InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ The Seductive Nature of Power ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 5: The Seductive Nature of Power

Watch me, my onna – see my power, and learn to desire it, to want it surrounding you forever... Let the seductive nature of it take you over and give you joy knowing that it will always be used to protect you.

He was fiercely aware of her, even as he held his attention on the approaching nuisance. Every breath she took, concern and fear lacing her scent, was felt by him, and he reveled in the actuality of finally being in her presence with a living body – of being able to affect her as she affected him.

Because, despite her denials, and her determination to fight him, she was affected by him – and she couldn't change that. Every moment that she was in his company only bound her that much tighter to him, his claim made sure of that. And he would only claim her again, and again as she slept, speaking straight to her instincts, so as to strengthen that bond even more.

Turning his thoughts to the problem at hand, he held himself still, calm, as he waited to see what was coming, waited to see what this Naraku was sending against his son and the rest of them. It was unlikely that the hanyou knew of his presence yet – after all, he had only returned last night, and Naraku had just fought them yesterday.

As he took note of his opponent coming over the rise in the landscape spread out before them, he decided that he would start this battle in his true form, since the demon he would be fighting was large. And of course, he hadn't been in his true form in centuries. It would feel good to let his beast out to play, after all – and to show his miko another facet of what she would be gaining in him.

With that thought in mind, he said over his shoulder, “All of you, go into the trees, and stay out of the way.”

Kagome stepped forward, holding out a hand. “Mattaki, wait!” She saw him pause, and said, “You must destroy it quickly, and then come get me – if it takes too long for me to get to the shards, the youkai will only regenerate.”

He nodded curtly, then turned back to face his opponent as he listened to her heels thud out a running pattern as she moved away from his position. With that, he let his youki out, and with a shattering explosion of pure power, he arced up and into his massive true form.

He could hear the awed exclamations as the light from his transformation faded, but he focused in on only one voice – Kagome's. He chuckled inwardly at her exclamation that it was a good thing they were in a sparsely populated region, since he and that other youkai were so huge.

Typical... she's worrying about someone getting stepped on, he had to laugh to himself.

He reached out and caressed her with his youki, surrounding her in his power and sending it against her own powerful aura with deft, soft touches, and despite her surprise, her own power responded – though she tried to fight it.

During all of that, he was also fighting his opponent, though in truth, it was more like toying with him, as even shard-enhanced, the youkai was anything but challenging – especially for his inu form. But his beast needed the exercise, and he was more than happy to oblige.

Kagome wasn't paying a bit of attention to the battle going on before her, she was too busy trying to fight her sudden and almost overwhelming arousal. She could feel his power touching her as if it were his own hands, and it was driving her quickly insane. Her knees were wobbling and she could barely stand – and all because his aura was touching her.

Gods, she thought despairingly, Sango was right! How do I fight this? It aches, oh, gods, it aches... I'm not ready for this kind of thing – I don't know how to deal with it! I'm only seventeen!

Shaking, she literally had to wrench her attention away from his caresses, and force herself to focus on something else. The problem was, the only other thing to really look at, was the battle taking place out in front of them all – and that included the reason for her current state.

Still, it was an entrancing sight – all that power, contained in the form of one beautiful youkai Lord that was pretty straightforward in his desire for her. And at least, she thought, he wasn't also after another woman at the same time. As soon as that thought crossed her mind, though, she flushed, and felt guilty. She really wasn't like that, and she pushed that thought away easily enough.

If only it were so easy to push away thoughts of the big inu that was now her self-proclaimed protector. Even as she watched him swipe one huge paw at the dragon youkai he was facing, knocking it back in a titanic collision with the ground that shook it even were they were, she shuddered for a different reason.

Under the effects of his aura, and watching his battle, her mind was rapidly clouding with desire, and want. No matter how hard she tried to fight herself, she couldn't look away – all she wanted was to walk out there and touch him, surround herself with him, and breath him in.

By this time, she was completely unaware of her friends around her, everything within her focused solely on the demon Lord that was stalking her. She was dazed, storm-tossed, even, perhaps, possessed, by him, and she found that she didn't know how to fight him – didn't, in that moment, even remember that she wanted to do so.

The strength of her newly born desire was frightening...

Mattaki was beginning to lose himself to the feel of her aura caressing him back – and her scent was killing him with want. She was so aroused – and mortified about it, he could tell that, too. But it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that he wanted her – and she wanted him just as much, even if her mind was still unwilling... it wouldn't be for long.

Quickly losing patience with the fight, he decided it was time to end it, and darting in low, he knocked the dragon over on it's back, pinning its thrashing length with his huge paws, and savagely bit down into its throat, then ripping down its length in a bloody spray, he tore it almost from head to tail, before tearing its head off with his claws.

