InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Hearth and Home ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 31:  Hearth and Home

Mattaki and Kagome spent several very relaxing days at her mother's house, just lazing around and enjoying the peace, though Mattaki did go and repair the damage to the shrine grounds caused by his fight with Kage.

Kagome's grandfather was quite pleased with that.

By the third day, however, Kagome, being primed for that amount of days because of her long association with a certain hanyou that wouldn't give her anymore time than that at home, was beginning to feel restless.  Mattaki smiled, knowing it was time to go back and settle a last few things before getting on with the business of setting up their lives... although he was certain he would miss Kagome's 'shower' – and the fun you could have with it.  

It was, perhaps, he mused, a good thing that his estate on the edges of the Western Lands sat just above a beautiful waterfall – at least in the summer, it could be exchanged for her shower.

Gathering his mate and the things she wanted to take with her, they said their goodbyes and headed back to the past, determined to finish the last little bit of flotsam and jetsam that was floating around out there.

When they arrived in the village, however, they found that most of those little loose ends had taken care of themselves – Byakuya had shown up with Kanna – a strangely altered Kanna – thanked them for their freedom, and taken off into the sunset, heading for the continent.

When told about Kanna's changes, Kagome smiled, and figured that someday, the little void youkai would have some love of her own.  That was a pleasant thought.

It appeared that Kikyou and Inuyasha had put aside their differences, dealt with the past, and were moving on to a new future neither one thought they'd ever have.  Inuyasha grudgingly admitted that his father's advent into their lives hadn't been all bad, after all, he'd brought Kikyou back, and gotten rid of Naraku in a most gruesome and fitting way.

Still, there was a little bit of history left between Kagome and Inuyasha, and, understanding that, Mattaki allowed the two to go off by themselves for a while to talk.

It was a painful, sad and heartfelt goodbye to what they had almost had, and both shed tears as he held her one last time.  It seemed so odd to be moving on – and away from each other.  There was a part of Kagome that would always look at Inuyasha and see what could have been – and Inuyasha admitted that it was the same for him.

They both loved each other, and it would take time for those feelings to change completely to a more familial type of love, but they'd get there.  

When they returned to the others, several hours later, both were a bit worn out at the emotionality of the day, and needed to take a little break from somber subjects.  

That was when Mattaki decided to show Kagome where she would be living from there on out.  Excited, she invited the rest of the group, thinking that Sango, especially, who'd returned just the day before, could use a little fun, and before long, they were all airborne again, only this time, they were heading to the northern border of the Western Lands.  

While the estate did fall under the Rule of the West, technically, it was its own sovereign domain, and was autonomous.  That suited Mattaki just fine – he had no intentions of being ruled by his son.  

And that was how, on a warm, sunny day, Kagome caught sight of her new home, and almost fainted... it was more beautiful than anything she'd ever seen.

Set amongst the rolling hills leading to the Northern mountain range, it commanded a view most could only wish for – the lands stretching away beneath them, disappearing into the horizon.  

As for the shiro itself, it was amazing in its simplicity.

Gardens climbing the hills and dales around the home blew in sweetly scented air to the palace proper, leaving the halls of the building always smelling of nature.  Large, with three stories, Kagome balked at all of that space being wasted.

Mattaki assured her that it was not wasted as long as someone was there to appreciate it.  There were also servants, many of whom had been there when the Inu no Taisho had been a young inu himself, and as ingrained as they were into the environment, Kagome had to admit that perhaps it wasn't wasted, after all.

Trust Miroku to come up with the obvious – if lecherous – fact that there were other ways to fill all those empty rooms...

Mattaki most definitely agreed.

Blushing fiercely as everyone laughed at her, she smacked Miroku over the head herself, that time, though she was softer about it than Sango was, and the pervert, feeling cheated of a good pounding, took it upon himself to correct that lack by groping Sango.

Needless to say, he missed the rest of the tour due to being laid out by a not really irritated taijiya.

