InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Sweet Sacrifice ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 12: Sweet Sacrifice


Mattaki had centuries of experience to draw on, he'd always been known as a great lover, and he'd had pride in that. But now, when it counted...

He froze.

Oh, not that he didn't want the female – that was the problem. He did... too much, it seemed. Because all he could do was react with primal need, and all his experience went out the window.

He supposed he should be glad this wasn't his mating night – it was only a dream shared between the two. He could only hope that this would take the edge off, though, and that when it came time to truly take her, he would be calmed enough to be able to use all that experience.

Still, his desire burned within him, instinct taking over where experience failed, and he lowered his head to hers, nuzzling into her neck, inhaling that intoxicating scent of hers as deeply as he could. As the power of it exploded across his senses, he groaned, and lifted his head just slightly to take her mouth over.

Sweeping inside, as she opened her lips as soon as his touched hers, he battled her tongue for dominance, enjoying the taste and feel of it sliding along his own. Finally, she submitted, letting him take over the kiss, and he swept his tongue over every part of her mouth, leaving no part untouched – untasted. He growled into the kiss as she whimpered... she tasted, felt, and scented nothing but beautiful to him, and his whole body, and soul, as well, were affected, leaving him almost light-headed with need.

Damn that spider hanyou – if he were not in the picture, I would not be forced to wait half so long.

Oh, he knew Kagome wasn't ready yet for mating, but she was close – and chances were that she would be ready, before they caught Naraku, since he had such a penchant for hiding. Mattaki scowled inwardly, vowing to make the spider pay for forcing him to wait to take his mate properly.

Kagome finally pulled away, gasping for breath, and stared at him wide-eyed. She'd never known what to expect – sure, she'd kissed Inuyasha once, at Kaguya's castle, but that had been chaste... nothing like what this kiss had been.

His kiss was like he was, smooth, sinful – like dark chocolate, rich and decadent, and definitely something she wanted to experience again, and again, and again. Once would never be enough, not even a thousand times would be enough. She articulated that thought as best as she was currently able to. “Again,” she gasped out, not even caring when he smiled darkly at her, only caring that he oblige her request.

And oblige he did, leaning down again, and tasting every part of her mouth once more, growling softly in approval of her actions and her taste. After thoroughly conquering her lips, he slid to the side, trailing soft lips over her jaw, then up to her ear, and she gasped and jerked, shocked, when he nibbled lightly on the lobe of her ear – she'd had no idea that area was so sensitive.

He grinned a little at her reaction, trailing down then, along the length of her neck, until he reached her pulse, and then he nibbled, and licked, and sucked that piece of flesh until she almost fell over – he was forced to tighten his hold on her as her knees gave out and she sagged against him. He was in alt; her reactions to him and his touches were as hot and needy as his were to hers, this was better than even he'd ever been able to imagine.

“Remember this, Kagome – when you wake. Only I can make you feel this way – only I. No other will ever be able to bring you this pleasure, no other will ever be able to draw such a response from your soul,” he said, satisfaction radiating off of him. He sighed. “You are lucky, you know. I spent so many centuries looking for the other half of myself – you. But you haven't had to suffer the same. And I am glad for that... I would not like to think of you lonely and cold for so long, I must admit.”

Kagome was very surprised to hear those words from him – they were different from the things he'd spoken to her so far. There was nothing of seduction in them, only of caring... it was new, and very welcome. “I'm sorry that you spent so many years alone, Mattaki – I wouldn't wish that fate on anybody-” she frowned, “-except Naraku, maybe. I don't think I'd want to curse anybody else to be stuck with him. That would be a fate worse than death, I think.”

Before Mattaki could respond, Kagome could feel herself being pulled from the dream, and she smiled at him. “Seems it's time to wake up,” she said ruefully. “Will I remember?”

He understood her question and answered even as she faded. “Yes... I think that you will. I will see you in the waking world, Kagome,” he responded, and then sighed as she disappeared completely. With that, his consciousness faded to black...

And then his eyes fluttered open in reality, and he woke. Damn. Why couldn't we have stayed asleep longer? She tasted so sweet... But then again, maybe she will finally allow me to touch her while awake? I can only hope...

