InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why I did it. ❯ The beginning of yesterday and tomorrow ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

.1/30/09- One spirit Journal. (12-13)
I think im happy right bored, and moms latest and `greatest' boyfriend hasn't paid the cable bill yet. Mike's his name. I like him. Thanks to him i have my own room, in the apartment I thought we'd never be able to move into. It was to pretty for us...meant for sombody else. But no we get to live here. Its not as great as i thought though, .I mean Mom and MIke fight so much that Beo (i couldn't say the Spanish word for still cant so beo it is) moved out. Which...i guess left me with nightmares about what he did to me...I told mom. That's over now thorough. I haven't heard anything on his arrest in like...forever. Oh well. Im more bothered by the fact that when we dont pay the cable bill we lose internate.But not Tv. I miss senpai....oh welll. Until then ill just have to entertain myself with MAURY and his guest. Who aparently found a orange fishnet dress in her laundry? lol What the fuck.
* * *
6/9/11- Flowers (14) is so complicated...sometimes i get so confused. You know what i mean? One minuet your with one guy...the next is 2 years later and you can barely believe it was only yesterday he was up your ass....Im so lonely now a days. I miss the time when i could spend hours alone an not realize i was lonely. But that was before i had of course it was easier then? I wanted to grow up in 4th grade...and 5th grade...7th...and 8th is over in a few days...
I wish i was back in fourth grade. Nothing special happened. but i loved fourth grade. Life was simpler? I mean...okay well i was simpler. Dont you think so? well...maybe you dont now....but sooner or later youll know what i mean future me...well...i dont think ill be on the one reading this...well..who ever you are.... After reading all my journals you'll understand i promise.....maybe not in order...but well. take it a page at a time. memories Dont show up like a movie, they show up like a crappy youtube video. Random bits and peices when they want to load in your brain screen.
I know you'll want a explanation....on why i did what im planning to do. But youll understand right?
Maybe youll get me, since...your reading me. how i remember me. in the order my crappy youtube videos loaded on my crappy brain screen.