InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? Why These Dreams? What Is Happening To Me? ❯ Why Me? Why These Dreams? What Is Happening To Me? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This just came to me when i had a lil dream bout my bf and my childhood (we were friends since i was 5 and he was 10) and when we met again after i moved well yea we didnt member eachother then well we started new and now i've been having dreams about our child hood and i thought it would make a good story so hope u all enjoy this story.


next chapter

Kagome lay in her bed in her time. Inuyasha was with kikyo again. It hurt but she never loved him it just hurt to hear the words he spoke.


"Inu-Baby what about my copy?" asked kikyo in his (inuyasha's) embrace.
"What about her?"asked inu.
"What if she sees us?"she asked.
"It dont matter what she sees nor hears. I love you not that wanna be copy of yours. I dont even care for her as a friend. Psh I'm just using her to get the jewel shards." said inu.
xEnd FBx

Kagome just led everyone onto think she loved him. The thing is she was curious about him he was her first 'friend' there. She didnt know about demons or hanyous until she fell into the well.

Kagome fell asleep and into the dream relm. She knew she would dream of them again.

Sad thing is she didnt know who the 'them' was the little girl whom looked so much like herself was always with a boy who looked frighteningly much like sesshomaru. She knew that they were not them though just her imagination.

(or so she thought)


*Come on my puppy friend. Lets go to the gardens.* said the little angel girl hovering over the ground her wings fluttering.
*Then we shall go to the gardens my little angel-love.* said the boy.
*Hey I said not to call me that.* the little angel said.
*Yes and have I not told you not to call thus your puppy friend? Did I not?*The pup said slyly.
*Ah yes but my puppy-love it fits you so well.* said the girl.

As they got to the garden the girl laughed in joy of all the flowers.

*Come on Maru-Kun!*exclaimed the girl.
*Of course Love.* said the boy with a smile on his face for bringing his intended mate joy.

xEnd Dreamx

Kagome bolted up in her bed. She started to think 'thats the first time the girl called his name' who is this boy the girl called Maru I have to go back.

Going to the well house she walked up to the well and looked in right before jumping in. The blue sparkling light surrounded her with a soft warmth. Once back into the past she heard Inuyasha yelling.
"Welcome back wench."
The others gave her a hug welcoming her back and shippo jumped to her shoulder.


next chapter

"Shut it Inu-No-Baka." kagome said.
"Lets just go wench." said inu.
"Whatever."kagome whispered.
"Oh and my mate will be joining the group." he said with a smirk.

xheading westx

The group started heading west the new addition of the now larger group that now involved the new members are:
Kikyo's soul collecters

Now that they were heading west kagome's chest constricted as if something was coming.
"inuyasha something is coming."kagome said.
"Yes i do believe so inuyasha." miroku agreed.
"Hmmm" was all they got from inuyasha.

The group stepped back as Sesshomaru stepped into the clearing. Kagome couldnt help but notice how he did look just like the little boy from her dreams.

"Sesshomaru what the fuck do you want you bastard?" inuyasha said.
"My business is none of your concern you are in my path half-breed." sesshomaru stated coldly.

All of a sudden kagome fell to her knees as an arrow locked into her back barely breaking the skin but that was not kikyo's intintion the intintion was to keep her still.
Kagome looked up and whispered one thing and that one thing was a big mistake.
"Maru-Kun?"kagome whispered before all of a sudden she took off running. Kikyo cursed as she obviously didnt put enough power into the spell.

Kagome kept running until she got to the well. Once at the well she jump in intent on not returning. She landed in her time and then realized she forgot her bag so she jumped back into the well.


Kagome climbed out of the well. Thats when she was knocked out by something from behind her.


"Father what is it you have to show me" asked a 10year old sesshomaru.
"It is very important you do not let this girl go she has come back to you after leaving a year ago to us but to her its been over 800 years. She does not remember you my son. Do you remember kagome tenishyo?" asked tashio.
"but of course father she was my intended and when i find her i shall have her." sesshomaru said.
"you have found her my son take care of her but for right now go to bed your mother and i shall watch over her until she wakens."tashio insisted.

