InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Justifiable Retribution ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 27:  Justifiable Retribution

Mattaki traveled swiftly in pursuit of the knowledge needed to return his mate to his side where she belonged.  He was most unhappy with this last-gasp scheme from the spider hanyou – and Naraku had found that out the hard way.

It was true, however, that he had greatly enjoyed ripping his last hope away from him – he'd thought to trap his mate and Kikyou back in the past with a complete Shikon no Tama, so that he could then take it from them and rewrite history in his favor.

However, Naraku had not counted on the differing actions of he and his mate.  Being greedy for power of all kinds, he did not understand that there were many out there who had no use for such a jewel, or the power it contained.  It should have occurred to him with Kagome, at the least – he was well aware of her purity.  But he was foolish, and short-sighted in the end, and it was that that had brought about his downfall.

Now, Kikyou and Kagome were stuck further back in the past, with the well blocked by some form of magic.  And he was going to discover what magic, and how to break it.

Landing silently next to the old wooden structure, he contemplated it for a time.  He remembered that even in his youth, this well had already been old – it was as if the well was created when the kami created all the lands.  And, with what the well did, i.e. bringing his mate back and forth through time, it was entirely possible that was the case.

After a little bit, he moved forward, and touched the aged wood.  He'd often been curious about the well, but oddly, every time he'd thought to come examine it, something else had come up that demanded his attention, and the well would get pushed to the back of his mind again.

But now... there was nothing that could pull him away from his contemplation of the structure, and the magic within.

Hopping over the edge, he floated down to the bottom, then sat, feeling the magic tingle against his skin, and he was surprised – the essence of the magic in the well carried an energy signature that was very like his mate.  That must be why she was able to use the well when others could not.  

Human legends of this well named it the Bone Eater's Well, because any demons dumped into it disappeared.  But Mattaki discerned immediately that the bones were not being eaten, they were merely being sent to a different time.  Since youkai, by their very nature, were creatures of magic, the well worked for them – jewel shards not needed.

And as for his little mate – he was pretty sure that she could use it without the shards – it was simply her lack of belief that led her to needing to hold a shard to get through.

Frowning, he settled back against the stones, and closed his eyes, breathing in and out rhythmically, dropping himself into a meditative trance.  It was time to touch the magic, and see what he could see.

Immediately, his world-view shifted, and he could see the truth of what this well really was – it was a nexus, a gravity well of immeasurable power.  The strength of the gravitational field had warped the fabric of reality, thus creating a time warp.  So many of these things were nothing he'd ever heard of before, and as the knowledge settled into his mind, he was completely intrigued – he wanted to learn more of these concepts that were so foreign.

He watched the magic swell and diminish around him, and began searching for the spider's taint.  Since the well was a construct, it couldn't be corrupted by anything in and of itself – so the only taint that would exist within it was Naraku's spell.  

It didn't take long to find it.  A wallowing black mass blighting the pure beauty around it, Naraku's magic was virulent and hate-filled.  It was surrounded by pulsing blue's and golds, pinks and greens – all colors of the warp field contained within the wooden framework of the deceptively simple well.

Brow furrowed thoughtfully, he focused on the energy with his mind's eye, and was intrigued by a thought... if the well could be activated by a youkai's bones, and living youkai as well because they were also creatures of magic, then the darkness of Naraku's spell should also qualify – it was made of magic.

So why wasn't it disappearing?

He psychically poked and prodded at the mass, trying to determine its full intent.  In order to stop it, he had to first know what it was he was stopping.

With Naraku's magic fouling the well up, it will no longer swallow anything. Or is that entirely true?  Wait... no, I see it now.

He didn't block the well, he simply blocked Kagome from using it.  He used something of hers to trigger the spell when she fell in the well.  With her running around with his taint in her blood, she wouldn't be able to do anything about this... but now, because Kikyou purified the miasma and blood from her... she can fix this easily.

Smiling, pleased, he stood up and hopped back out of the well, content with what he had found.  Seeing as how it was so late, though, and knowing how tired his little mate was, he decided to let the women sleep.  First thing in the morning would be time enough to tell her what to do to get back to where she belonged.

With a decisive nod, he turned and walked out of the well-clearing, heading for the small village below it.  Reaching a certain point about midway between the village and the well, he was about to find himself a tree to sleep in, when he caught sight of a section of forest that had been totally decimated.