As the beast's body writhed in its death throes, he tilted his head back and howled his victory on the field of battle – and the victory that was soon to come on an entirely different field.

Remembering what Kagome had said about the shards, he turned and leaped back to where the group was waiting, growling out orders to his son to move everyone else back, leaving Kagome alone before him. He paced forward slowly, trapping her gaze with his as he walked up to her and oh, so gently nuzzled his nose into her. He almost whined at the strength of her aroused scent, and pulling back, he re-gathered his youki, letting himself fall back into his humanoid form.

Gritting his teeth to keep himself from grabbing the woman and running off with her, he forced his beast back under control, and then held out his hand. “Come, Kagome. We should go before it regenerates, as you said.”

Kagome shook her head, trying to clear it of the haze that had filled it, and took his hand without argument. She squeaked in surprise, however, when he pulled her against his chest and lifted her, then darted off, heading back to the site of his kill, and almost melted as her body touched his for the first time.

She clenched her jaw tight as she fought the waves of desire trying to drown her in his heat and scent, and wanted to cry. I can't... fight this...

Kagome was mature for her age, after all, she'd seen and done too much to ever be called naive – but sexually, she was. She was an innocent in the ways of passion, and so, totally unprepared to fight such a battle against as formidable a foe as Mattaki. He, after all, was over a millenia old, and had centuries of sexual experience to draw on.

It wasn't a fair fight, by any means, and he knew that.

He just didn't care.

He would have her, and he would teach her the ways of desire. She would learn all she needed to know at his hands – and no one elses.

When he reached the now still carcass, he set Kagome down, and asked, “Do you need any help to retrieve the shards?”

One blink, then two, and finally, Kagome cleared her throat and spoke, in a husky, desire-drenched voice that almost had him on his knees. “N-no. I... I can see them just fine.” She made a move to gather them, and he watched, fascinated, as they purified to a pale pink glow at the merest touch of her tiny fingers.

She was such a small onna – and a dark, depraved part of himself thrilled to that knowledge – it would take so little to truly break her, and even though he knew that he never would, he could and would dominate her in ways she probably had never heard of... nor imagined.

But he would take great pleasure in showing her – repeatedly.

And as he watched her place the pink shards in her little bottle, he wondered...

Would her purity still stand after he'd taken her and steeped her in so much shadow...

Or would she become as tainted as every youkai was believed to be?


The moment they'd returned to the others, Kagome had insisted that she be allowed to return home for a few days, and after everything that had happened, and the fact that they'd just retrieved five shards, Inuyasha didn't even argue, simply turning the tachi around and heading for the well at as fast a clip as possible.

Mattaki hadn't said a word, deciding that there was no need for him to be concerned – now that he was returned to a flesh and blood body, if he felt the need to go through the well to this world that his onna called home, then he would simply do so. He wouldn't allow her to go anywhere he was not – even if she didn't necessarily realize that he had followed her. Besides, he was no fool – he was well aware of the fact that Inuyasha was counting on Kagome going home, since he'd always been the only one able to follow her, the boy had planned on using it as a fail safe to keep her from him.

Sneaky pup... but not sneaky enough.

And every night as she slept, he would reiterate his claim on her subconscious, calling out to her in her dreams, and drenching her in his scent, making it completely clear just who she belonged to.

Remarkably, she still fought him, and herself, denying her need for him, though he could tell that she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, despite her defiance. And though most would have been enraged by her refusal to give in, he was only intrigued and pulled deeper into her web – for that was the one thing she had so far overlooked.

He was just as thoroughly entranced by her, as she was by him.

It was a mutual preoccupation – obsession – need. He could no more escape her, than she could him. But being unused to the ways of males and females, she had not realized that. When she did, though... oh, he could imagine the pleasure to be had...

Until then, he would walk in her dreams, and seduce her there, first. He'd already well begun that, her erotic dreams obvious even to Inuyasha, with his more sensitive nose.

While he didn't appreciate the boy scenting his female's desire, he realized that there was really little choice in the matter, but if his son took one step towards her with any scent of desire of his own towards her, he would find himself flayed and hanging from a tree somewhere. Son or not, he would not share his female with anyone. Ever. The boy had had plenty of chances to take her before he, Mattaki had been drawn into it, and he'd missed out.

Too bad for him.

Kagome was looking forward to going home with a desperation that she'd never felt. She needed to get away from the big inu that was taking over every part of her mind and soul... and dragging her heart along for the ride. And despite what he'd told her, she just couldn't accept such a huge turn-around in only seconds.

Really, one minute she's still got her sights set on Inuyasha, and the next, she's acting like a bitch in heat over his father? She understood what he was saying about Inuyasha, and her feelings for him, and even though, deep down, she knew he was right, she was not willing to really admit that, yet. But even with that admission, in a far, dark, corner of her soul, that still didn't mean that she should all of a sudden just lay down and give it up for someone else! The whole thing was just too insane...

