InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why the Well ❯ Why I hate Telegrams ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

She looked up at the old oak doors she was now leaving behind and sighed

'just when I was getting used to having two lives I gradate ' she thought. Had it really been three whole years ago, three years ago she had met Inuyasha and her life had been turned upside down. Now she was 18 and still they where looking for the last few shards of the Shikon no Tama (that how you spell it?). She had no intention of going to college it required too much time and she was just too busy.

She walked forward her stiff black graduation uniform fluttering lifelessly at her sides. She couldn't just moan and sigh she was an optimistic person and had always thought that was one of her best personality traits. She perked up a little and put on a false smile but inside she was slowly falling into despair, she didn't want to end up like Grandpa, an old little lady rotting away in her daughter's house. 'If I had a daughter which I wont, since I always turned down Hojo' she thought and she hadn't met anyone else that she would like suddenly a picture of Inuyasha crossed her eyes and a visible blush spread warmly across her cheeks. 'Dangit why does HE come to mind tha-that two-timer' She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts from a voice from behind, which made her blush more and thank God that there where no mind readers in present day Japan..

"Hey isn't that Kagome?" said a familiar voice. Kagome decided to ignore it.

"Yeah I think it is, HEY KAGOME IS THAT YOU?" said the second voice.

"Yeah it is, she must have finally graduated" said the third.

"Your sure it's her? I mean I know her Grandpa said she had short hair but how could she cut her beautiful hair." shouted the second again.

Kagome couldn't stand it anymore how could her friends be so… dull? "Of course it's me, and my hair looks fine!!" Why couldn't they tell she wanted be left alone they where completely insensitive!

"Oh it is you." Said the now recognizable Eri.

"Yeah it is…"

"Wow you did get chemotherapy"said Yuka

"CHEMOTHERAPY?!?!?" Kagome said incredulously. " You mean I had cancer!?"

"Yeah your grandfather told us all about it" said Kali, the other two nodded "it must have been horrible." Kali stated simply.

Ah the things her nutty grandpa thought up… 'I wish he could make up better lies' In truth her hair had been cut in a battle against an evil looking moth demon. "Uh yeah it was so horrible." she responded.

"Well anyways your grandpa told us to give you this telegram" Yuka said handing Kagome a piece of paper. "He said its urgent but maybe we can talk over a coffee?" said Eri

Kagome read the paper.(this is what it said)

Dear Miss Higurashi,

We regret to inform you that your third cousin and his wife have died in a car crash. Their adopted child is alive though and since you are the official Godmother of this child you must take her into custody. We understand that you are officially a legal member of Japan and that you have the ability to not stay with your guardian therefore this child MUST go to you, (I made that law up myself heheh) you should come to the hospital immediately and pick up your new charge (age 11) we regret to inform that she seems to have no memory of her past but she is as smart as always. You MUST come immediately. Again we apologize for this misfortune.

Sincerely, The office of orphans of Japan.

(I made all that up there is no

office of orphans)

Kagomes mouth dropped open but she was still able to yell "WHAT!!!!"


Okay that is my first chappy and there will be more but I have a lot of school work cant get on here always (man they would be great) SO PLEASE REVIEW THANX this is my first fic!!!!