With a glance, he noted the lightening in the eastern sky, then swung his gaze towards those sleeping in the camp. Everyone was still out – except Kagome. When he finally looked down at her, he saw that her eyes were pinned to him, and that for the first time, her gaze was clear – she was not avoiding him at all. There was also no anger in her eyes, either.

“Ohayo, Kagome,” he said softly, wondering if she did, indeed remember.

She dispelled his fears on that count immediately. “Invading my dreams now, Mattaki?” she asked levelly.

“Are you angry?” he asked in return, suddenly uncertain how to take her reaction.

She shook her head, though her gaze did not untie itself from his. “No. I was surprised at some of the things you said, though...” she trailed off, but he knew what she was talking about.

“That I have been looking for you for so long? Why does this surprise you?” He sounded genuinely surprised at her surprise. “Does not every being wish to find the match of their soul?”

With a sheepish shrug, she finally looked away. “I... suppose so. Still – it's hard for me to believe that I'm your other half. I mean, look at you!” She waved her hand in his direction, vaguely indicating his body. “And then look at me! It just doesn't make any sense!”

“It makes perfect sense,” he said fiercely, though his voice remained low. He wasn't ready for the others to wake just yet. “Are you still going to fight me, Kagome? Because I will not give up, no matter what. I just want you to know that.”

She shook her head, her cheeks flushing with color as she clasped her hands tightly together in her lap. Her eyes remained focused on them, as though, if she looked away from them even for a moment, they would damage something. “I won't fight you anymore, Mattaki. I'm willing... to see where this goes, I guess. Not that I'm ready for a – a mate-” she blushed deeper, “-but I'm not against letting you convince me,” she said slowly. “But I will most definitely tell you if I feel pushed too far, too soon.”

Mattaki tilted his head questioningly. “Tell me... what is it you fear now, Kagome? Do you truly think I would do anything to harm you? Don't you realize that what hurts you, also hurts me?”

Blue eyes snapped up to look at his, then, and he could see the consideration in her gaze to his question. “It's the intensity, as I mentioned before,” she said finally. “I'm so much younger than you, and completely unprepared for someone with so much experience.” Her expression darkened for a moment as a little bit of jealousy sparked in her. “You've had so many women... and I've never even been touched. It's frightening.”

Around them, he could hear the sounds of the rest of the group beginning to stir, so he knew he had to hurry. “Do not be jealous of any other female, little miko. You saw my past, and know that none of them were for me. I could walk by all of them right now, and not remember them. Even Sesshoumaru's mother, and Izayoi, were memorable because they bore my son's, and that's all. No one has ever captured me as you have. As for intensity – you will find that it is a good thing, and welcome – once you've gotten over your virginal fears. Every woman is in your place at one time or another in their lives... in fact, even males are. We are, at some point, also virgins, after all, and though the fear is a bit different, it is still there.”

That made her feel a bit better, in a funny kind of way, but she didn't respond other than to nod, as at that moment, Inuyasha hopped down from his tree and began waking everyone up, apparently eager to start the day. With a nod to show she'd heard him, she stood up, and grabbing her bag, headed off for a little privacy with Sango and Kikyou to bathe. She had a lot to think about, she knew – hopefully, the day would be somewhat peaceful, so she could do so.

Inuyasha knew this was his chance – the moment the girls all left, he took the little pot that Kagome carried and went for water. Before they left camp for the day's travel, she'd drink that tea, and begin breaking away from the claim his father had on her – he'd make sure of it.

Mattaki watched Inuyasha for a time, but couldn't see any hint of what the boy had planned- he didn't say a word to Kagome, simply going to get water, and building up the fire to boil it. All things he'd done at other times before. But there was something wrong – he just couldn't pinpoint what.

After a time, frustrated, he turned his attention to the outside world, sending his senses out and looking for any kind of disturbance – wondering of it was, indeed, something outside that was setting his instincts into overload. But again, nothing.

Unfortunately, Inuyasha took advantage of his sire's preoccupation, setting Kagome's cup of tea up... along with everyone elses – only Kagome didn't get quite the same mix as everyone else did. And by the time Mattaki looked around, his attention once more on those inside the camp, it was too late – the teacups were all waiting, prepared, as the water steeped the tea.

