InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ What's Up With Kagome? ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sorry ya'll, I'm trying to complete my first fic, "The World of Rock". I'm almost done with it,
so I'll be able avert my full attention to this one once I am done. This one won't be very long
for that reason, I'm just updating cuz i don't like to leave ya'll hangin' too long, I know how
it feels to be on pins and needles and the author takes for freagin' ever lovin time to update,
so I try not to do the same with my popular stories or any of my others for that matter, unless
they're not getting too much of a response. Anyway, let's jump into this chapter now. Once
again, excuse for any typos, I am a one woman show ya know, unless there is anyone out there who
would be interested in editing for me. (Blinks eyes in hope at the readers. I_I)

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha..L_L..yet.

Why She Kept Her Head Down

By: Angelwarrior1

Chapter 11: What's Up With Kagome?

Just as Kikyo had told her the previous night, she pulled up at her house at 7:30 right on the
dot. Kagome's heart began to race as she climbed into the BMW, she didn't know what to expect
from these girls. Would they beat her up in an alley somewhere and leave her for dead? It would
probably be better than the kind of torture she was feeling at the moment. How could Kikyo
expect Kagome to stay away from Inuyasha? She already felt as if she was losing her mind just
by not being with him at the moment, how was she going to be able to work with him in class and
pass him in the hall without falling apart and plunging into him as if he were her only life

line? Well, actually, in a sense Inuyasha was her life line, without him she would have never
become so strong in the past months. Without him by her side she felt weak and fragile, as if
she would break at any given moment. They finally made it to school and Kagome felt the color
drain from her face when she realized that Inuyasha was still standing underneath the tree that
they always met under. She only prayed he wouldn't see her and come over and start something,
that was the last thing she needed at the moment. Luckily, the bell rang and Inuyasha dropped
his head, and walked into the building, on his way to his first class. Kagome's
heart ached at the sight, he thought she had stood him up. How she wished to jump out of the
car at that very moment and run to him telling him that she didn't stand him up, that Kikyo
was blackmailing her into hanging out with her and how she couldn't contact any of her friends.
Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do at the time, Kikyo would never let her off.


The period that Kagome had been dreading the most had finally come. It was science class and
Inuyasha was her lab partner.

'What am I going to do? Inuyasha will know something is up if I don't say anything and I just
know he'll ask me why I didn't show up this morning.' Kagome's mind screamed as she walked into
her science class.

Just as she had feared, it was one of the days that everyone had to work with their lab partners
and there was no way that Kagome could get out of this.

Inuyasha watched Kagome out of the corner of his eye. He knew something was up, she wasn't
normal, she had reverted back to her old ways once again as she kept her head down. And she
still hadn't given him an explaination as to why she never showed up that morning, in fact, she

hadn't said a single word to him at all since they'd got there. Finally he grew irritated and
just had to say something.

"Is something wrong Kagome? Why didn't you show up this morning? And why are you putting your

head down again like you used to?" Inuyasha asked.

"I woke up late this morning and I'm fine." Kagome said simple lifting her head, in a defiant

No one spoke for the rest of the period, Inuyasha could feel the ice in her voice when she had
spoken to him and figured that he had done something wrong. Kagome felt terrible acting that
way towards him, but it was the only way, if she wanted Inuyasha not to get hurt later on, she'd
have to hurt him at the moment.


Lunch time rolled around as it did on those days that seemed to obtain no eternity.

The Inu-gang sat at the table that they always sat at as Kikyo's little group walked by, with
Kagome in the middle.

"What's up with Kagome? Why's she hangin' out with Kikyo all of a sudden?" Rin said, shooting
an evil glare at the group.

"Hmmmm....Kikyo." Sango said with a suspiscious look, cocking an eyebrow.

"What, you think that Kikyo's got something on Kagome?" Ayame asked.

"Why else would Kagome hang out with that bitch?" Sango spit out bitterly.

All of the others were listening to the girls conversation except for one, Inuyasha. He couldn't
figure out what was going on, but he guessed that this had something to do with Kagome's past.

'Kikyo must've found out about somehow and is using it to keep Kagome under her thumb.'
Inuyasha thought angerily.

'Well, I'm gonna figure out what's going on from Kagome herself.' He thought, forming a plan to
see Kagome.


I'm sorry, that's it for now. It was going to be longer, but who knows when I'd finish it then,
I have so much going on right now, that I barely have time for any of my usual activities. I
will keep working on it whenever I have some free time though, so hang in there ya'll. You all
are the best! Thank you so much for all the reviews and I hope I can keep giving you the kind
of quality stories that will keep you satisfied and coming back for more! Please review and as
always I'll talk to ya soon! Peace I'm out!