InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why the Well ❯ Just DON'T call me "MOM" ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry I have a virus on my computer so it quits on me so updates take awhile.

Note of advise: When watching and/or reading the Inuyasha series never read/watch the last chapter/episode they have nasty cliffhangers that do damage to your health and sanity. Instead read/watch up to the last chapter/episode and then when you get the next installment watch it!

I have a quiz for anyone who wants to enter it will be a weekly name-that-quote quiz!

"I am forever ringed by fools" Tell me who it is by the next update and I will put you in one of my stories (I hope, the part will be small tho.)

Chapter 6: Bad timing

Flash back:

At the same time she looked a lot like Kikyo.

"Huh." Kagome said dully.

"Hi, mom" said Kanae.


It had been three years since that fateful day when Kagome had met Kanae and she never would forget.

She had immediately been taken home by Ali's private Shaffer (she had no idea Ali was so rich!). She had of course gotten a job from the M.O.M corporation (she had no idea what that stood for) and she now owned half of the shrine so she guessed she had a stable life… but now college was out of the question. (sigh!) but something worse had happened something she would never for give Kanae for even thought it wasn't her fault.

(Flash back)

Kagome unrolled the windows of the limo to get some fresh air she didn't have a very stable stomach and under the present circumstances she was not feeling entirely stable in the digestive department (ewwww).

She turned her head back to the young girl sitting beside her and thought for the tenth time'we are almost the same age yet I'm suppose to pretend to be her mother, won't she figure it out?!' Kagome shook her head, the answer was "no" Kanae couldn't figure it out she was under drugs that forced her to think Kagome was her mother. 'this is just so unfair!' the little whinny voice in the back of her mind said. 'stop complaining your starting to sound like Inuyasha' no that wasn't true Inuyasha had progressed a long way since the days when he had complained about her coming with him to help… but he was still a jerk, a major jerk.

"HA, he is a species of himself! He could be called Jerkosis Magoris yeah that would definitely suit him…"

"What did you say mom?" Kanae said looking at her inquisitively.

Kagome slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized she had said that out loud.

"Umm, I'm sorry I talked out loud I didn't realize that ummm" That you where here Kagome thought but she couldn't say that Kanae thought she was her mother. She changed the subject." I relly don't want you to call me mom, it makes me feel, you know, formal, just call me Kagome." Please oh god, make her agree or I'll be looking over my shoulder for this "mom" the rest of my life!

Kanae looked up at her troubled mother, was her mom's name Kagome? She couldn't remember! She couldn't remember anything actually! Only her math and school work well maybe not her math but she COULD remember her schoolwork, oh yeah and that the young mother over there was her mom. She searched frantically for memories, any memories (!) she couldn't remember a thing! 'Okay don't panic Kanae don't panic you have memories you just can't remember them!… wait that doesn't make any sense… oh well'

"Umm Mo- I mean Kagome? I can't remember umm anything?" Oh yeah and what the hell is wrong with me she forgot to add.

Kagome struggled to think up a good lie but she wasn't a very good liar 'just put on a good face Kagome, you have lied to people before just not very well, you can do this!'

"I'm sorry Kanae you where in a car accident and well, you have traumatic memory diagnosis, it will come back at sometime though" Please make that sound professional god, please oh please.

Kanae didn't think that sounded professional but she was to overcome with relief that she didn't care 'good it will come back' she thought

'good my lie worked' Kagome thought.

And that was the end of that discussion.


Yeah I'm done! (I'm not a very fast typist but I work HARD) And for all of my Die hard fans (In my head that is, SHUT up Bob!) I will not be discontinuing unless I say so (and I haven't) It will take me awhile to update (I am a busy person ya know).

Please read my other fic: Across the Battlefield

(I am going to update it someday!)