Inuyasha was quite happy; his plan was working. He knew his father was suspicious, but he had no clue where the threat was coming from specifically, and so he had no chance to stop it. It seemed as though the gods were favoring him in this... too bad for him it wasn't truly the kami, but instead, Naraku, that he was helping.

Once the women returned, clean and ready to travel, Inuyasha sat down and picked up his own tea innocently enough, knowing that Kagome would take the tea prepared for her – he'd used her personal cup just to be sure. He held his breath as she sat down and picked up her cup, taking a nice big sip as she noted that it had cooled sufficiently – and as quickly as that, Naraku had a foothold within the camp.

“Thanks, Inuyasha, for getting the tea ready and the water boiled. Let me get the ramen fixed,” she smiled as she looked over at him, unaware of what he had done to her – or the repercussions that were to come.

“Just finish your tea, Kagome,” he said, flushing lightly. “I can get the ramen ready myself – not like I don't know how to do it after all this time.”

She cocked a brow at him, but didn't say anything, and he watched, surreptitiously, as she continued to drink the tea. He wanted to stare at his father and gloat so badly, but he didn't dare... it wouldn't do for the old man to know for sure that he'd been the one to break the bond. He didn't, after all, want to get killed.

He had no idea that he'd already signed his own death warrant... he would be a very lucky pup, indeed, to live through what his father was going to rain down on him when what he'd done came out.


Deep within the cave that the spider had claimed as his, a dark laugh was heard as the hanyou took note of the tingling in his body.

So... only one more week... and then the world will be mine!

He began to count down the hours. Beginning today, he would have his saimyousho send in one or two scouts at a time – he wanted to be aware of every move that was made while he prepared his ambush.

Thank you, Inu no Baka, for handing her to me. You have just assured my victory.

What a disappointment you must truly be to your father...


Kagome found herself feeling a little odd that day as they walked, but couldn't pinpoint anything that would be making her feel that way – she just felt a bit nauseous, and as though she'd ingested something tainted. She didn't feel weak, though, and had no fever, so chose not to say anything to her traveling companions, instead walking quietly along, Mattaki at her side as he always was now.

One thing she did notice, however, was a heightened awareness of where anything to do with Naraku was located. She couldn't feel the spider himself, and surmised that he was just too distant, but she did, however, pinpoint his saimyousho quite easily. The hellbugs were dogging their every step, and once in a while, a few would break off from the main swarm, and move in close – at which time, Mattaki would inevitably disappear from her side momentarily, then the bugs would be erased from existence – and the inuyoukai would reappear at her side as though he'd never been gone.

There was one thing that bothered her more than anything else, though – what she was feeling from Inuyasha's aura.

After traveling with him for so long, being near him almost constantly for over two years, she was pretty attuned to his moods, and very good at reading them. And right now – in fact, since the day before after saving that village, his youki was excited. Highly – almost to the point of agitation - it was like he was waiting for something, and it was putting her on edge.

On top of that, he was also afraid, which was something that didn't happen very often, and when it did... well, it was a very bad thing. What she couldn't fathom is what had him that way... or why it seemed to be directed at her and his father.

He's done something, or he's contemplating doing something...probably to break the bond between Mattaki and I. But what? Maybe I should talk to him – though I know he won't with his father right here. So how do I go about getting the truth out of him?

In a low voice, she said, “I think Inuyasha's done something... or he's planning to. I need to talk to him – without you there.”

Mattaki kept walking, he didn't even turn to look at her, instead considering her words. It was most obvious that he also was aware of his son's agitation, and had been pondering on the possibilities. “Perhaps you should speak with him this evening, then. It is understood that he will not talk to you about anything of importance while I am present.”

She was a little surprised that he didn't get territorial over her at the suggestion that she go off to talk to another male alone, and it showed.

“Did you think me so lacking in control that I would throw a tantrum over such a thing? It is true that I do not like the idea of you being out of my sight – for more than one reason. That is instinct. But I have said before that I do not listen solely to one or the other, instead utilizing both sides of myself. My reason is well aware of why this must be done.”