Finding himself well pleased with how the servants had kept the place in his centuries long absence, he quickly noted that he would not have to spend time getting the place up to par – instead, he could indulge his mate in allowing her to decorate her chambers and the family rooms to suit her taste.

It was something he felt they could enjoy together – he was quite choosy, himself, in his surroundings, and wanted only the best for he and his mate.

It was a good thing he was wealthy, well above and beyond the wealth he had carried as the Lord of the West – he would be able to indulge his little mate, though he knew she was not the type to care about that.

Still, she was thrilled that she would be living in such a beautiful place, and for Mattaki, it was only a couple of hours flight to the well, meaning her family wasn't out of reach, either.

Sango and Miroku, and Kikyou and Inuyasha, had decided to settle down in Kaede's village, Kikyou planning on taking over a majority of Kaede's practice as her sister got older, so as to ease her waning years.  

For Sango, who had once thought to live in the old slayers village and rebuild, it had been a hard decision to leave and instead live elsewhere, but one she felt good about.  It would have been too depressing to be the only people alive in a village that had once been so busy and full.

Of course, the first thing on everyone's minds was – weddings.  

Kagome didn't feel the need for one, herself, as bonded as she was to Mattaki, there was no need for something more – it would have been redundant.  The truth was, a mating was so much more binding than a marriage, that she didn't feel like cheapening what she had with Mattaki.

He understood her perfectly, though the others didn't, and agreed with her one hundred percent.

Kikyou and Inuyasha would be married by Miroku in a Buddhist ceremony, while he and Sango would be married by Kaede and Kikyou in a Shinto ceremony directly afterward.

The guest list, was, thankfully, small, the only one invited that lived any distance away was Mushin, and it was easy enough to fetch him with Kirara, and even return him later that night.

While the women readied themselves for married life, the men, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Mattaki, who had been volunteered by his mate to help, busied themselves with building huts for the two couples to live in.  As she watched them go up, Kagome felt a little awkward suddenly about the fact that they would be living in huts, and she would be living in a palace.

After a little bit of thought, she went through the well, and cornering her mother, got her bank card – though she wasn't in college, the money that had been held in trust for her to use however she saw fit was released to her by her mother.  After all, it would be a bit odd for her to be holding her married daughter's money.

It was quite a large sum of money, and Kagome gleefully dragged her mother off, and began buying certain things that would make her friends lives just a bit easier.

Things like matches, feminine products, (which Sango had become used to in the time she spent traveling with the little miko) medical supplies and over the counter pain relievers.  She picked up lots of material for clothes – some silk, and some of other materials, and some cotton, which was actually more costly than silk in the Sengoku Jidai.  

She knew that they could also trade some of that material for other things, as well, and was pleased with that idea.  She bought plenty of sewing supplies, even showing the two women how to sew on and use buttons – it was much better than the ties on the clothing they were used to - and less liable to fall off at inconvenient times.

Personal cleansing goods were bought in bulk – because she herself refused to be without that stuff – and even better, sturdier shoes that were not too far off what the people back then were wearing, but definitely longer lasting and more comfortable, as well.

The biggest expense was one that she could not get through the well herself – in that, she drafted Mattaki, and he only shook his head and laughed at her, though he had no problems with what she was doing.

Folding them into smaller sizes to fit through the well, Mattaki hauled both extra-thick futon mattresses through at once, and Kagome came behind carrying a bag with sheets, blankets, and pillows – come winter, those living in those two huts would be quite comfortable and toasty warm.

By the time they were done, those two huts, and what they had in them, were the talk of the village.  They were better appointed than the headman's hut.  

They were also a lot better built.

Mattaki had taken some of the ideas from Kagome's era, and incorporated them – he had built the huts with double walls, with dirt hard packed between them for insulation.  The next little innovation was an entryway that was separated from the main room of the hut by sliding doors.  That kept a great deal of the cold out, and by the time that winter arrived, the lucky ones living in those huts would be nice and warm.

