind of going to be a like of one of my favorite movies from Hayao Miyazaki; probably Spirited Away… but of course different and with a twist… so tell me what you think of that idea.
Chapter 5 Awkward Meetings
“Oh… Kagome… wake up dear,” Mrs. Higurashi whispered extra sweetly as she walked quietly into daughter's bedroom to wake her up.
“Huh… Ugh… who are you?” Kagome mumbled from under her thick comforter without moving a muscle.
“*Sigh* what on earth are you talking about Kagome? It's me your mother.” Mrs. Higurashi explained with obvious concern. `She's probably still a little drugged from the medication I gave her yesterday.' She thought absently while she slowly inched closer and closer to the giant pink hump in the middle of the bed.
“Oooh…” Kagome mumbled again with her eyes still closed, after realization had sunk in. “Wait… What day is it?”
“Oh dear…” now it was her mothers turn to mumble. “Honey, today is Tuesday.” Her mother said slowly knowing her daughter wasn't all there, very sleepy and obviously still suffering from the other day's rather traumatic experiences.
“Oh, that's nice…” `Wait… Tuesday'
“Oh my god mom, what time is it!” Kagome screeched as she suddenly without warning threw her covers to the side and jumped out of bed as quickly as possible without losing balance and falling on her face.
“Um… Kagome I think you should lie back down. This kind of stress isn't good for you. You need to be resting if you expect to get any better.” Her mother cautioned quickly as she jumped up alongside Kagome and grabbed her arm struggling to usher her away from her dresser where clothes were presently being thrown around and try to persuade her to get back into bed.
“But I have school!” Kagome almost yelled as she still dug through her drawers for a clean uniform. She should have had plenty but her mother got wash crazy and decided she'd do a major load of laundry for Kagome later that night.
`Ugh… I guess there's just no helping her.' Her mother sighed and walked away defeated, full well knowing she'd be taking extra time out of her day caring for her when she got even sicker.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
-Bam- Bam- Bam!
Inuyasha woke up that morning to an incessant pounding on his bedroom door. On the other side of the door Inuyasha could only imagine was Sesshomaru by his calm but serious muffled voice.
“Inuyasha, you're going to be late. Get up or risk getting both detention and a beating.” Sesshomaru said threateningly through the door, he was not going to get blamed again by his parents for this idiot's behavior. He began backing up however and started walking away after hearing Inuyasha groan proving he was finally awake.
`When did I fall asleep?' Inuyasha thought to himself holding his head in both hands as he sat up on the side of his bed. `Shit, what time is it?!' Inuyasha jumped to look around at his alarm clock that read 7:20…
`Oh great, now I only have 10 minutes to get to class!' Inuyasha thought as he jumped up and ran to the laundry room where he already knew the maids would have everything clean and ready for him to go, as usual.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“Hey Kagome, your finally back! I'm so glad… are you feeling any better?” Hojo asked excitedly sitting turned around in his seat in front of Kagome.
“Well… to be honest, I'm really not feeling that much better, but I just figured I absolutely couldn't miss one more day.” Kagome said trying to breath through her stuffed nose.
“Well I hope you feel better… If you need anything you know who you can always call… right?”
“Yes Hojo I know I can always count on you,” Kagome giggled.
Suddenly the door slammed shut making everyone jump. “Hello class.” Mr. Hirano said loudly making the class more aware of his entrance.
“Hello, Mr. Hirano.” The class half-heartedly mumbled.
“Well… we seem to be missing only two students today? Strangely enough that happens to be Inuyasha and Kikyo… Mr. Hirano sighed when he heard a fit of giggles. `That's not good when too students who are dating are both absent on the same day. Although it'd be better if none of you students had to be here!' Mr. Hirano thought discreetly as he smiled nonetheless to hide his inner feelings from his oblivious students.
`Oh no... Don't look at me… Don't look at me.' Kagome chanted in her head.
“Ahh… Kagome Higurashi, you finally decided to bless us with your presence! Welcome back.” Mr. Hirano said picking up a fresh stack of papers to handout.
“Well… I wouldn't necessarily say it's a blessing… I'm still really sick.” `Plus you're all liable to catch it,' Kagome thought to herself and tried not to smirk.
Just then a loud crash from a locker being violently slammed shut echoed through the hallways making the class turn towards the door. And not surprisingly in stumbled a much ticked looking Inuyasha.
“Hey, sorry I'm late… you can blame it on that stupid locker, this schools facilities has really gone to hell over these past years.” Inuyasha said nonchalantly as he hefted his heavy looking bag over his shoulder and then stopped dead in his tracks.
`What's she doing here; I thought the wench was sick?' Inuyasha asked himself.
Wishing now he wasn't the center of attention he just gulped and set down his bag then pulled out his chair nice and slowly.
