InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Love ❯ Part Three A ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: Problems arise in the Youkai Wolf Tribe and Kagome inadvertently becomes involved. On the run with Kouga, will InuYasha be able to find and save her in time?

Disclaimer: InuYasha is (c) Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Comics, et al.

(PART 3A OF 4)

Getting wind of the nearing threat, the men of Mamorou's wolf pack rapidly took up arms and defensively positioned themselves about the encampment while the women and children were evacuated to nearby caves for safeguard (the caves served a dual purpose: as a garrison against attacks and as a shelter against unfavorable weather). Battle preparations were done with practiced ease, a prominent reminder that the wolves were a brutish lot that thrived on warring with others.

The only women to remain were Kagome and Hisa, flanking Kouga on both sides. Their attention was torn away from the coordinated activity as an irate Kisho stormed over. A more sedate Mamorou shadowed him.

"This is your fault," Kisho accused Kouga. "You've endangered our tribe!"

Kouga saw no point in denying the truthful accusation. "Gomen nasai," he said with sincerity. "I didn't expect to be found here. At least, not so soon."

An apology, no matter how sincere, was not enough to efface Kisho's ire. Kagome looked on, horror-struck, as Kisho reared back to punch Kouga's already battered face. Curiously, Kouga made no endeavor to avoid the blow, accepting the punishment met out. The hit knocked him back several paces but did not result in any serious harm.

When Kisho moved in to inflict more damage, Kagome averted her gaze. She did not want to witness the kyodais' animosity made physical. This type of barbarism had long since grown trite with InuYasha and Sesshoumaru's juvenile displays involving the Tessaiga and their full-blooded/half-blooded youkai lineage.

A reprieve came at Mamorou snapping, "Now is not the time to be fighting amongst ourselves! The tribe's safety is paramount. Petty childhood rivalries will have to wait."

Hisa's inclination of the head seconded her go-shujin's rebuke.

Kouga resumed his place next to Kagome, silently accepting Mamorou's authority and reprimand... for now. It took Kisho a moment longer to comply. He bore a grimace of distaste as he fell into line with Kouga.

A barrage of questions were then propounded on Kouga in regards to the approaching enemy, the focus of which were on number, strengths and weaknesses. He systematically responded to each as there was no alternative. Self-preservation had forced his hand. Know thy enemy. His tribe was now his enemy. The sense of betrayal ran deep, even though he was positive the mutinous conduct was not of their own doing.

Kagome, intuit to his distress, comfortingly leaned into him. The propinquity was for her comfort as much as his.

When the questioning had been completed, Kouga gruffly requested, "I'd appreciate it if we could avoid as much bloodshed as possible. I assure you that my pack is not willingly entering your territory. This attack is not by choice. They're being coerced."

Kisho snorted. "And we're to take your word for it? The word of a disperser? How do we know this isn't some kind of revolt? A revolt against your rule?"

"That shows how little you know, Kouga-kun," Kagome intervened. "He's a wonderful leader. His tribesmen are loyal to him. They respect him. It has to be the shard I felt..." As she contemplatively trailed off, the group expectantly waited for her to proceed. "Hai, hai. That's it. A Shikon shard must be causing all of this."

Mamorou sputtered. "Shikon? As in the Shikon no Tama?" His brow furrowed. "Just exactly who are you, ningen?"

Kouga proudly replied in her stead, "She's the miko of the Shikon no Tama. My soon-to-be mate."

"A miko and ningen?" Kisho's antipathy was obvious.

"Okaasan," Kouga bade, "please take Kagome to the caves for protection. If a shard is the cause of all this turmoil, I'll find it and, hopefully, avert the upcoming attack."

Kagome balked at the suggestion. "Kouga-kun, iie. I'm the only one that can pinpoint where the shard is. You need me."

"The enemy is too great, Kagome. I won't have it."

"And just who are you to 'have' or 'not have' anything?" She searched her mind for a plausible argument. A reason to stay with him. "This is my.... sacred duty. Yeah, sacred. Miko-sacred. That's me. Miko of the Shikon no Tama. It's my job."

At this point, everyone knew she was adlibbing. Kouga pulled her into an embrace, a hint of laughter dancing in his eyes, even amidst the direness of their predicament. "Hai," he acquiesced. "I need you. I need you safe, Kagome. If anything happened to you, I couldn't go on." He quirked a smile. "And, even if I could go on, Inukkoro wouldn't let me."

She half-heartedly returned his smile and relented. "Very well." His cheek was fondly caressed. "Take care of yourself, Kouga-kun."

The sentimentality received a sneer from Kisho. "This is causing my stomach to turn. Are you through?"

"Come, miko," Hisa said, ignoring her petulant musuko. "You cannot distract Kouga any longer. He is required elsewhere." She did not wait to see if she was obeyed. Obedience was expected. She was, after all, the dominant female of her pack.

One last lingering hug was given to Kouga. Kagome then tore herself away to chase after Hisa, but was delayed further upon catching sight of a castaway bow and quiver containing several arrows. She pilfered the weaponry, hoping the act went unnoticed. No such luck. Upon falling into stride with Hisa, she caught a look of approval and fleeting smile being sent her way. Busted.

Huh, Kagome thought, maybe Hisa-sama was not so bad after all. Then again, a proverb she had heard many times ere came to mind: Never rely on the glory of the morning or the smiles of your okaasama.

Alarm suddenly took hold. Okaasama! Where had that come from? Aieeeeeeeeee!


Terms To Know
Disperser: The actual term used to describe a wolf that leaves a pack to find a mate and start its own pack.
Hai: Yes.
Kyodai: Brother.
Gomen nasai: I am very sorry.
Go-shujin: Husband.
Inukkoro: Dog-turd.
-kun: The same as -san but less formal. Used to address people, almost always boys, at one's own level.
Miko: Priestess.
Ningen: Human.
Okaasama: Mother-in-law.
Okaasan: Mother.
-sama: Denotes respect to a person of a higher social class, such as royalty.
Shikon no Tama: Jewel of Four Souls. It is a powerful, sacred jewel that contains the souls of an ancient warrior, Midoriko, and many demons. To possess even a fragment of the jewel will dramatically increase its owner's strength.
Youkai: Demon.