Finally, he had built a trap door into the raised wooden platform of the floor, making a storage area that could hold foods, keeping them safe from water damage or anything else.  It helped with room, too – putting some things under the floor left more room on top of the floor for other things - like children.

By the time Kagome finished with furnishing the huts that her mate had built, her friends didn't know what to say to her, all of them almost speechless with the wealth they now found themselves owning.  In their time, barter and trade got you most of what you needed, and Kagome had provided enough extra stuff like material and the like that they would be well set for years to come.

After that, she felt a bit better about their living arrangements.

She did have one last thing for her mate to do... and that was bring back an extra thick and fluffy futon for their room, and Shippo's, too.  While she did have her own suite of rooms adjoining his, she would be sleeping in with him – her own rooms merely seeing her if he had to leave overnight, or some such thing.  

By the time all that was done, it was time for the weddings themselves... and while the women were nervous, suddenly, Mattaki found himself playing jailer to Miroku, who was completely panicked.  Inuyasha, being more inu than anything, had no problem with commitment, and was quite calm.

He spent all night making fun of the monk as payback for all his teasing over the years.

The weddings went well, other than the stink Inuyasha made about wearing something other than his fire rat.  That little temper tantrum didn't last long before Mattaki dragged him off for some quality father/son bonding time (read beating) in the forest.  Away from all eyes.  And all ears.

By the time they came back, Inuyasha was ready to wear anything they told him to just so he wasn't left alone with his father again.  No one knew exactly what took place between the two, except that Inuyasha kept rubbing his ears and pouting when he thought no one was looking.

At any rate, it was finally done – everyone was paired off the way they should be, and Shippo had a new home... a large one, as Kagome planned on keeping him with her.  There, he could have the childhood he'd so far been denied, growing and playing like he should have been doing all along.  There were also several kitsune at the palace that could help him as he got older with all the things that Kagome couldn't.

Once they'd seen all their friends off to their honeymoons, Kagome decided to go back through the well and show Shippo off to her family, and visit a little more before heading to her new home.

It was love at first sight – her family fell all over themselves to get their hands on the tiny fox kit, and to Mattaki's everlasting amusement, the little kit scrambled right up Kagome's body and hid in her hair, not sure what all the fuss was about.

Once he realized that they wanted to see him because they thought he was cute, however, it was on, and Shippo spent the next couple of days charming the hell out of her family.  Kagome finally had to put a stop to it when she caught her mother planning to take him to a candy store after promising to buy him whatever he wanted.

She slapped a hand over her face and shook her head.  “Momma... that much candy isn't good for him anymore than it was good for me or Souta!”

Her mother had looked sheepish at that – she'd been militant about the amounts of candy her children were allowed when they were younger, and it was faintly embarrassing to be caught doing that same thing to another child, and then being  reprimanded by her own daughter for it.

“I'm sure Shippo would be reasonable, Kagome,”  her mother had replied half-heartedly, and Kagome had to laugh.

“Momma, to Shippo, buying the whole store would be reasonable,”  Kagome shot back, laughing at the sulky face Shippo sent her when he realized she'd tanked his candy store visit.

Looking at the cute little furball, it was clear he would sooner or later score a trip to the biggest candy store in Tokyo, and Kagome just sighed.  When she caught Mattaki's amusement through their bond, though, she let him have it.

“You think this is funny?  Have you ever seen a kitsune hyped up on sugar?  I didn't think so, buddy.  When Shippo finally manages to con my mother into taking him to a candy store, you get to be the one to watch him.  Maybe take him to the dojo and let him bounce off the walls and ceilings for a few hours – or days.”

Slightly alarmed at that thought, Mattaki decided that the better part of valor was discretion, and didn't say another word on the subject.

The second day of their stay in the future, Kagome decided to take her new family out for the day, and with that in mind, had each male hide their youkai features.  Kitsune could naturally do so, they were shape-shifters, after all, and as for Mattaki – well, he hadn't lived for so long without learning how to do it, too.