Sesshomaru turned and went to bed just for this night he would sleep in his bed.

(Sorry another cliffy tell me what u think and tell me if i should continue this story please thank you)

next chapter

Sesshomaru woke up and walked to kagome's room. He walked in without knocking knowing that she was still asleep. When he looked around the room he saw his father and mother by the girl's side watching her.

"Sesshomaru my son go eat breakfast and patrol the lands." Tashio and Minioka said together.

"What of the girl?"Sesshomaru asked.

"She shall be safe with us now go do not worry so." said minioka.

"Yes Mother"he replied

Sesshomaru walked out and went to the dinning hall. After eating his morning meal he went to patrol the lands.

xKagome's Roomx

Kagome groaned as she slowly awoke. She opened her eyes and saw to her surprise two silver haired demons staring at her with......Love?

She looked around her surroundings and found that she had no clue where she was.

"Ah kagome you are awake we are so glad to see you again''

"Lord Tashio, Lady minioka..... wait how do i know your names?"kagome whispered as her dream of the boys parents came back to her. The little girl had called them her parents. But the strange thing was the boy Maru called the girl Kagz and the girl had said some really scary things.

xFB to the dreamx

*Momma Papa! Sesshomaru is chasing me again.* the girl yelled with laughter in her voice.



xend fb to dreamx

'OMG that was sesshomaru and me what does this mean? and wait why am i six years old again?' kagome thought to herself.

"Kagome we realize you are having dreams well atleast you think they are dreams which really they are your memories." Said minioka

"you see a year ago to us that is your father took you to the well and sent you to the future. He told us that you would be back but he could not tell us more for we have not heard from him nor your mother in 11 months." tashio continued for his mate.

"Memories? Who's mine and sesshomarus yea right sesshomaru hates humans." kagome replied

"what are you talking about dear sesshomaru does not hate anyone."minioka asked the question tashio and her were wondering

"Ummmm where am i and how old is sesshomaru and why do i keep almost calling him maru and why do i feel as though i love him and you."kagome asked in a panic.

"You are sesshomarus intended mate thats why you want to call him such a name. This is your original time kagome you were born here in this time 6 years ago and before you were born sesshomaru was born and once you were born sesshomaru was 4 years of age now you are 6 and he is 10years of age and that is why you are here." Tashio said.

"But i cant be from here and nor can i be 6 because i was just 16 not too long ago. you two are crazy. and if this is my time where is my parents?" kagome asked

"Most likly dead. and you do belong in this time so you shall be staying."Said a voice from no where

"who is there?"kagome said frightened

"Do not worry child it is only us the fates." said another voice as 2 females appeared

"What do you mean im staying? im leaving right now."kagome said

"you can not sesshomaru will be quit displeased and will turn into the demon you know in the other time the one where he hates humans all because you left he turned cold almost heartless but he knew both now and then that he loved you and you were his intended from so long ago thats why he could never kill you." said the taller fates

"and you shall stay because the well is gone it hasnt been here since the last battle and even if it was its powers are now useless because it has served its purpose on returning you now all you must do is except that you belong here with your family and your love so please do not push them away or we will have to put a spell on you."said the shorter one of the fates


xWith Marux

Sesshomaru was patroling the lands close to the gate just getting back from patroling the rest of the west when he heard his intended mate yell.

He ran to her room and was in there and by her side with a barrier around them in a heart beat and was holding her close as he licked her cheek to calm her even going as far as purring.

She felt calmer. Kagome thought it strange that she was so calm in sesshomarus arms but it felt so right and she didnt care she was with her love again.

"Maru-Kun will you stay with me?" kagome asked

"Of course Always and Forever My Kagome"maru said back

"hmmmmm im glad love you sessho"kagome didnt know what made her say it or why she was so comfortable with this and with being with him but she was and she was actually happy.

