InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Why Kagome Hates Worms ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Why Kagome hates Worms:
“Hey, Kahn, Souta and I are going to take a bath. Stay safe” Kagome said.
Kagome, Souta, and Alara went towards the hot springs and left Shippou and Kahn at camp after she got an approving nod from Kahn. She dropped her scent masking spell once they were in the water. She let out a small moan of pleasure and looked over at Souta and Alara. Alara was balancing on Souta's head. Kagome let out a small laugh as Alara fell into the water, getting soaked. The little neko, then, began to swim to Kagome. This earned her another small laugh.
“This feels good, doesn't it Souta?” Kagome sighed.
Alara meowed seeing Kagome happy. Souta nodded his head in approval and sunk deeper into the water. Kagome began to wash her hair with cherry shampoo she brought and looked at her brother. He seemed to be deep in thought, but about what?
“Souta, do you think anybody would love me like I use to love I-Inuyasha?” Kagome asked.
“Maybe, I don't really know. Will we ever find father?” Souta replied, smiling happily.
“I know we will” Kagome said with false cheeriness.
After their bath, they headed back to camp. When they got there, they were surprised to see Sesshoumaru standing in front of Kahn. Kahn was glaring at Sesshoumaru for some reason and Shippou was watching the two have a staring contest; Sesshoumaru seemed to be winning. Kagome titled her head slightly and looked from one to the other.
“Sesshoumaru-sama, may I ask why you are here?” Kagome asked, surprised.
“My ward has become mysteriously sick and I have come to ask for your help” he replied.
“Rin is sick? Oh no” Kagome gasped.
With that, she began to pack up her things. `Perfect' Shippou thought evilly. `Oh no, Rin is sick. I hope she is okay!' Kagome thought. As she packed, Kahn looked at her as though she was crazy when she lifted the heavy bag with one arm and tried to walk. His eyebrow lifted slightly as he looked at her.
“Well, um, which way is she?” Kagome asked.
“No, you aren't carrying that bag with your broken arm, missy! Give it here” Kahn implied.
“No it's okay, I can carry it” Kagome stated.
Kahn went over to her, picked her up, and slipped that bag off of her shoulders. He gave her a broad smile and picked Shippou up after he put her back down. Kagome gave him a small pout before she sighed and grabbed Alara. Sesshoumaru mentally sighed and began to walk back to his camp. Kagome walked behind him, humming softly when an herb was about to cross her path. She ran in front of the group and picked it. Shippou watched Sesshoumaru look at his mother again and it made him grin madly. Kahn was grinning also.
“Okay, let's go. And why are you two smiling like that?” Kagome giggled.
“Oh…nothing” Kahn replied, allowing his grin to grow wider.
Kagome grabbed Sesshoumaru's hand and pulled him in front of her, but let go as soon as he was in front. Sesshoumaru's face showed surprise and happiness for a moment, but turned into his normal emotionless mask in a second. When he turned around, Shippou could see his eyes almost held pure happiness, but it had some confusion in them. They arrived at the little camp about ten minutes later.
“So, when did this start?” Kagome asked Jaken.
“About an hour ago” Jaken replied angrily.
Kagome shot him a warning glare before returning her eyes back to Rin. Kagome checked her forehead and took out a thermometer. She began searching in her bag for the bottle of cold pills when the thermometer beeped. Almost everyone jumped except Souta and Sesshoumaru (Souta because he already knew it was going to beep and Sesshoumaru because he is the freakin' Taiyoukai of the west). She looked at the number. `101.1, hmmm, she might be better tomorrow' Kagome thought. She made Rin swallow the pill and put her blanket over Rin.
“Sorry guys, we have to stay here tonight. Her temp is 101.1 and it should be fine tomorrow, but I have to stay and make sure” Kagome explained.
Her group nodded. Kahn went next to her and sat down while Shippou curled up in his lap. Souta went to her lap and looked up at her. He put his head under her chin and she put an arm around him protectively. His looked showed fear and worry. Probably from being around someone who looks like Inuyasha after the whole event.