`Oh… now why is he looking at me like that?' Shamelessly chewing on the eraser of her pencil Kagome was disgusted as she thought about what had happened the last time she saw his face. “Take a picture, it lasts longer!” Kagome said a little too sarcastically then cringed hoping that now she wouldn't get hit. She probably sounded like crap anyway.
But instead all she got was a dirty look as her lab partner furrowed his brows in confusion and finally slowly sat down in his seat next to her. Then they had the decency to properly greet each other.
A little Shocked Inuyasha swallowed the little lump in his throat. He wouldn't ever let Kagome Higurashi get the better of him, “I wouldn't get so cocky little girl, I'm a lot bigger than you!” Inuyasha spit out as he unzipped his back pack then continued on just for the added annoyance, “and faster, and smarter, and stronger… so to sum up, you can just say I'm better than you.”
“Well I'll give you this…” Kagome started as she swiveled in her seat to face him better, “You're definitely a hell of a lot more conceited.”
“Alright, that's enough out of you two… pipe down and get started on today's assignment already.” And with that they both shared another nasty look and turned to look down at their work.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“Hey Kagome… you are Kagome right?” Sango joked as she poked her pale and disheveled friend in the arm.
“Ugh… I can't believe she made me participate in gym today even though she knows I'm still sick. I'm telling you I think she hates me or something.” Kagome sulked as she blew her nose again. “Ugh… this whole day is horrible; wait this whole month has been horrible. It's like a nightmare that won't end. To make this whole month get even better than it already is, Mr. Hirano has assigned a new project for next week, a project that involves several hours of outside school participation with our fantastic new lab partners!” Kagome emphasized heavily on the word fantastic and then took a huge bite out of her sandwich to calm down.
“That should be interesting.” Sango choked out between giggles. The thought of Kagome and Inuyasha spending anytime together, especially out of school was pretty comical.
“Now Kagome… do you need me to cheer you up?”
“Miroku, if I were you I wouldn't even think about it, right now whatever part of you touches me you're not getting back!” Kagome threatened as she moved a seat down at the lunch table already sensing the lecherous hands of Miroku coming in contact with her butt. She knew too well Miroku's idea of helping a girl was always a smooth pat on the bottom.
“Well, well, someone's feisty today. After all, I was only trying to help.” Miroku said innocently as he calmly took another bite of his burger.
“Yeah sure…” both girls muttered simultaneously getting up to deposit their lunch trays.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
“So cuddle bunny, what do you wanna do tonight?” Miroku asked grabbing his girlfriend from behind and nuzzling her neck.
Sango ignored his childish nickname for her and stuffed the last book of hers into her back pack then turned to face him. “Well, what I want to do tonight is pack my stuff and go on a last minute vacation. But what I'm going to do is head over to Kagome's house and spend the night so I can tutor her some more in geometry.” Sango said hefting her heavy bag over her shoulder.
Pouting, Miroku shook his head as if too say `fine, I understand,' then reached out and took Sango's heavy burden away from her and flung it over his own shoulder. “Well, then what do you want to do tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow I'm probably going to pack my bags and leave for good.”
“You're always so sarcastic.” Miroku laughed.
“Hey Miroku, I need to talk to you.” Just then Miroku was abruptly spun around and came face to face with a peeved Inuyasha… what else was new?
“Hey Inuyasha, how are you? So are you enjoying your new lab project? I hear it's a tough one for you to have to deal with, being partnered up with your enemy and all.” Miroku joked but neither Sango nor Inuyasha laughed.
“Yeah Miroku, and do enjoy telling a joke and being the only one who laughs?” Inuyasha grounded out.
“Alright, alright, I get it, you're mad. Now what do you need me for?”
After a second of hesitation Inuyasha began. “Tell Kagome that if she fails this project I'll beat her stupid. And that if she wants to work on it together she has to come over to my house because her house smells like dead people got it!” Inuyasha barked out, “and you can also inform her that if she wants allowed in she has to take a shower first, dirty wench is starting to smell worse than her house does.” And just like that he turned around and left a perturbed audience in his wake.
Sango just nodded numbly then grabbed Miroku's hand and started to walk away. “Miroku, I'll just tell her that Inuyasha wants her to come over so they can work on the project together, I think that sounds a lot better.”
“I agree… if we tell her what he really said she'd show up at his doorstep armed and ready for battle.”
Sango giggled.
“Ha, see I don't always laugh at my own jokes!” Miroku pointed out, obviously still offended.
“No, you don't… So, want to drop me off at Kagome's house tonight?”
Miroku swung his arm around Sango's shoulders. “Of course, but just to be on the safe side I think I should stay the night too. I could…”
“Not gonna happen.”