InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Kikyo Encounter ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kayo. If you were wondering about the whole Mr.JiggyFly thing well that is one of the nicknames my friends gave me. I was on a sugar high when I wrote that part. Keep that in mind if anything like that ever comes up again.

Kikyo Encounter

Sango got me up an hour early for our tour of the school. The school was pretty okay. I might get lost but not to much to be a problem. When we got back to our dorm I made waffles and we filled ourselves for the day ahead. I was nervous so I wore one of my favorite outfits- black jeans covered in zippers and pockets and a white T-shirt that I had customized by writing in sparkly red letters "Hi! I am your friendly neighborhood psychopath and I think I need a hug!" Isn't it funny how a simple change thing like a change of clothes can give you such a big burst of confidence?

Sango and I got to our homeroom about 1 minute before the bell rang. The teacher, Ms.Reim, asked me to say a few things about myself but a familiar, hated voice beat me to it.

"Her name is Kagome Higurashi. She is here because she most likely slept with the wrong man."

I found the source of the voice. Yeah you guessed it. Kikyo. Oh joy.

"Sorry Kikyo but I actually have self-respect and am therefore her for a different reason than you."

Damn, she is an idiot. She stood up, walked over and slapped me. By then everyone was of course following our every movement. No shit, how could you miss that? An evil smile grew on my face as I turned so my gaze met hers. You could see her gulp at her obvious mistake. I have a big sense of pride so there was no way in hell that I was going to let her get away with that. Everyone was shocked when I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the wall then slowly raised my fist level with her face. I loved the look of terror in her eyes the moment before my fist made impact. The dull crack of her nose breaking brought the teacher out of her state of shock and she scurried to a phone to call security. I was almost finished reuniting with Kikyo when the guys finally pulled me off of her. Damn shame. But at least I got to admire my work even if from a small distance. As soon as I let go of her she turned into a bloody, sobbing mess on the floor. My second day and I was already going to get my own chair in the principals' office. Yay, I was already making an impact here.