“Don't worry; he isn't like I-Inuyasha. He won't harm us unless we harm him or Rin. Even though they look the same and they are half-brother, he is the more mature and smarter one” she whispered in his ear.
Kagome gave him a false smile and pulled a small blanket over him to keep him warm. Souta closed his eyes and went to sleep. Kagome, on the other hand, couldn't find sleep. She leaned against Kahn and looked into the fire with sleepy eyes, but she couldn't sleep. She didn't know if it was because of the nightmares that constantly haunted her, or if it was being so close to the cold-blooded killer know as Sesshoumaru, taiyoukai of the Western Lands. Kahn sighed and smiled at Kagome. `It won't be long after she goes to sleep. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes' he thought.
“Go to sleep Kagome. As your big brother, I won't allow anything to harm you. Now sleep, Imouto” he whispered.
Kagome nodded slowly and went to sleep after a few minutes. Kahn wrapped his tail around them and put his arm around her shoulder to keep her from falling on Souta. Sesshoumaru gave Kahn one of his famous I-am-going-to-kill-you (-if-you-don't-get-your-hands-off-of-my-woman LOL. Sorry, I just HAD to add that) glares. Jaken was sleeping quietly behind a tree (So no one has to look at his ugly face. LOL).
“Ookami, what is your connection with the miko? This Sesshoumaru would like to know” Sesshoumaru said.
“She saved me from a death that wasn't mine. I have vowed to protect her from any harm for as long as I live. She is like my little sister and I wish to keep her alive. And her name is Kagome, not miko” Kahn said.
As he explained, Kagome's grip on Souta increased in strength. `Right on time' Kahn thought. Sesshoumaru looked at her questionably when she began to whimper lightly. Kahn put Shippou and Souta to the side and put Kagome in his lap as he sighed. Kagome turned towards his chest as if it were a shield protecting her from an enemy. Sesshoumaru looked at Kahn, expecting an answer for why Kagome was almost cowering in fear as she slept.
“Every night. Hey, do you know who this Inuyasha person is?” Kahn asked.
“Why?” Sesshoumaru almost growled.
“He's the one who made my Imouto like this and I want to be the one to send him to his grave” Kahn said.
“What has he done now? My, he gets dumber by the day” Sesshoumaru said.
Shippou yawned as he got up to see the two talking. He decided to tell the story to Sesshoumaru; Shippou wanted to see how the taiyoukai reacted on how his brother killed Kagome's family. Even though Sesshoumaru's face showed none of his emotions, Shippou could see the blazing anger that was in his eyes as he went on the best he could without the help of Souta. Shippou smiled at Kahn and went back to sleep next to Souta. Kagome woke up about five minutes later, panting.
“Is it the same one?” Kahn asked.
“H-H-Hai” she whispered fearfully.
“Shh, it's okay. I won't allow him to do that again. Sleep” Kahn said calmly.
Kagome nodded and went back to sleep, not noticing the emotions playing in Sesshoumaru's head.
Kagome woke up to see everyone had dozed into a peaceful slumber; even Sesshoumaru (OH NO! THE END OF THE WORLD IS UPON US! He is sleeping peacefully). She got out of Kahn's grasp somehow and went over to a waking Rin. Rin was stretching and rubbing her eyes from any sleep. Kagome smiled and took out a pill for Rin to swallow.
“Kagome-chan, is that you?” Rin asked.
“Yes, Rin-chan. How would you like to take a bath with me? We have to be really quiet and really quick. Sesshoumaru-sama and Kahn might get angry at us for leaving so early without telling them” Kagome asked.
“HAI” Rin whispered happily.
“I got the things, let's go!” Kagome giggled happily as she grabbed Alara.
As they took off to the hot springs, Kagome felt as though it was a bad idea to leave without telling Kahn. They both jumped in and played for a while before actually taking a bath. Kagome and Rin helped each other bathe and wash each other's hair. Rin giggled happily at an idea that popped into her head. Kagome tilted her head as she looked at the giggling child.
“What's so funny?” Kagome asked.
“Kagome-chan, are you going to be Rin-chan's new Okaa-san?” Rin asked.
