InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Dark Desires ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 4: Dark Desires

With a horrified look in her eyes, Kagome took a step back, certain that she'd heard him wrong. He... he didn't really say that... did he? She shook her head, trying to clear it of the buzzing that was keeping her from hearing anything else but his words. “What? But... but... why?! I mean, that can't be right – it's just a joke, right? Right?!”

She heard his answer even over the babbling and shouting of the rest of the group – she would have heard his answer even if she were deaf.

“No, Kagome, there is no joke. You are mine. It is only a matter of time.” He stepped forward and took her chin in his hand, frowning when she flinched. “Do not fear that I will harm you – though I desire to do many things to you, little onna, causing you pain is not one of those things.”

She stared into his eyes, feeling like a hypnotized rabbit faced with a hungry wolf, unable to think while he had her pinned with that dangerous gaze as he did. After several long seconds, he let go of her chin. “I will not allow your virginal fear to interfere with your protection, so do not attempt to stray from my side, whether you are leery of my intentions or not.”

With that, he took ahold of her arm, moving them forward once again, not letting go until she began walking once again under her own power.

Kagome stared straight ahead of her, ice in her veins. She was terrified – but part of her was even now fighting her, telling her to just lay down and let him have his way with her – to let him do whatever it was he wanted. And that was even scarier – why would any part of her want that from someone she'd only just met?

It had to be him... he'd done something to her. That must be why her heart wasn't hurting over Inuyasha, either. But what? Some kind of spell?

“What have you done to me?” she asked, voice low, angry. “You've cursed me or something, haven't you? That's why I'm conflicted by you, and that's why I'm not upset about Inuyasha. It has to be a dark spell... or something.”

A chuckle came from the male pacing along confidently beside her. “It is funny how much you all think alike. Inuyasha is convinced of the same,” he said easily. “But you are all wrong. There is no spell, no curse, no dark magic. There is only a claim. My claim on you – and your instincts acceptance of that claim. You humans... that is your real downfall, you know. You hide from your instincts, and over-analyze everything to death.”

“Something like this isn't instinct!” she hissed. “For me, it's a matter of heart. I will not let anyone take my body that I don't love, it's as simple as that.”

He looked amused. “You think not?”

“I know not! No matter how hard I have to fight you!”

“Ah... but what about how hard you have to fight yourself?”

She looked taken aback. “What?”

“You want me already – do you intend to fight yourself? How long do you think you can do so?”

With a stubborn glare, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and said, “As long as I have to. I don't sleep around! Besides, I'm sure there are a lot more suitable women out there for you to chase that would be happy to... to have a one night stand with you!”

One night stand? I have never heard it called thus, though I suppose it is an accurate description of a casual encounter... is that what she thinks I want? “Allow me to disillusion you, miko. I am not after what you call this one night stand. I am after eternity – no more, and no less.”

She immediately tripped over her own feet as she heard his words, landing flat on her ass, staring up at him with her jaw hanging open, stunned. “E-excuse me?” she squeaked.

Sango reached her before Mattaki could say anything, and held out a hand to help her friend up from the road, shooting the big daiyoukai an annoyed look at the same time. “Are you okay, Kagome? Do you want to walk with me, instead?”

“If you wish to walk with her, that is fine – but she stays at my side, slayer. That is not negotiable.”

Her face darkening, Sango glared at him. “Who died and made you boss?”

With no change in expression, Mattaki turned and caught her eye, then looked at the rest of group. “Why don't we get this out of the way right now, then? It seems that I will have to prove to you all that there is nothing that any of you can do to stop me from doing whatever I choose to do. So, who will be first? Or will you all try at once?”

Dead silence met his words, everyone too shocked at the casual challenge to even move. Miroku recovered first.

Stalking forward, he stared at the male standing in front of Kagome and Sango, and stopped just behind them. “Ladies, if you will, step behind me, please.” He fingered his prayer beads, raising his hand, making them all aware of what he was threatening.

And Mattaki laughed. “Ah, monk, you at least have courage, I will give you that. But your curse will not work on this one, that I can assure you. If you do not believe me, go ahead and try it, and you will see.”

Eyes narrowing appraisingly, Miroku asked, “And why would it not work on you? There has never been anything that could withstand this wretched curse – what makes you any different?”

“Power,” came the rather arrogant reply. “Your curse is not stronger than my youki, and therefore can be nothing more than an inconvenience to me.”

Miroku looked surprised, but turned as a small hand was placed on his shoulder. It was Kagome. “Don't worry about it, Miroku. There's no need for this, guys,” she raised her voice and looked behind herself at the rest of the group. “This is between Mattaki and I, and there's no reason for everyone to get into a fight over any of it. I can take care of myself.” She sighed. “You all know me, anyway – since when do I ever do anything that I don't want to do?”

Mattaki looked interested at that. “Then you would challenge me yourself, Kagome – but to a different sort of duel. To see how fast I can make you fall – and you to see how long you can hold out?”

