InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do Fools Fall In Love? ❯ Getting Ready ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

CH. 16 Getting Ready
Kagome walked into Inuyasha's bedroom to lay down some of the dry cleaning they'd picked up earlier that day. She had a beautiful white dress with an ivory tint she was going to wear to the party. A perfect contrast to her jet black hair, it was strapless and had a broach that fit perfectly between her breasts. Around the top there were tiny diamonds- fake of course- but still pretty. She was excited to wear the elegant floor length dress around all her friends… they'd never expect her to.
She wanted to get started with the rest of the preparations but Inuyasha insisted she get ready for the party so she wouldn't miss out on anything.
Kagome still couldn't quite figure out why Inuyasha had kept quiet. He looked so happy to see her when she came barreling down the stairs… that is until he noticed she wasn't wearing any pants.
“Oh no” Kagome said out loud to herself because she couldn't stop herself in time. She spun around in her underwear to get a good look at herself in Inuyasha's floor length mirror that ran along his wall. She examined herself carefully, being sure to check for anything unflattering. `What if he doesn't like the way I look without pants on?' Kagome turned around again in front of the mirror in nothing but pink satin underwear to get a better look at everything.
Kagome stopped spinning when she realized that Inuyasha's opinion of her actually mattered. `When had that happened?' Well they had become friends… hadn't they?
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha's bed and picked up her dress. When had all of this become so normal? How could it possibly be normal for Inuyasha to be nice and ask her for help with one of his own parties? It just seems so natural that they be friends and offer each other help when the other needed it. She admitted to herself at least that for a while she'd just gotten swept into things. Inuyasha would take her out and it would be like they were close friends and nothing in the past ever happened. She only hoped he wasn't still being this way because he felt bad for everything that happened in the past.
Kagome picked up her dress and slipped into it. Inuyasha had hired a hairstylist and everything. That was what excited Kagome more than anything, a celebrity hairstylist that came to your house to help you out.
It wasn't until recently that Inuyasha had started lavishing her with expensive things. Like just yesterday when they were at the mall and she seen a pair of shoes in a window display she instantly fell in love with. Inuyasha had offered to buy them for her. When she seen the price she freaked out and he just casually said “think of it as an early Christmas present.” She didn't understand him.
Kagome opened the door for the hairstylist and cosmetologist. She could hear them coming all the way down the corridor, going on and on about how decked out and great the party looked. She started getting excited, within the next hour guests would start pouring in. Some would be famous, others would be infamous and the rest would be from school. Either way it would be packed. Kagome sub-consciously hoped Inuyasha didn't invite too many ex-girlfriends.
Inuyasha learned his lesson early on that it was not a good idea to lick an ice sculpture don't matter how big or perfect her breasts were. He'd been staring at the thing since they dropped it off, him and some of his new close buds. The only reason they were all here was because they helped put it all together. That and because Kagome wanted them here.
Inuyasha looked over at Miroku and Sango and had to admit they cleaned up nicely. Inuyasha turned away and closed his eyes trying not to conjure up a picture of what Kagome might look like when she was finally done getting ready. Inuyasha looked back up at the ice sculpture and noticed it slightly resembled her. He had to snap out of it. He was always thinking of her, even when she was just around the corner. He was even beginning to think she looked like the ice sculpture.
“Hey Inuyasha where you going,” Miroku called out to his retreating back.
“To get a beer.”
“So are you dating the host?” The hairstylist asked a twitchy Kagome as she fiddled with her hair. “He is just the hottest thing.” She gushed.
“I know and you never meet good looking men with character and money these days.” The cosmetologist added while she put a dark navy blue on her eyelids.
Kagome giggled, “Inuyasha isn't rich his parents are, this is their house and everything.”
“Well still. He's adorable and you two make a cute couple!”
Kagome thought to object and let them know she wasn't dating the host but she didn't want to make them feel stupid for asking. It'd be best just to let them believe what they wanted too.
“Ah so I thought I'd find you in here.” Miroku walked over to the fridge and pulled out a cold one.
“What do you want lech?” Inuyasha took a swig of his beer and sat down on a barstool. His parents put this bar in over a year ago and this is the first time anyone's used it.
“So I noticed you adore the ice sculpture.” Miroku tried not to laugh but he couldn't help the smile on his face.
“Yeah, what of it,” Inuyasha barked. He should've known all along really… he should have known it was his idea. Well at least now he knows he wasn't just imagining it. But for some reason it made his blood boil. “How did you get a picture of Kagome naked!?” He shouted.
“Whoa,” Miroku put his hands up in the air as if to show he wasn't guilty. “I've never even seen Kagome naked. I just put her face on another woman's body… naked body.”
Inuyasha growled. He didn't know why he was getting so worked up over the littlest things lately. But he had a pretty good idea that most of his frustration was keeping his love for Kagome a secret. Or maybe it was the opposite. He had to tell her how he felt but he'd never get the courage to do it until they're both on their death beds. Inuyasha scowled, he had to let her know his feelings for her were serious.
Miroku spoke up and finally put a halt to Inuyasha's troubled mind. “If you love her you should just let her know.” Miroku sighed and took a swig of his beer. “I've been trying to let Sango know just how much she means to me but every time I open my mouth to tell her I choke on air.”
Inuyasha didn't say anything; it was hard believing he was in the same boat with a lecher. But he knew what he was saying was true.
“Keh,” Inuyasha scoffed and stomped away… in the direction of his bedroom to find Kagome.
Inuyasha passed the front door just in time to hear it ring. He stopped and stared at it. He really wanted to tell Kagome how he felt before everyone got there and before his feelings started eating him from the inside out. The door burst opened to let in a crowd of people he hadn't even known were coming, including his ex-girlfriend Kikyo. Inuyasha groaned out loud.