InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Resemblance ❯ Oh ho, the theives are caught. ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wicked Resemblance
Chapter 4
I don't own Inuyasha.

Shippo was getting worried, Inuyasha should be back by now. What if he left him just like Kagome had? That thought inspired him to rush out of the rooms, and as he did, he bumped into someone extraordinarily familiar. "Kagome...?" Shippo fainted. When he awoke, it was in the hotsprings and two very pretty girls wearing tiny towels were bathing his forehead. "Kagome!" Shippo sat up and wrapped his little arms around her neck. Kagome patted his back soothingly as he began to howl.

Had Inuyasha's drugger known he was actually a hanyou, therefore recovered from drugs and drink quickly, they would have fed him five times the amount, as it was he awoke only fifteen minutes later. His head pounded, his body was groggy and he was still having a slight problem seeing. "Shippo..." was his main concern. He dragged himself to their room and cursed the boy who'd drugged him. Shippo wasn't in the room and when Inuyasha checked Miroku's, he found two completely different scents, not Shippo's. Then he heard the bratty little kitsune wail like there was no tomorrow, and he leapt into action.

Miroku had gone to see the innkeeper but the innkeeper was peacefully being entertained at the brothel, so said his stand-in. Miroku would have gone too, but he thought back to the lively girl he'd met and he went to ask Inuyasha to sniff her out. Inuyasha collided with him, and yelled, "Where the hell is Shippo?!" Miroku was surprised when Inuyasha grabbed his arm and wrenched him towards the women's baths. Now, much as Miroku wanted to warn him, but the thought of naked women was so alluring he couldn't help but go along. They burst in on two girls with their backs turned, and little Shippo sobbing in the arms of the shorter one. Inuyasha waded in and snarled, "What did you do to him?!" His ears had come loose and his hair had fallen down, some of it submerged in the water, turning the hair white at the ends.

The girl turned, her face pale and backed into the second girl who steadied her. Inuyasha fumbled back and tripped falling into the water. As he surfaced the black dye streamed off him, leaving his hair completely silver once again and with his eyes blazing, he was truly the sight of a terrifying hanyou. "Kagome!" he snarled. The girl behind her stepped forward and crouched defensively. "Keep away from us!" At this point, Miroku stepped forward and said, "You're that girl!" She blushed ferociously and warned, "Keep the hell away!"
"Sango," Kagome whispered weakly. "Can we leave, please?" She lowered Shippo after placing a kiss on his head and clutched Sango's towel tightly. Sango backed away from both men and whistled. A huge fire-cat appeared and both girls jumped on and swooped down to grab something at the side. It jingled in a small jar and glowed luminously. "The shards!" Miroku cried and leapt forward. Shippo ran forward and yelled, "Kagome, don't leave me again!"

Inuyasha pounced and grabbed at Kagome--snagging her towel and her into him. She shrieked and batted at him, her towel flying away. Inuyasha dropped her into the water in shock and then everyone else reacted. Shippo hit Inuyasha on the head and swam to Kagome, Sango held tightly to Kirara and with ferocity threw a huge boomerang at Miroku. Kirara hissed and flew lower and Sango caught hold of it again. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome--still naked--and Shippo and sprinted out of the hot springs. Sango knocked Miroku back, leapt off of Kirara and charged after them. Kirara transformed and hitched a ride on Miroku's shoulder as he ran after all of them.

Pausing for a moment Inuyasha placed his outer cloak on Kagome and then secured his grip on both her and Shippo and resumed running. As they blurred past countless people Inuyasha interrogated her. "How many shards do you have, Kagome?" Silence on her part. "Kagome, I think it's in your best interest to tell me. Your partner's name was Sango, right? Is she a trained professional? Who else did you set up to work for you?" Kagome bit him, hard. Inuyasha didn't give her the pleasure of cursing outloud but he winced inwardly. A tiny trickle of blood dripped down his arm and Kagome bit harder. Her teeth savagely ripping into his arm. Shippo watched with slight amusment and amazement. Inuyasha stopped, a vein pulsing on his forehead. "Kagome, get your teeth out of my skin," he ordered, angrily. Kagome ignored him and he snatched the shards from her neck. Kagome fell back and then jumped forward her hands trying to grab them back.

Inuyasha smirked. "I should have done that from the beginning," he said. "After all, it would have saved me a lot of time." He began to walk away, still carrying Shippo and added over his shoulder, "Just go home already Kagome, you don't belong here." Kagome ran forward and jumped kicked him in the back. Inuyasha fell forward with a growl. "Would you quit it already? I don't wanna hurt you, Kagome." Kagome drew herself up and said, "I'm not afraid of you Inuyasha, and those shards are my responsibility, not yours. Give them back." Inuyasha set Shippo down and moved forward, "Don't make this hard Kagome. I've got to go feed Shippo or he'll get super cranky, you're just wasting my time."

Kagome looked at Shippo for a minute and when she turned to look back at Inuyasha he was gone. His arms snaked behind her and pined her arms behind her. "Now, Kagome, be a good girl and GO HOME!" he whispered in her ear. Kagome struggled fruitlessly and snarled, "I have a job to do, I promised I'd finish it, and I will! Now let go!" Inuyasha looked up and Shippo and said, "Shippo, wait for me in the room. I need to talk to Kagome." Shippo hesitated but Inuyasha raised an eyebrow and asked, "Well?" Shippo lowered his head and whispered, "I'm sorry Kagome. I love you..." He trudged away, gloom hovering over him like a black cloud.