When they were done, they looked like normal human males, just with different coloring.  While Shippo's hair-color and eyes were known, they were still rare, especially in Japan.  But Mattaki's coloring... well that was a different story.

Silver hair could possibly be explained away by saying his hair just turned silver early – but his golden eyes were definitely different.  Kagome loved them, though, and refused to have him change their color.

Once dressed in the clothing she'd bought them on one of her shopping sprees, they made a handsome picture, which is what her mother immediately did – took a picture, or two, or three.  By the time they managed to get away, she'd gotten enough pictures to fill a picture album.

Or two, or three.

Finally, after running to escape her mother before she could find more batteries for the camera, Kagome took Mattaki and Shippo out for what would be, for them, the strangest outing either one had ever been on.  Mattaki, in particular, was thrilled with how far humanity had come in just five hundred years, and couldn't help thinking about dragging his recalcitrant eldest son through the well and showing him how wrong he was about humans.

That little trip would win him gloat points for years to come – but he knew he'd have to keep his little mate from finding out... somehow.

The only thing that really bothered him was the pollution – it was really difficult to breathe it, and it left his nose itchy and sore.  Kagome and Shippo both agreed, Kagome mostly because she was used to the fresh air of sengoku jidai rather than her own.

Stopping to pick up some lunch for them all, she took them to a waterfront park, and just let Shippo run and play after finishing his food.  That left an overly amorous Mattaki sort of alone with his mate, and within seconds, she found herself sitting in his lap while he nuzzled and kissed the nape of her neck.

As she started to get a bit aroused, her scent spiked, and Mattaki went so hard, so fast, he almost passed out.  Perhaps that wasn't such a good idea, he admitted to himself as he sat back and just enjoyed holding her.

Hearing several familiar voices, Kagome's eyes widened in panic as she realized that her old school friends were out for the day – with several others that had been in her class.  One of which, was a right bitch to her, and she had never figured out why.  

With an internal sigh and wince, she braced herself.

“Kagome!  What are you doing here?  Who's that guy your sitting on?  That hot guy your sitting on?  Where've you been?  Did you hear about Hojo?  What's she doing with a gorgeous guy like that?  She doesn't deserve a man like that!”  All came flying at her so fast she only had time to blink – and scowl at the last two statements made by the class bitch.

“Woah, woah, woah!  Guys!”  she waved her hands at her friends.  “Sheesh!  How do you expect to get any answers when you all start shrieking – and whining-”  another scowl at said bitch,  “-at once?”

Everyone grew quiet at that, and Mattaki chuckled, though his glance at the nasty one was rather unfriendly.  “Is this something like what you were mentioning about Shippo and sugar?”  he asked, and Kagome nodded.  

“Sorta.  Only worse.”  Mattaki shuddered at that.

“Okay.  Let's see... in order – I'm spending the day with my family.  The guy I'm sitting on is my fiancee.”  She winced at the sharp squeals and affronted huff, then continued.  “I've been visiting with Mattaki and his family.  No, I did not hear about Hojo.”  Glare at miss bitchy.  “I'm being happy with a guy like this,”  she patted his jean-clad leg.  “And it isn't up to you if I deserve him or not, that's his decision to make.”

Silence met her statements, and Mattaki chuckled again.  “Excitable, aren't they?”  he murmured in her ear, and she nodded.

Yuka was the first to crouch down before them and offer her hand to Mattaki.  Confused, he looked at her.  “Give her your hand – its a polite greeting,” she said in her mind, and his expression cleared as he offered the girl his opposite hand.

“I'm Yuka, this is Eri, this is Ayume, and that,”  she gestured over her shoulder to the rude one,  “is Leiko.  Rather fitting name, don't ya think?”  she asked, and everyone except Leiko laughed.  She just glowered at everyone.

