InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why was it you? ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3

Kagome snaps out of daydreaming. " Are you ok Kagome?" Asks Rin. " Yes I am fine Rin I am sorry I was just daydreaming." " That's ok Kagome, please follow me." Replies Rin after jumping out of Kagome's arms and showing her to a screen near a wall. Behind the screen was a bench to sit on and take off clothes. After showing Kagome, Rin quickly takes off her clothing and jumps into the nearest spring. Kagome joins her in the spring.

Kagome leans back and relaxes in the water. After a while Rin gets up and goes to a cabinet and gets out to bowls. One had a goo type of shampoo and the other was like soap. Rin takes them to Kagome and tells her what to do with them. When they were done washing they got out and dried themselves off with big fluffy towels. Rin helps Kagome brush out her long hair. Kagome braids Rin's hair and then they leave hand in hand.

When Kagome opens the door she sees Sesshoumaru leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. ` He looks so peaceful in his sleep.' Kagome thinks to herself. Just then Sesshoumaru opens his eyes to see a vision of beauty. ` Wow she looks beautiful with her hair down.' " You look stunning Kagome…. You to Rin." " Thank you Sesshoumaru." Kagome walks over to him and kisses him on the cheek, and turns around and picks up Rin.

Kagome turns back to Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru offers her his arm and leads them to the dinning room. Sesshoumaru leads Kagome to Rin's chair and she puts her in the chair. Then Sesshoumaru pulls out Kagome's chair and Kagome smiles at him. ` Wow! What a smile.' He thinks to himself. "Thank you Sesshoumaru." Kagome says while he pushes the chair in as she sits down.

~ Meanwhile back with Inu Yasha and company ~

" Can we please stop here for the night Inu Yasha?" Asks Sango, who was all ready sitting on a rock next to the road. ""Come on you slow pokes. Kagome might be in trouble." " Oh come on Inu Yasha we are only human and can't keep up with you, also we need sleep unlike you." Said Miroku, who was also sitting on the rock. " Humph… I'm going to go get firewood, please try and make camp while I am gone." He said to no one in particular.

When he was gone Miroku asks Sango what is really happening. So Sango tells him what Shippo told her. " No wonder, oh well I say we give Kagome some room to think." " What about Sesshoumaru kidnapping her?" Asks Sango with outrage. " I think she can handle him herself." Replies Miroku. " You know something I don't know, don't you?" "Why would I keep a secret form you?" He asks with a wicked smile. " Yes you would." Just then Inu Yasha returns with firewood in his arms.

~ Sesshoumaru's castle in the Western Lands ~

After dinner Kagome and Sesshouamru take Rin to her room. " Get ready for bed Rin." Said Kagome. " Ok, only if you promise to sing to me." "Ok, get in bed and I will." Rin gets in bed and Kagome sits next to her on the bed. Sesshoumaru leans against the door jam. ` This shell be interesting' he thinks to himself. When she finished singing she noticed that Rin had fallen asleep. ` She looks so peaceful and quiet when she is asleep. No one would know that she is a hyper active child when she is awake.'

Kagome thought to herself, as she tucked Rin into the bed. She leans over the small body and places a gentile kiss on her forehead. When she was finished she turns around, Sesshoumaru goes to her and kisses her on the lips. He then picks her up, with no effort at all and takes her to her room. When he gets there he sets her down next to the bed, when all of a sudden Kagome falls over in pain.

Sesshoumaru catches her and put her on the bed. " This can't be happening now." She says to herself out loud. " What is happening to you." He demands from her. " I don't really know…. Please go and get Kiadia…. She will know what…. To do." Replies Kagome with pain in her voice. " Please hurray." " Yes I will go get her." ` Please hold on Kagome' he thinks to himself as he disappears.