As soon as Shippo was gone, Inuyasha span Kagome around. "Let's get down to business. Where are the other shards?" Kagome was still looking in the general direction Shippo had exited in. "What have you done to Shippo?" she asked softly. Inuyasha exploded, "Me?! Me?! It was you! After you abandoned him he withdrew. He gave up, and you know why? 'Cause you made promises you never intended to keep. Do us all a favor and just go home!" Kagome tried to slap him and hissed, "Idiot! Even if I could I wouldn't!" Inuyasha pinned her arms to her sides and repeated, "'Even if I could...?" Kagome sighed, "Oh, you didn't know? Someone plugged up the well with rocks and trees and then smashed it. I can't get down it with all that debris in there." She looked up with a glare and stuck out her chin, "And I wouldn't anyways!" Inuyasha shrugged, "Your choice, find a way to get down there or I'll THROW YOU DOWN!"

Inuyasha paused, inhaled deeply and hollared, "Miroku, watch Shippo, I'm taking care of something." He grabbed Kagome, hauled her over his shoulder and took off. "Let go!" she screeched. Miroku came running around the bend and yelled, "Inuyasha! You idiot! In front of you!" Sango's boomerang sprang from nowhere and swung straight at Inuyasha. He dropped Kagome and knocked it away. Her head hit the floor hard. Turning slightly, he said, "Miroku, would you take care of your new friend?" Miroku sighed, "Idiot, behind you." Sango stabbed a short katana into his arm and pulled it out just as swiftly. She landed in front of Kagome and said sternly, "Now you fight me, demon."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "Look girl, I don't have time for this. Kagome has to go home. She doesn't belong here." Sango smiled icily, "Says you, I, however, think differently." Her eyes narrowed dangerously and she crouched. Inuyasha sniffed the air lightly and his face turned to an expression of surprise, "You're a--" She flew at him, "So what if I am? A demon like you wouldn't understand!" Inuyasha dodged her and pranced away. "No, can't you smell it, I'm--" Sango bulldozed into him and knocked him down flat. She drew a small dagger to press it against his neck. "Demon's have it so easy, don't they? We hanyou have it a lil' harder, eh?" Inuyasha raised an eyebrow, "So you knew then?" Sango tossed back her hair, "Frankly, my friend, I don't give a damn. You hurt Kagome, you pay." Two little cat ears popped out of her hair and she smiled fully, revealing cute little fangs.

"Look, mutt, I was abandoned when I was a baby and the people who took me in just happened to have been demon slayers. Fortunately, they loved me and ignored the fact I was half. It doesn't bother me to kill my own kind, trust me. Now, swear you'll leave us alone." Inuyasha had raised a hand to lazily to scratch hs ear and he yawned. "Why is it you don't use your claws, little kitty?" Sango grinned, "I like to think of myself as human, not demon. But thanks for noticing. Now, swear it, dog-face." Inuyasha slammed into her, kicking her far away. "I hate hanyou who try to deny what they really are. We are not freaks and there is nothing wrong with us. You are nothing but a sell-out, and I choose what I want to do because that's what's right. Fuck off kitty." Suddenly she noticed the katana at his side. "Hypocrite, you use human weapons too." Inuyasha smiled lazily, his eyes blazing."That's where you're wrong. My blade was made from the fang of my father and no human hand was used to help craft it." He swung it out. "Come on now, aren't you gonna say something to that?" Sango's violet eyes widened and she hissed slighlty, her back arching in fear. "Kagome, run!" she yelled.

Kagome had been knocked unconscious from the beginning, but neither hanyou had noticed. Miroku had pulled her away and was tending to her head injury. He clucked his tongue sympathetically. "When you wake up, you're gonna be mad, pretty one." Kagome moaned but didn't open her eyes. From far away she heard Inuyasha's voice. For how long had she dreamt he'd come find her after...? When they'd caught her and sold her, who had she thought about the most? Who had she thought would save her? It was Sango who had saved her. Sango and her loyal friendship. Poor Sango...their master had liked exotic things. He had a thing for female hanyou. It had been her ill fated luck she'd been wounded when they caught her. Hanyou were hard to catch alive. She heard Sango yell something and her eyes shot open. "Sango?!"

Inuyasha smirked, "That's right Kitty, you can smell the death now, eh? You feel the danger now, right? What're you gonna do now, are you ready for death?" Kagome knocked Miroku back and ran towards Sango and Inuyasha. "Stop it!" Finally after so long, she remembered the rosary around his neck. "SIT BOY!"

Everyone but Kagome was surprised when the rosary glowed and he plummeted down to the ground. Kagome sighed and collapsed to her knees. "Sango-chan, are you alright?" Sango snorted, "He didn't get a chance to touch me, I'm fine. That's an interesting trick Kagome. Pray tell, why didn't you use it earlier?" Kagome smiled weakly, "I'd forgotten all about it."