At that point Shippo noticed all the excitement around his adoptive parents, and came scampering over, looking at everyone wide-eyed.

“Who are all these people, Kagome?”  he asked.

“Oh, these are some friends from school, Shippo.  You remember, I've told you about them.”

He nodded, grinning up at them.  “Hi!”  he chirped.  “I'm Shippo – who're you?”

And that was all it took, everyone's attention was off Kagome and Mattaki, and on Shippo – even the nasty-tempered Leiko couldn't resist his charm and her scowl actually softened.

After a while, Ayumi came and sat down next to Kagome and introduced herself to Mattaki politely.  “So... you really haven't heard about Hojo?”  she asked.  

Kagome blinked, then shook her head blankly.  “Ummm, no... what are you talking about?”

“Well, he went missing one day.  The last anyone saw of him, he was heading for your place to ask you out yet again.  After a few days when he hadn't been seen, someone notified the police, and now there's a missing persons report out on him.  He hasn't been seen since.”   She frowned thoughtfully.  “Did he ever make it to your place?”

“What would they say if they knew the truth about that particular bastard?”  Mattaki mused, and Kagome heard it.  She shook her head.

“No... I haven't seen him since... well, darn – I can't even remember.  It was probably at school.  And if he'd showed up at our house asking for me, Mama or Grandpa would have told me, so I guess that means he didn't make it that far.”

With an absolutely straight face that Kagome couldn't even believe, Mattaki shook his head sadly and said,  “It's too bad that such things happen to good people.  Hopefully, your friend will be found unharmed.  It is to be hoped that you and the others remain safe from the predators out there.”

Boy, does he have nerves of steel, to say that all calm and collected, she thought, rolling mental eyes at the inward chuckle from her mate.

“So... what's been going on with you guys, eh?”  Kagome asked, more to get them off the subject of Hojo, then because she was all that interested.  After all, what was always going on with her friends?  School, guys, and shopping.  Same old, same old, and suddenly, Kagome was quite happy that her fate had been entirely different.

She let Ayumi chatter on for a time, watching as Shippo charmed everyone that came near, and nodding in appropriate places, or making sympathetic sounds.  After a while, the girls regretfully took their leave, and Kagome sighed with relief.

“Boy, I'm glad that's over.  We just don't have anything in common anymore, so it's hard to gather any enthusiasm when I see them.  Oh, well, at least our run-ins from here on out will be negligible.  Thank kami for small favors.”

Despite the fact that Kagome was glad they were gone, Shippo had enjoyed the girl's visits, and was quite happily envisioning many more visits – at which point Kagome began to wonder...

Just how old and mature was Shippo, really?  Why was he so interested in girls, when her own brother was just barely even over the childhood belief of all boys that girls have cooties and were to be avoided at all costs?

When she asked Mattaki, he shrugged and refused to answer, saying that that was for Shippo to tell as he saw fit – it wasn't polite to ask a youkai their age.

Kagome had huffed at him with narrowed eyes, and then stood up, indicating that it was time to leave.  Amused, he stood and stretched, and within a short time, they were ready to leave, heading to wherever it was that Kagome decided to drag them.

By the time that day was over, Kagome was exhausted – her two youkai had dragged her all over Tokyo, and by the time they reluctantly turned to head for the shrine, Mattaki was carrying his now deeply asleep mate.

It was a day neither one would ever forget – after all, how often did one get to see a time hundreds of years before their own?

Kagome certainly had the strangest fate of anyone Mattaki had ever known in his centuries upon centuries of life – and she seemed to share that strange fate with everyone around her – she changed the world around her just by existing, and Mattaki could only be happy that he had met her at all.

It would have really sucked to have to wait five hundred years longer than he already had for her.


A/N:  Okay... this was mostly getting everyone settled in this chapter – next is the final chapter and in it, Mattaki and Kagome get their happily-ever-after... with a little bit of lemon flavor added... snicker... and we get a little bit of info on Sesshoumaru and Rin's future.


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