InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wild ❯ Madenia ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yeah, I finally got back on my lazy ass to type. So now I have more done. And here it is…
Disclaimer: NO! NO!! NO!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!! Beats fists against desk IT”S NOT FAIR! I want Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, chained up with handcuffs on my bed. cough I didn't mean that. Whistles innocently But they're not mine, none of them, except the ones I made up.
Chapter 3: Madenia?
Rin stood and whistled, Keno's head lifted before he trotted to her. She swung up onto his back for one last gallop until she had to return to the stable. The wind whistled through her ears and tears stung her eyes. The muscles under her legs bunched and stretched, they were flying over the ground at an amazing pace. She reluctantly sat back, drawing Keno to a halt. She would have to walk the rest of the way home to cool him out. She let Keno find the path home and turned her attention to the blooming spring. The grass was an emerald green, buds abounded, and flowers were grouped in pretty patterns throughout the valley. The slow rocking of his slow gait gave her a calmness that was irreplaceable. The whistling of birds added to the calmness and she tried to mimic the birds, getting pretty close and laughing when a bird flew close and answered her. A red streak scampered across her path and she watched the fox hide under a thicket to watch her ride by. She yipped at it a few times and it crawled to the edge of the thicket, yipping back. Her eyes were dreamy and unfocused, though her mind was judging and calculating every distance and landmark as she went by. By the time she had turned on to a more familiar trail, the new one was imprinted on her mind like she had been on it a thousand times before.
“Rin!” the voice startled her out of her thoughts and she heard the distinctive trotting steps of Inuyasha's mount. “How's he doing?” He asked, drawing even with her and slowing to her pace. He was appraising keno with knowing eyes and judged the horse looked a little fitter.
“He's great! Ya know, I think he's even faster than the last time we raced.” She grinned at him.
“If he gets any faster he's going to be the fastest at our barn. After that last race, I don't know if I even want to race you again.” He grinned at her, telling her he was kidding.
“Oh, you'd have a good chance right now because he's pretty tired; we did a lot of galloping today.” The horse's high head and spirited walk belied her words, but Inuyasha was not one to pass up a challenge.
“Okay, Go!” he yelled, catching her by surprise. He took off and was sprinting away before Rin had collected herself.
“That's not fair; you'll pay for that one!!” She yelled. He looked over his shoulder and spurred his gorse on.
Rin got down low in Keno's impatiently waiting body, grabbed his mane and clucked, clutching with her thighs. Keno launched them with strong hindquarters and was at a good speed before going more than five strides. They were catching Inuyasha fast and Keno put on another burst of speed when they approached. She drew even with him and held Keno there a moment.
“Why are yaw going so slow?” She yelled into the rushing wind. Inuyasha's face held surprise and awe as she clucked to the running horse. Keno gathered himself and shot off in a sudden burst of speed. Inuyasha shook his head as the pair quickly pulled ahead of him and drew away. He looked up to see her turn to look at him with a grin. His jaw dropped as the horse switched leads and plunged still faster into the whipping wind. They turned a corner up ahead of him and were momentarily out of sight. When he turned the corner Rin was walking Keno circles to cool him in front of the barn while she waited for him. He started to pull his horse up so that by the time he got his winded mount to the barn they would be walking.
“He really is fast. You should enter him in the Madenia race the day after tomorrow.” He suggested. Her face took on a sad, stormy look.
“You know I don't have the money. I just started saving up with the money you pay me.” She frowned.
“I'll pay for it.” He wasn't making a suggestion.
“I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back.” She said indecisively.
“You won't have to.” She opened her mouth to object but he cut her off. “Let me breed him to some of my best mares. If the foals come out like him, you won't owe me a dime.” She peered at him, trying to be skeptical.
“And if the foals are no good?” His eyes never left hers.
“Then you'll have to pay me back, won't you” He answered simply. She bit her lip, her eyes shining brightly. `God, she's beautiful.' He thought. Her high cheekbones, pretty, lively eyes, and full almost red lips made her face glow from the inside out. Her flat-muscled, curvy body made something within his own body throb.
“Okay.” She smiled brightly. “I'll do it. I'll sign him up.” Her eyes held mischief. “And you know what?” She missed the glint in his eyes, either that or misunderstood what was plainly there.
“What's that?” He said in a low voice. She grinned.
“We'll win too!”
(The Madenia race grounds. Sunrise)
“Are you nuts girl? You'll tire your mount before he ever hits the track.” Inuyasha's other trainer, Monty, said. She smiled and continued grooming Keno.
“Warming up around the track a few times and a short breeze won't even have him breathing hard.” She said smugly. He sighed in defeat.
“Why don't you work with Deca then? He's just doing a short run with a two furlong breeze.” He suggested. She flashed a smile and nodded, opening Kenos' door. Keno walked out and stood calmly as she shut his door and walked to him. Monty couldn't help but stare as she leaned over to brush the shavings off of Kenos' leg. He studied her nicely muscled butt before turning away in consternation, thinking himself some kind of pervert. He was an old man and she was a very young girl just coming into her prime. She stood up straight and put brush box away before leaping onto Keno's back. Monty shook his head as the horse steadfastly walked through the chaos of his first racetrack without a scrap on him, save the person on his back; earning astonished stares.