“I-I don't know. I'm sure that Sesshoumaru-sama wouldn't allow me to be your mother since he is your father. But… I will be your secret Okaa-san. You can call me Okaa-san when we are alone or with Shippou and/or Souta” Kagome said.
Rin hugged her tightly and they both got out of the water. Kagome dressed in a red kimono with black sakura blossoms with a green obi and Rin dressed in her regular orange and yellow checkered kimono. Kagome sat down and allowed Rin to braid a small part of her hair that slipped out of her ponytail. When Rin was done, Kagome pulled Rin's hair into her regular side ponytail (thing). As soon as they were about to go back to camp, a small worm youkai bit into Kagome's leg. Kagome smacked it off and looked at the small bite marks in her leg. She sighed and smoothed out her kimono (Not realize that the worms are about 5 inches in length and about 3 inches fat and are yellow tubey thingies). More came out of the ground and were about to attach themselves to Rin, but Kagome pushed Rin out of the way and they bit into Kagome's arm. Kagome shot at them with her blasts of miko energy and turned to Rin.
“Rin, koi, listen to me. I want you to go and stay with the others at camp. I'll be okay” Kagome said calmly.
Kagome finally lost her balance when ten of them bit her at once. Rin nodded and ran back to camp. Kagome shot her miko energy and blasted the small worms into oblivion. Tears streamed down her face when she heard Kagome yelp in pain from the far distance. Finally, when she reached camp, she saw Kahn sit up quickly.
“Kahn-kun, Kagome-chan is being attacked by little worm youkai thingies” Rin said.
“Shippou, Souta, protect her” Kahn ordered as he got up and reached for his sword.
Kahn went running towards Kagome and was joined by Sesshoumaru (AWWWW! Sesshy likes Kagome, Sesshy likes Kagome. -Runs away from the stage as Sesshoumaru runs at her with his Toukijin in hand- I'M SORRY! DON'T KILL ME). When they arrived, Kagome was on the ground, fighting the large amount of worm youkai attacking her. She was covered in little teeth marks and was loosing her strength because she was using took much miko energy. She let out another yelp of pain when one attached to her neck.
“Kuso” she yelled.
Kahn grew angry and killed all of the worms surrounding her. She gave him a weary smile and pulled herself up. Kahn gave her his sword and they attacked the little army of youkai. Sesshoumaru already joined in and was looking for the reason why they seemed so compelled to attack her. `We must be on top of their nest' she thought. She stuck her sword into the ground and sent the rest of her miko energy into the ground. All the worm youkai hissed as they dissolved into nothing. Kagome fell to her knees and looked up at Kahn with a smile. In an instant, her smile disappeared as she looked down.
“Kuso” she muttered.
An enormous worm youkai burst out of the ground and grabbed Kagome with its jaws. Kagome let out a shout of pain and fell unconscious. Kahn was about to attack when Sesshoumaru held him back. Kahn fought in Sesshoumaru's grasp until Sesshoumaru pierced his skin with his claws.
“Unless you want to be purified to hell, I suggest you stand still and watch” Sesshoumaru hissed in his ear.
Kahn stopped and looked over at the youkai. He had stopped moving as his eyes grew wide. The mouth of the worm glowed a vibrant pink and light shot out. The worm exploded into a wave of sparkles and Kagome was falling to the ground. Sesshoumaru, luckily, caught her in time and looked at her necklace. It turned from pink, back to blue.
“Come, her wounds are serious for a ningen. My castle is not far away” Sesshoumaru stated.
Kahn nodded and headed back to the camp with Alara to get Shippou, Souta, and their things.
“What are your nightmares about?” he asked softly.
“I-Inuyasha killing Souta and I can't help Souta. He calls out for me and I can't move” she said.
“Why don't you cry?” he asked.
“It is a weakness and I don't want to be weak in anyone else's eyes anymore” she whispered.
“I won't see you as weak. You have been through much these past days. Now cry. Cry on my shoulder. No one will see you as weak here. Allow me in as you once let Inuyasha in” Sesshoumaru almost begged. (So close, but yet…so far away)