Scowling, the daiyoukai cast a dark look towards the elder miko's hut where his son was staying.  The damaged land had all the earmarks of the Windscar, and the complete lack of any youkai signature other than the ones that should be there, told him that the destruction was the result of the boy's temper and nothing else.

Apparently, he hadn't taken it well when he found out what had happened to Kikyou and Kagome.

He had to admit, though, that irritated as he was at the unnecessary destruction, he was rather proud of the strength his son had – he'd just been horribly beaten a short time before, and would still be healing.  And yet... he had still been able to cause such mayhem – hanyou or no, his blood was strong, and it showed in the fact that his halfblood son, whose mother had carried no power of her own, was as strong, or stronger than, most full-blooded youkai.

It made him think of the pups he would sire on Kagome – with the strength of his blood, and the power of hers... they would be strong.  His heirs would be known for their power – and the wisdom of knowing when to use said power.

That part would probably be drummed into little heads by his mate, he was sure.  And then the thoughts of what would need to occur between his sweet mate and he for him to get said heirs caught his attention, and he grinned wickedly.

He would never tire of bedding his mate, he knew for a fact, and there would definitely be a great deal of time spent in pursuit of the pleasures of mating.

That was a vow, and one he would easily keep.


Inuyasha had felt his father's return to the area, and had struggled to get up and go confront the bastard – he had to know how to bring Kikyou and Kagome back. But still being fairly weak, he wasn't able to get past his friends or Kaede.  They were determined he stay in bed, especially after his temper fit earlier had reopened some of his wounds.

That left him stuck and having to wait until they all fell asleep... which thoroughly annoyed him.  He wanted answers now, dammit, healing could wait.

Finally, several hours after the group in the hut had all fallen into dreamland, Inuyasha slunk out of there, and, after lifting his nose into the breeze, took off after the male that had sired him.  

He winced slightly when he realized the daiyoukai had settled into a tree near where he'd released the windscar earlier in anger – he just knew the older male would have something to say to him about that.  Seemed the fucker always had something to say... and most of it wasn't good.

That really torqued Inuyasha.  Since he'd been brought back, there had been nothing good he'd had to say to the son he'd never even met.  The only things that had been said were not things he'd ever wanted to hear – like that bit about his mother, his father, and the truth of Sesshoumaru's feelings towards him, and other humans.

That one had really hurt.  To find out that his brother, who'd always tortured and belittled him, tried to kill him, and acted so disgusted by his human half, really only hated him because he'd wanted to be the one to sire children on Izayoi, had sent him into a state of confusion that still hadn't cleared.

He didn't know if it ever would.

And then to find out that the only reason he was alive at this point in time, was because Sesshoumaru had saved him from their father's wrath, giving the big dai a chance to calm his bloodlust and regain control.  He didn't understand Sesshoumaru at all, anymore.

He really wished that he could go back in time to before Mattaki had returned.  Back when things, and the world, made sense.  Sesshoumaru hated humans, and him, and was always after him for Tessaiga.  Back to a time when Kagome was still his, and Kikyou was still made of clay.  Well, okay, not so much that last part – as far as Inuyasha was concerned, Kikyou getting a second chance at a real life was the only good thing that had come from this.

That wasn't even because he wanted her back personally, or anything – it was just unfair how her life had been stolen, and he was pleased that she had a second chance.

She deserved it.

With a melancholy sigh, he looked up into the tree he knew his father was in, and caught the glint of moonlight on dangerous golden eyes and silver hair.  He was well aware that the powerful male knew he was there, so he simply waited for him to come down, rather than shouting him out of the tree.  He thought back to Kagome sitting him out of trees, and with a faint smirk, wished that he could do that to his father.  The visual actually lifted his mood for a few seconds.

Finally, after a few minutes in which he was aware his father was studying him from his spot in the tree, the big dai landed lightly next to him.

“What is it that you want, Inuyasha?”  he asked neutrally.

“Keh.  I want to know if you know of a way to get Kagome and Kikyou back yet.  Do we have to chase Naraku down and wring the knowledge out of him?”  he returned.

Mattaki studied his son for a few moments, and then grabbed him suddenly, and began to lift into the air, forming his cloud beneath him.  As Inuyasha thrashed in shocked surprise, he tightened his grip.

“Cease your struggles, Inuyasha.  I'm taking you to see something that I think will please you greatly – I know I have certainly enjoyed it.”

Halting his squirming, he looked at his father with narrowed eyes, suddenly suspicious.  “And what would that be?”  he asked slowly.

“You will see in just a moment, boy.  Patience.  I vow you will be pleased enough in a few minutes.”  