“Oh. Well, that makes sense. Inuyasha always just got irate if I tried to talk to other guys – like Koga, or Hojo back home... or the Hojo here,” she chuckled at that thought. “I guess he was mostly listening to instinct, then.”

“Most likely.” The big inu shrugged, showing no real interest in his son's previous actions. “He is still reacting in the same way – he tries to make himself a rival rather than my son. It will avail him nothing, however.”

Kagome merely hummed in agreement, her thoughts turning inward again, and a comfortable silence fell that lasted the rest of the day.


I guess I'd better get it over with, then, since dinner's over and all.

Kagome sighed, flashing a quick glance at Mattaki, who nodded slightly, she stood up and walked around the fire. Stopping underneath the tree Inuyasha was lounging in, she looked up and caught his eye.

“Inuyasha... could I talk to you, please? Alone?” she emphasized at his surprised glance. “There's something I need to discuss with you...” she trailed off as he cast a guilty look at Kikyou, and then hopped down from the tree.

He gestured into the forest. “Keh. Let's go then, wench.”

Rolling her eyes at the low growl that came from Mattaki, and Inuyasha's answering one, Kagome stepped into the trees, confident that her hanyou friend would follow her. She walked slowly for several minutes, before finally finding a small meadow; walking into the center of it, she sat down, patting the ground next to her.

“Come sit here, Inuyasha.”

“Keh.” The hanyou plopped down at her side, and folded his hands into his suikan. “So what did you need to say to me, wench?”

Kagome glanced at him with a half-smile; she leaned over and bumped him playfully with her shoulder. “I want you to tell me what's wrong with you, silly. You've been acting strange for a while now...” she trailed off, inviting him to talk.

Inuyasha's brows lowered, and he scowled. Damn it! Wench always sniffs out my moods – how the hell does she do that? “What makes you think there's something wrong?” he asked sullenly. “Can't I just be grouchy for no reason?”

Rolling her eyes again, she laughed outright at his antics. “Oh, come on, Inuyasha. It's me – I know you better than that. So spill – what's eating you?”

He sighed, annoyed, and looked away, knowing she wasn't going to let the subject go. But what should I tell her? Will she get mad... maybe I should kinda lead up to it... “I've been thinking... about that claim crap the old man laid on you. You know... how to break it,” he finally said, watching her from the corner of his eye carefully. He wanted to see her reaction.

With a flush, Kagome looked down, then after a moment, looked back up, staring into the sky at the bright stars that lay against the midnight silk so beautifully. How do I get him to understand... “You know,” she said finally, “I think you should be worrying about something else... like... Kikyou, maybe?” She didn't look at him, even when his gaze whipped over to lay heavily on her. “Your father and I... well, things aren't always so cut and dried, Inuyasha, and I've agreed to give him a chance. I... don't want to break the bond, okay?”

The hanyou stared at her for several seconds, aghast at her words. He couldn't believe it. She wants that old bastard to chase her? What the fuck?! “Okay, that's it. I know he had to have slipped you something, or put some spell on you to make you want this, and I ain't gonna sit idly by and let it happen,” he shouted, his rage once more kicking in as he thought about the situation. Jumping to his feet, he hovered over a shocked Kagome, fists clenched.

“He can just go find some other woman to be a sacrifice to his lust, 'cause I ain't handing you over to him, end of story!” At that, he reached down and yanked the stunned young woman to her feet, and proceeded to slam his mouth to hers.

Kagome was completely blindsided; for two years she'd wished that he would kiss her, and now that he was, it was too late, and her feelings had changed. After the first stunned moments, she began to try to push him away, but he only tightened his arms on her, pulling her closer as he tried to force his way into her mouth.

She didn't even have the chance to really get into fighting him away when he was suddenly ripped away from her and thrown across the meadow into the trees at the edges of it; she looked up, speechless, to find a feral Mattaki crouched before her, snarling with rage.

Her eyes widened, and fear went through her; if he didn't calm down, Inuyasha could get seriously injured.

This was very, very bad.

Damn you, Inuyasha! Don't you ever think?!


A/N: Sorry it took a while to get this chapter out – it's been a god-awful week, and it doesn't look to be getting any better anytime soon.

Anyway, hope everyone enjoys the chapter.