“All right boy.” Kenos ears flicked back to listen to Rin's sweet voice. “We're gonna just stretch our legs a little on the track. But this is only play; we aren't racing until 10 o'clock. So go easy, okay?” As they entered the track and waited for Deca she continued talking to him. Finally Deca and his jockey came out of the barn and towards the track. She groaned at her misfortune. Why did Monty have to have her breeze with Jay? She'd never liked Jay; he was hard on the horses and an aversive person. When he came near he gave her an insincere smile and tucked his crop under his armpit.
“You ready to work your little horse?” he knew it infuriated her when he called Keno a `little horse'. But she decided not to kill him and smiled sweetly.
“Oh, yes. We just wanted to stretch our legs a little, go for a little canter. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to work with you.” His ingratiating smile disappeared and malice filled his face. “Ready?” She asked innocently. He nodded curtly. They began to trot a circuit around the track. When they reached the gate they had started at they broke simultaneously into a smooth, strong canter. Rin rocked with it, watching Jay and Deca closely.
“Ya know, I plan to make you look like a fool.” He sneered.
“Yeah, I know. But the only one who is going to look foolish is poor Deca. Sorry buddy!” She called at the horse Jay rode. His face blackened at the hint that no one would even notice him. Rin turned her attentions back to the track and noticed the pole they were to start breezing at was coming up fast. She got ready but jay took off four strides early, gaining a quick lead on her. Half a stride before the pole she sat low and clucked. Keno shot off like fired from a cannon. They sped by Deca and were twelve lengths away by the end of the two-furlong sprint. She couldn't help but smile as they slowed, coming to a walk when they reached the third furlong. By the time they had walked another furlong, to the gate, Keno was hardly winded. She was a bit surprised to see Inuyasha there, studying her carefully with golden eyes. She felt a warm rush seeing him and looked away, disconcerted. She suddenly saw how his amber eyes seemed to glow, and how his lean, muscular form seemed to draw her gaze. His lips were curved into an almost seductive smile, and she stopped next to him. Why the hell she was noticing this stuff now, when she really needed her concentration?
“He looked good. I need to talk to you, Rin, so I'll walk with you while you cool him.” She was about to reply that Keno was almost cool but stopped. He apparently wanted to talk to her alone so she slid off of Keno's back. They started around the backside of barn in silence, Keno following.
“What did you want to speak about, Inuyasha?” She didn't understand why he was so quiet when he had wanted to talk to her. He grabbed her arm.
“Rin…” He faltered and covered it up with a question. “You think you can win this race? Ataria will be in it as the favorite.” His brow creased in concern.
“Deca is the third favorite standing right now, right?” He nodded. “We beat Deca just now, hardly even pushing. This race is longer. I have no doubt that we will win.” She was all confidence, sincere confidence. He loved to watch her smile, the way her beauty heightened in his perceptive eyes, how expressive her face was.
“I agree.” He said, his voice husky. She looked deep into his eyes, noticing how there seemed to be gold flecks within the unusual amber color. His eyes were the windows to his soul, he could never totally hide how he felt from her, she could read his eyes. The look within them now she had never really understood. The huskiness in his voice finally gave it away. The smile on her lips slowly disappeared and her lips parted slightly. He was leaning closer; they were only and inch away when she closed her eyes. His lips touched hers in the gentlest caress, and then reality crashed down with a sudden unexpected bump from Keno.
They sprang apart and Rin looked wildly around to see if anyone had been watching. To her intense relief, there was no one around at this early hour. If anyone had seen that it would've spread like wildfire. With Inuyasha being engaged to the Lady Kikyou, it wouldn't look good for him or her. Her eyes settled on his unemotional face.
“Why did you do that?” She asked in a low voice. He looked surprised that she would ask that question.
“Why did you come back here with me?” He countered. She looked at him like he was stupid.
“Because you said you wanted to talk to me, of course!” She said it in obvious tones. `God she was so innocent, she really didn't know!' he thought. But instead of lowering her in his eyes, it made her seem… cute. That was what Rin was. She was beautiful, pure, innocent, naïve, but most of all, everything she did was cute and refreshing. It was like waking hot and dazed, and throwing open a window to let the crisp morning air caress your face. She was like a drink of clear, cold spring water at the end of a long day. And that was just seeing, sometimes inadvertently touching and being with her. It increased his lust for her tenfold.
“Keno's cool. I'm going to put him away for a while.” She said, before continuing. “He can rest for a few hours while I catch up on the standings of the races.” She clucked to Keno and started to barn. He felt like the moment was slipping, that he needed to do or say something.
“Rin?” His voice held the smallest hint of desperation. She turned her innocent eyes on him and he floundered.
“Good luck.” When she nodded and smiled, turning away, he cursed himself. The moment was gone; he would never see it again. It had slipped through his fingers, just as Kagome had. He shook his head and went to see how his other entrees in the morning maiden race were coming.
AN: I know, this one is shorter than the others. My muse walked out on me right near the end there, but she promises she'll come back with twice as much. She had better, cuz I had to figure out the end of this chapter all by myself, that's why it ended so quickly. Oh well. At least you got something. So sorry about how it ended. I had to think up that last sentence without any help.