Inuyasha settled down, then, beginning to be interested in whatever his father was going to show him.  With the way he was acting, Inuyasha had his suspicions about what he was going to see.  

And as they drew close to a series of caves high up on a mountainside, he was suddenly filled with glee – he could feel Naraku's aura, and it was filled with agony and not even sane anymore.

“You caught him, didn't you?”  he asked finally.

“I did.  His actions against me and mine angered me, and he is paying for that.  As well, the spirits of all those he tortured and murdered are hovering around, for when I finally grant the spider death.  Then they will get their vengeance.  I daresay Naraku will never reincarnate – his soul will be devoured soon enough.

Inuyasha couldn't help the shiver at his father's words, but he also couldn't deny the pleasure he felt at them, either.

Within moments of catching Naraku's stench, his father landed in front of one particular cave, and setting Inuyasha down, led the way into the cave.

When Inuyasha first caught sight of what remained of his greatest enemy, he was stunned into immobility.  The spider hanyou was completely unrecognizable.  

His face was ruined, flesh melted and bubbled in places, and his nude body was in no better shape, bleeding, burned, he scented of infection, and for just a moment, he wondered if Naraku truly deserved this.

And then he decided, hell yes!  After all those he'd tortured and murdered, raped and destroyed, he deserved what he was getting.  After all, he was merely getting a taste of what he'd been doing to others all along.  If this didn't teach him the error of his ways, nothing would.

Of course, it wouldn't matter whether he learned, or not, because Inuyasha could feel the aforementioned spirits hovering around the slowly dying spider, and he could feel the hatred and retribution that was coming.  He suspected that his father was right – Naraku's soul would be torn to shreds upon his death... slowly, he was sure.

He was in for a long, pain-filled death, just as he had ended in suffering and pain in life.

He found that he could smile, seeing his enemy brought so low.  “Heh.  So, Naraku... finally getting a taste of your own medicine?  How's it feel to be on the other end of the torture?”

The spider hanyou stared at him with a glassy look in his eyes, and Inuyasha was uncertain if he even realized anything was real, anymore.  

He looked at his father.“How long have you had him like this?”

“Several days.  Before Kagome and I came back to the village.  Do you pity him, Inuyasha?”  Mattaki asked.

Inuyasha thought about that for a while, staring at what was left of the once arrogant spider.  Do I pity him... I guess, in a way, my answer is... “In a way, I suppose.  It's a shame it came to this, but he bought his fate with the blood of innocents, and there's always a price to pay for that, sooner or later.  I can't regret his fate,”  he replied, voice contemplative.

Mattaki nodded, pleased.  His son, while knowing that Naraku had brought about his own downfall with his actions, also knew compassion, as well.  It was obvious that he had good instincts.

“Dog demons are very possessive of what is theirs... and very protective.  Naraku bought and paid for his fate when he harmed what is mine.  We can be very vicious, as well, when we seek retribution.  As I told Naraku, he would have been better served searching for power on the continent than here.”

The red-clad hanyou just nodded, knowing his father spoke the truth; half-human he might be, but his inu instincts ran deep, and he was really more inu than human where it counted.  He understood exactly what Mattaki was talking about – he'd felt the same over Kikyou and Kagome, after all, and had wanted to destroy the being that had caused such harm to all their lives.

It was fitting, he decided, his mind cringing at the state the spider was in.  He was damn glad he hadn't pissed his father off badly enough to end up in this position.  He didn't realize he'd said that aloud until Mattaki answered.

“You are my son.  I would not do such to you – if your actions warranted death, then I would simply take your life swiftly and end the problems.  Did you really think I would so torture my own flesh and blood?”  he asked, brow raised.

Inuyasha shrugged, still staring at the remains of Naraku.  “I don't know, do I?  I don't really know you except to say that since you've come back, my whole life has been turned upside down and inside out – and not in a good way,”  he said, his voice matter-of-fact and his expression bland.

Mattaki acknowledged that fact.  “Time to adjust is needed, of course, but you will find that your angst will fade with enough time and thought.”

Inuyasha didn't answer; looking down, Mattaki realized that Naraku was awake, and had recognized his son.  

“C-come... ttt-to g-gloat?”  he croaked, his voice coming out in a sibilant hiss, as his ruined throat attempted to work.  It was clear he wouldn't be able to speak for much longer – and that he wouldn't last much longer, himself.