Kagome narrowed her eyes at him, ignoring the fascinated looks of everyone else – and the pissed off expression of Inuyasha. “More like how long it takes me denying you to see you give up,” she snapped, a stubborn look on her face.

He laughed, then, a full-throated laugh of pure enjoyment. “Oh, miko – you are such a feisty one! I shall so enjoy winning you. Because you most certainly have the most difficult part of this – you must fight yourself, as well as me. I don't really have to fight anything.”

Sango caught her eye, then. “Kagome, this isn't really wise,” she said warningly. “You definitely don't want to do this.”

Looking confused, Kagome stared at her for a moment. “What do you want me to do, Sango, just give up?”

The taijiya clenched her hands helplessly, desperately looking for a way out of this as Mattaki continued to look interested – but not at all concerned.

“Damn! I don't know, Kagome! This whole thing is bad! When an Inu sets his sights on something, he never gives up. As stubborn as you are, you won't win this... and that worries me! I don't want to see you fall to this bastard like so much fodder – but I have never known anyone to get away from something like this. And especially not from someone as powerful as he is!” She sighed, and looked down at the dusty ground. “Think of Inuyasha, and how stubborn he is. And he's only hanyou, not full youkai – and certainly not as powerful as the Inu no Taisho.”

By this time, Inuyasha was so enraged, he was ready to attack, and the only thing holding him back was Kikyou – but everyone could hear his curses and threats, and Kagome had to forcefully tune them out as she stared at first Sango, and then at Mattaki.

Is it really that bad that even Sango doesn't think I can get away from him? She'd never say something like that if she thought there was the slightest chance... so what do I do?

Looking down at the ground, she thought about her options. I could always go home and not come back... but... that wouldn't be right. I have a job to complete here, and even though Kikyou is alive again, it's not something I can foist off on her. It's my duty – I was born with the tama, and I shattered it. She sighed, then. But do I even really want to get away? I mean, it's not like I wouldn't have a relationship someday... maybe I should just forget about what he says and concentrate on Naraku and the shards for now. Yeah... that's it.

She sighed again. “You know what? This whole mess is more than I want to deal with. So I just won't. I've got a job to do, and getting tied off to a crazy, powerful youkai isn't part of my plans.” And with that, she turned and began marching off down the road, leaving a flabbergasted group of people behind – and a very turned on youkai Lord.

I always did love a strong, stubborn female, he thought, his sensually intoxicated beast growling softly in the background of his mind.

If he'd been born a neko instead of an inu, he'd be purring.


Inuyasha was so enraged that he felt like his blood was burning it's way through his veins. He couldn't stand what was happening – he was beginning to wonder if saving Kikyou had been worth this. And that made him feel bad, which only made him angrier.

If he got any angrier, the Tessaiga wouldn't be able to calm his blood – so this was dangerous territory. But he didn't know what to do to calm himself. The male, his father, was a threat to Kagome – and he had to find a way to get rid of him. Just because he'd saved Kikyou, didn't mean Inuyasha was willing to hand over Kagome as a reward.

The problem was, he could not beat the male in a straight out fight. There was no way. Even Sesshoumaru wouldn't be able to beat the male that had sired them both. He truly was extraordinary in that respect – even with as much of the jewel as Naraku had, his power was nothing compared to the former Western Lord.

Keh. That's why I'm so strong, really – most hanyou are nowhere near as powerful as I am, but with his blood, it makes me as strong as most full youkai. That's great and all, but I ain't just gonna hand over Kagome to him, no matter what. So what the hell can I do?

Frustrated, he growled as they continued to walk, his eyes plastered to the woman walking ahead of him, her ebony locks swaying gently, mimicking the rolling of her hips. It pissed him off to no end to look at her side and see his own father's silver hair swirling in the light breeze, mingling with her black as night locks. Keh – moonlight and midnight... if things had been different, he thought with a peculiar pain in his heart, that could have been us. Hell, at times, it has been us. But now it's not...

And I hate that.
He clenched his fists so tight that they began to bleed as they walked, and he didn't even notice. I have to give her up – but I don't want to. And definitely not to him. Or Sesshoumaru, or Kouga... Keh! I don't want to give her up to anybody! His gaze went to Kikyou for a moment then, and his eyes darkened with guilt. But then... there's Kikyou...

I don't know what to do,
he thought, suddenly dejected.

He flinched when Kikyou reached over and took his hand, squeezing it, and he glanced guiltily at her to see her giving him a sad, but understanding look. She pulled his hand up, unclenching hers from it and let him see his blood, now garishly plastered to her own hand as well.

“You need to calm down, Inuyasha. You can't help her when you're like this – instead of getting hot, get cold, like ice. You'll be able to think better that way.”

He flushed, but nodded, taking his sleeve, he wiped his blood from her hand gently. “Keh. I just... how can I abandon her to be taken this way? She doesn't deserve to be used to sate some perverted youkai's desires – not even if he is my father.”

