InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ The Party ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hola! Time for chapter 7!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu!

Chapter 7: The Party

Kikyo lay in her bed thinking about what Kagome had said to her over and over. Her words
echoed through her mind like a broken record.

"It would be denying your love." Kikyo whispered softly, remembering Kagome's words.

"I'll show you soon enough Kagome and put you back into your place."
The next couple of weeks went by uneventful. Kagome was able to go to school by the fourth
day and by the end of the second week her bruises had disappeared completely.

"Kagome!" Ayame, Rin, and Sango called, running up to Kagome.

Kagome turned around expectantly.

"We just heard about a party and you're going with us!" Rin exclaimed happily.

"Oh no. I'm not gonna end up getting in a fight with Kikyo again like last time." Kagome
said, walking further ahead of her friends.

"Ah come on Kagome. I bet Kikyo won't bother you, not after what happened in the alley, she'd
be stupid to try something now." Ayame reasoned.

"Yeah. Besides, she and Inuyasha aren't even together anymore, she can't say a damn thing."
Rin said.

"Plus, I'll be there. I doubt she'll want to fuck with me again." Sango said with attitude.

Kagome smiled at Sango and said,

"But what about Inuyasha?"

"Don't worry, I'm way ahead of 'ya on that." Ayame said with a smile.

"Okay, but this better work."

"Oh don't worry, it will." Ayame said.

Everyone met up at Ayame's place, so they could take one of her big ass SUV's and ride to the
party together. Kagome was more than a bit nervous about Inuyasha seeing her without her hood,
even if he wouldn't know it was her.

Inuyasha walked into Ayame's house and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her. It was her,
the same girl he'd met at the party, the one that caused he and Kikyo to break up. She was
absolutely breath taking, even more so than the last time he saw her.

"Oh good, you're here Inuyasha." Ayame said with a knowing smile.

"Who is that?" Inuyasha asked, gesturing towards Kagome.

"Oh, she's my cousin, she comes to visit every so often. Her names Kayla." Ayame lied.

Just then Kagome walked over to Ayame and Inuyasha and said,

"Excuse me, I have to use the restroom."

Now if Inuyasha were a bit faster on the uptake, he might of noticed that "Kayla's" voice
sounded just like Kagome's, but since he wasn't, he didn't notice a thing.

All went according to Ayame's plan as Kagome went to use Ayame's phone in the kitchen and
called Ayame's house, so she could pick up the phone in the main entrance.

The phone rang next to Ayame and she picked it up immediately, already knowing who it was.

"Hello?" Ayame said, smiling inside at what a good little schemer she was.

"Oh Kagome. What? You can't make it? Ah, that's too bad. Yes I will tell Inuyasha to have a
good time. Okay, bye." Ayame said, hanging up afterwards.

"What's wrong with Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, worried.

"Oh nothing, she just that something came up and for you to have a good time and not worry
about her, okay?" Ayame said smiling.

Kagome came back through the kitchen pleased with herself, she didn't think Ayame's plan would
work, but apparently she didn't give Ayame enough credit for her ingenious ploy.
Everyone made it on time to Ayame's house and soon they were off to the party to get down.
Inuyasha kept feeling guilty though, he was practically drolling over "Kayla", when he was
really in love with Kagome, he felt like a two-timing dog. How could this happen, he knew
for sure that he was in love with Kagome, so why was he so crazy about this girl that he'd
only met once before.

Kagome looked over at Inuyasha and felt that something was up, he looked confused and that
was an understatement to be honest, he looked more than confused, if that was possible.

They finally arrived at this so called, "really ripped out party", as Rin put it. And for
once the girls were right, it was really booming up in that bi! Tool's, "H", blared through
the speakers as kids danced deleriously through it. Kagome actually felt okay about this
party, unlike the last, which didn't exactly turn out as planned.

"Hey! You wanna dance!" Inuyasha yelled to Kagome over the music, finally giving in to his
attraction to her.

"Sure!" Kagome yelled back smiling.

Unknown to everyone in the group, Kagome actually knew how to dance, in fact, there was a lot
of things Kagome could do that no one knew about, but she was about to show her a thing or

She led Inuyasha out to the dance for. Inuyasha was surprised when she put his hands on her
waist and began to sway her hips in time to the music, he didn't think she would be so bold
with someone she didn't know. Too bad Inuyasha didn't know that that was Kagome he was holding
in his arms, because Kagome had wanted to do this ever since she met him, but was too shy to
do anything of the sort. In fact, if she were here as the real Kagome, she doubt she would
doing this. You know how if you could behave anyway you wanted to that you'd do the things
that you always dreamed of doing because no one would know it was you? Well that's exactly
how it was for Kagome as she felt the beat of the music flow through her and move her body
whereever it wanted to.

Unbeknownst to the gang however, someone lurked in the shadows. Their eyes set on one and only
one couple, Inuyasha and Kagome. A smile of pure evil spread across their face as they said,

"I've got you now Kagome."
You like? Then review and you'll get more! Also, what's up with you guys and my other story,
"The World of Rock"? Do you guys not like that story or something, 'cuz I updated and I only
got one review! What's up with that?! If you guys don't like it let me know and I'll
discontinue it and we'll never mention it again, okay? But if you do, I implore you, PLEASE
review! Okay? Adios 'til the next chapter! ^_^