The worst of it was the dreams. Oh, she dreamed, more vividly than she'd ever dreamed before, and she couldn't stop even if she wanted to – they came, every night, all night, leaving her weak and tired the next day – as though she'd really been involved in those... acts... all night long. She needed to leave all this behind, and go someplace that would let her mind clear – so she could go back to being Kagome... and not what those dreams were turning her into.

Maybe she just wasn't ready to become a woman yet, she thought almost rebelliously, and then she shook her head.

No, she couldn't lie to herself. It wasn't that – it was that she was afraid to become his woman... afraid to be taken over by him.

His power overwhelmed her, frightened her, but she wanted it, and him, he was right about that. The problem was that she didn't want to want him. She wanted to be in control, not have such a powerful, dominant male that she would have to submit to.

And there it was... the biggest reason behind her fear of the whole thing... submission.

With Inuyasha, while he was strong, she'd always held the final control, and she knew it. He couldn't really dominate her unless she allowed it. With Mattaki, that wasn't the case. She didn't want to drown in his overwhelming power and personality because she couldn't force him to back off when she'd been pushed beyond her comfort zone.

And while she was honest enough to admit it to herself, (barely), she wasn't ready to admit it to anyone else, if she ever would be, and so all her thoughts were consumed with getting home... until he would once again take over her dreams at night.

She really, really hoped that those dreams couldn't follow her five hundred years into the future...

Because this unrelenting pressure was sure to have her giving in almost immediately if she couldn't get away.


The moment that Kagome went through the well, Inuyasha took off, determined to find Sesshoumaru and get some answers about what was going on. He didn't care what his father did at that point, since Kagome was safely on her side of the well for the next four or five days.

Or so they all thought.

Nonetheless, he took off in search of his brother's aura with only a bare explanation to the rest of the group, and was gone within moments of leaving Kaede's hut. All Kikyou could do was watch ruefully as she was suddenly exposed to what it had always felt like to be Kagome watching Inuyasha walking away.

Inuyasha was well aware of her dark eyes pinned to his retreating back, and he sighed, feeling guilty – but, most tellingly, he didn't stop and go back. He was determined to find his brother, and get some answers – hopefully, he could find a way to get Kagome out of this.

By the time he found his brother's aura, though, he'd already lost over a day, and was really getting aggravated, since he'd had nothing for company but his own dangerous thoughts. But he had no intention of starting a fight with his brother – that wasn't the way to get information from the prick. So when he finally got near and his brother turned to face him, he walked out to meet him calmly – or at least semi-calmly.

“Oi, Sesshoumaru. I got some questions to ask that only you can answer. You willin' to talk, or are we gonna fight again, instead?”

To say that Sesshoumaru was surprised was an understatement. That was the first time his brother had not come running in yelling and wildly waving his sword around. It intrigued him enough to incite his curiosity.

“What are these questions, half-breed?”

“Tell me about youkai claims.”

The daiyoukai blinked, taken aback, though his face remained blank. “Why do you ask me this when father travels with you?”

“Because it's about that bastard, that's why! He says he's put some kinda youkai claim on Kagome – because he wants to mate her. But I don't believe it – I think he's put some kinda spell on her,” he growled, beginning to lose his handle on his temper again at the thought.

“Huh. So father is determined to claim the miko, is he?” he asked thoughtfully. “Tell me – how does she act?”

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. “Like she's drunk on his presence.”

“And you believe that he has placed a dark spell on her, do you? Why – because now she wants him?” he asked shrewdly, and with scarcely hidden amusement, not surprised when his brother scowled. “He spoke the truth – he has laid a claim on her in the way of youkai. It is not a spell.”

“Fuck!” he yelled, fists clenching. “So tell me what I gotta do to break it!”

At that, Sesshoumaru actually chuckled. “You are a fool, Inuyasha. There is nothing you can do. Only another youkai can interfere with a youkai claim. You are only a half-breed – you are too weak,” he said dismissively.

“So after all your whining about me bein' a half-blood, you're just gonna sit back and let the old man taint your precious bloodline again? I don't believe it, Sesshoumaru – I know there's gotta be a way to stop this, and I'm gonna find it, even if you don't tell me!” Inuyasha glared at his brother for a moment, then turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving a very deep in thought daiyoukai behind.

“No,” he said slowly to himself, “ I do not plan to leave this situation alone. But what I choose to do about it is only for me to know, little brother. For now.”

He turned back, and gesturing towards his retainer, started on a new path... one leading towards the village the boy called home – and a well that carried a certain miko back and forth between her time – and this one.