Kikyou sent him a knowing look as she continued to walk, pacing herself easily at his side. “It's not just that, Inuyasha, and I know it as well as you do. Part of you loves her, just as part of you loves me. We both know it, Kagome and I – I think we always have.” She chuckled, though it was a bit hollow, at his shocked, guilty expression. “Don't feel bad. No one controls their heart – it goes where it will.”

Miroku smiled a little from the other side of Kikyou, a bit surprised at finding himself liking the living version of the former undead miko. She wasn't the same at all. “Inuyasha has tried all this time to live with his head in the sand believing that he was fooling any of us. We all know how he feels.”

Inuyasha flushed, irritation once again flaring. “Feh. Whatever. You all need to get off my back,” he snapped half-heartedly. “Instead of ganging up on me, you should be thinkin' of ways to save Kagome from this.”

With a frown, Miroku thought about it. “Maybe we should see if we could find Myoga. He seems to be a fount of knowledge on all things youkai.”

“Stupid! Did you forget he was my father's vassal? Once he realizes he's back, he ain't gonna do anything to go against what he wants!” He scowled. “But maybe there's someone else we can ask. I hate the thought of asking that prissy bastard Sesshoumaru – but he doesn't really like humans, and maybe if he thinks the old man is chasing another one, he'll be more willing to tell us what we want to know.”

Sango almost choked. Inuyasha was actually willing to go talk to Sesshoumaru?

He must be really upset about this whole thing, even though Kikyou is now with him.
I mean, I want to save her, too, but Inuyasha needs to let go of her. He's doing this because he doesn't want anyone else to have her, just like usual. But he can't do that anymore. I'm going to have to watch him... or he'll make more of a mess of Kagome than Inutaisho-sama.

She inhaled, and then exhaled slowly. Oh, Kagome... what is it about you that gets the attention of so many youkai? So many males?

Mattaki was highly amused by the discussion going on behind them. They still don't understand that there is nothing they can do. It is the mating rights of the youkai, not a spell. And if another tries to claim her as I have done, and puts a conflict into my claim, I will kill them. No... there is no escape for this onna from me.

“How did you get me to not hurt about Inuyasha choosing Kikyou?” came the low voice of a still angry woman.

With a cocked brow, he turned his head to look at her. “I did nothing, miko. Your heart and your soul let go of him long ago – it was only your mind that was stuck in the mold you'd cast for it.”

“That's not possible! I... love... Inuyasha, don't I?” she asked herself, a hand going to her heart. Don't I?

“You do. The love is still there, and that's why it was so easy for your mind to blind yourself to the truth. But the love is different. It is not the love of a female to her male. It is the love of a friend – a sibling. Your heart and soul recognize this – that is why there is no grief.”

She thought about his words, she really did. Then, “But... why didn't I know it before?”

He chuckled as he turned his gaze back to the path they were following. “Did I not say that humans depend too much on intellect, and not enough on instinct? You only listened to to your higher reasoning – and forgot your instinct.”

“But... but listening to just instincts would make a person no different than an animal!”

“Did I say to listen to only your instincts?” he asked. “That is the biggest difference between a human, and I. Not power, not long life – you divide yourselves, using only one part of your being, and I use all of it. Reasoning, and instinct. It is about balance.”

Kagome was completely floored as she thought about that. It would never have occurred to her to think that way.


Could he be... right? But... even if he is, that still doesn't mean that he – he has the right to say he's going to...

“That still doesn't give you the right to make my decisions for me, saying that I... I'm yours like I'm some sort of object – a possession,” she said, frustration clear in her voice. “Inuyasha always did the same thing...” she trailed off.

Mattaki simply looked up at the sky, a slight smile on his face. “You are mine – but that does not mean you are a possession. You are mine, just as I am yours. It is the way of the youkai, and though you are not youkai, if your soul didn't care for my claim, it would have rejected it.”

She looked at him, then, stunned. “Y-you mean... I really do want this?!” she asked, astounded. “Somewhere inside?”

He swung his face down to meet her gaze, his smile growing heated, desire showing through clearly. “Yes. You want me as I want you, and you can fight it all you want – in the end, you will give in, just as I did. Though... I did not attempt to fight the knowledge once I realized what I wanted from you, I simply turned my mind to getting you.”

He held her gaze for several moments, then looked back to the road, his attention pulled away as he felt a disturbance in the energy fields of the lands ahead. Putting his hand up, he motioned for Kagome to stay back.

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “Mattaki, something's coming this way – and it's got five shards of the jewel!”

Inuyasha heard her, and snarled. “That many shards has to be from Naraku!”

It's another trap... though the spider will soon find that I am not impressed by the trickle of power that wretched jewel gives him.

“I will take care of this problem – the rest of you stay back.” He shot a hard, warning glance back at a sputtering Inuyasha. “If you disobey me, boy, I will make you pay for it in blood, I can assure you. Do not get in my way.”

Kagome was floored. Is he really that powerful? He doesn't even have a sword!

She was about to find out the answer to that question...