"love you to kagome" with that said sesshomarus barrier went down he looked at the others in the room and said to them."go i will be taking kagome to my rooms where she will be staying from now on. no one needs to be with her right now but me i will change her and get her to bed and i will go to bed also and we shall take our meals for the next 2 days in my room so i can get her to trust me again" with that said sesshomaru stood with kagome in his arms and went to his room.

Sesshomaru laid kagome down on the bed and went to the closet he got one of his sleeping yukatas for kagome and got his sleeping wear as well he changed into his quickly then walked over to kagome and took off her shirt and her skirt. He always did this when they were together last year and the many years before that and he was damn well sure that he was going to do it every night even if she was awake he would change into his sleep wear and then change her like always and he knew like always she would of course still be shy even when he got her trust she was just innocent like that. Once done with puting his yukata on kagome he lifted her in his arms and pulled the furs back and placed her on her side of the bed and then laid down next to her. Almost instently she was cuddled up with him and he wrapped his arms around her slim waste and soon fell asleep inhaling her calming sent.

(Sorry but i need atleast one review b4 continuing so yea tell me whatcha all think of my story so far)

next chapter

When Kagome awoke she found her self comfortable and warm and she was clinging onto something hard yet soft and firm. 'What is this?'Kagome thought to herself

Beside her sesshomaru stirred without her notice and just watched her but when she was about to look up at him he closed his eyes again so not to catch her attention.

"Sesshomaru-Sama?"kagome asked quietly

"Just Maru my love"he replied

"Yes of course Maru-Kun. We are in our rooms?''she asked

"Yes. a servent will be in soon to bring breakfast come we must dress."sess said

"breakfast you mean i have been here all night with you?"kagome asked

"Well yes who else would my intended sleep near or with??"sesshomaru asked

"OH ok then lets dress shall we" kagome said with a blush

"we shall"sess replied

Sesshomaru was dressed and sitting on the bed waiting for kagome to finish dressing.

Kagome had just got out of the complicated yukata and sat it on the bed not looking at sesshomaru. There was a slight knock on the door but kagome was to busy trying to get dressed to hear it and sesshomaru was to entranced by what kagome was doing to notice.

The servant outside the door waited and didnt hear anything so thinking they were still asleep he walked right in and what he saw he knew was going to get him killed there right infront of him was none other then the young lords intended naked as the day she was born. She was short but she had a nice ass and though small her breast were not to small they were big enough to were you would be able to see the curve of them through the kimono she was going to be wearing and they were firm he was sure. Her long black hair was cascading down her shoulders covering her dusky nipples and her ass was in the air as she bent to get her kimono from the low tea table where sesshomaru had put it so he could watch her bend over.

The servent's tray droped and allerted the demon and angel in the room.
Kagome let out a shrill scream and sesshomaru's beast(inner demon) reacted to his mates distress and to the possessive nature that another male had looked upon its intendeds naked form.

Sesshomaru raced claws raised and slashed them right through the demon whos arousal you could smell through out the room and killed him instantly.

Tashio and Minioka heard kagome's scream and had come running when they got to sesshomarus room they opend the door and saw the dead servent and a bloody sesshomaru growling and purring to a crying and embarrassed kagome.

Tashio quickly turned around knowing sesshomaru would kill him if he looked upon kagome naked.
Minioka looked on and started to walk closer to sesshomaru who saw this and jumped back landing on the bed and he took of his top and wrapped it around kagome and tied the obi.

"sesshomaru why have you killed the servent your personal servent that is?"Minioka asked.

"He looked upon what is mine to claim and just gawked at her his arousal is still apparent in the air grrrrrrrrrrrr."sesshomaru replied his beast still in control from the insident moments ago.


next chapter


I will try to update every single day every time i get a new review because if no one reviews i will end up thinking no one likes it and i will not write anymore so yes i know heard this over and over but my ideas come from knowing my readers are enjoying my stories i wouldnt wish to lose readers if i put some crummy story up now would i so please when i put up a chapter i need 1 or more reviews before i shall continue on the next chapters ok:) THANK YOU MUCH LOVE MY FAIR READERS I LOVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU ALL THINK