Inuyasha's blank expression didn't change as he studied the spider.  After a moment, he said,  “No, not really.  I don't feel happy about this – it's just simply what you deserve, Naraku.  But no way in all the seven hells would I want the fate that's about to be yours.  You were a fool, Naraku – you forgot that power always comes with a price, and that no matter how powerful you think you are, there's always someone stronger.”

Unable to fight back at all, Naraku merely returned Inuyasha's gaze with a hate-filled one, and the inuhanyou shook his head.  “What a waste,”  he said, before turning and walking out of the cave.  It was something he would never forget, the sight of the evil hanyou laid out like that and his pride in tatters as much as his body was.

He felt neither triumph, nor sadness – what was left of Naraku was simply paying for his actions against so many.  He imagined that the kami felt that this was just retribution, and had allowed Naraku to fall at his father's hands.

Staring out thoughtfully across the wide lands around him, and pondering on justice, and revenge, he flinched just a bit at the agonized, garbled cry of Naraku.   He supposed that it was his human half that made him unable to dish out that sort of thing – torture would never be his forte.  He could, however, feel his demon blood singing within him at the scent of blood and suffering coming from his enemy.

Sometimes, it was hard to reconcile the two sides he carried within, but this time, it wasn't.  For the evil that Naraku had unleashed across the lands, revenge was needed, and his father had simply been the hand of the kami in taking said revenge.

With a sigh, he waited for his father to step outside, and then asked,  “What about the Shikon no Tama?  He didn't have it.”

Mattaki shook his head with a grim smirk.  “Oh, he did when I trapped him.  But I took it, and gave it to Kagome. She purified it, and then sealed it away.  No one will ever find it – once she had sealed it, even I could not feel it when I was holding the box it was in.”

“Keh. That's good.  But what was Naraku thinking when he sent Kagome and Kikyou back into the past?”  he questioned, knowing his father would know.

He was taken aback by his father's slow, wicked laugh.  “Ah... now that is a tale.  I was quite pleased to yank his last hope from under him,”  he mused.  At his son's confused expression, he elaborated, and when he was finished, Inuyasha couldn't help but laugh at the spider's severe miscalculation.

“Stupid bastard anyway.  He shoulda known better – Kagome's the only one who has never fallen to his schemes, and after fighting her all this time, you'd think he'd realize that she doesn't care about power.  He should have expected her to either seal it, or destroy it, either way.”

With a shake of his head, Mattaki agreed with his son.  “But he is a fool, and he's finding that miscalculations of that magnitude carry a high price in blood.  It was more than he was able to pay and yet maintain life.”  He stopped, then, and looked at his son.

“You cornered me earlier for a reason... what was it?”

“I wanted to know if you'd figured out how to get Kagome and Kikyou back here where they belong.”

Nodding, not surprised that was the reason he'd come after him, Mattaki grinned devilishly.  “Of course I have figured it out.  It's lucky that Kikyou figured out how to rid Kagome of Naraku's taint, or we would be in trouble.”

Inuyasha looked confused.  “Huh? How'd Kikyou do that?”

“She purified Kagome,”  Mattaki chuckled at the dumbfounded look on Inuyasha's face.

“How do you purify a miko?”  he asked, his confusion deepening.

“Apparently, the same way you purify a youkai – only it doesn't harm the miko, like it would a youkai.  Now, come morning, all the women have to do is purify the spell Naraku put on the well, and they should have no problem getting back.”

Inuyasha blinked.  “Oh.  But why didn't you have them do it tonight?”

“Because they are sleeping right now, and after the day they've had, they needed it.  The problem can be taken care of when they wake,”  he replied.

Slipping his hands into his sleeves to get them out of the cold, Inuyasha sighed, then nodded, releasing weeks of tension and stress.  “Keh.  I need a good vacation,”  he said quietly.  “This last bit of time has really tensed me up.”

Mattaki simply nodded, knowing his son was correct – his little mate was also tired and stressed, as well, and a good get-away would certainly be appreciated.

And as he flew he and Inuyasha back to the village, he set his formidable mind on coming up with a vacation his mate would never forget.  Now that things with Naraku and the jewel were almost finished, lives could start being lived.

All that was left, was to actually finish Naraku off once Kikyou and Kagome were returned to their rightful places.

Once that was done, life in all its complexity could recommence.


A/N:  Not much longer now and Wicked will be done, and then I will start posting on my new Inupapa/Kag story.  I've already got that one to chapter 21, so it's already a good ways into it.  It will be an action/adventure/romance, more like The Longest Journey than Wicked.  

Ja Ne!


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