InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Well here is chapter three. Just a little heads up, when Sesshomaru began listening to Kagome's tape there will be flashbacks, but they will not be Sesshomaru's, but Kagome's. Well enjoy.

Chapter 3: Tape Two

It is now another day for Sesshomaru. As he is waking from his sleep, he starts to think of his actions from last night. After hearing the first tape from Kagome; he told himself he would not think about her, or what she has told him. Sesshomaru felt that it was not his business and he should go on with his life as it has always been for the last few years; Kagome less. Thinking that; he went and threw away the tapes in his trash that was on the side of his work desk. "I will not get mixed up into her problems," Sesshomaru said to himself, but deep down he felt a tug at his heart.

Finishing getting ready for school; he sets off for said destination. While driving to school, he was thinking about the person he told himself he would not think about. Sesshomaru has a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen, but he just can't put his finger upon it. He knows it has something to do with Kagome, so he figures he should ask her when he has a chance at school.

Parking in the student parking lot, Sesshomaru goes and starts his day hoping he will meet Kagome, but little does he know after the package ordeal she decided to not attend school anymore.

Before the bell has rung for the start of the first class, he stood at his locker looking amongst the crowd for her. But to no avail he has not spotted her. Taking a deep breath, he moves through the dispersing teenagers to go to his class.

During all his classes he missed all of the lectures due to his mind already being occupied. "Why can't I stop thinking about her," he whispered to himself while walking back to his locker. Sesshomaru still cannot fathom why she gave him those tapes and not anyone else. After he left Kagome all alone and stopped communicating with her, he does not know that her grandfather has passed away. 'I'm sure she could have talk to her grandfather or her little brother, so why me,' he thought. Before he could ponder anymore thoughts about her, he was interrupted by his brother, Inuyasha. 'What the hell does that bastard want,' Sesshomaru thought as he watches his half-brother walk towards him with his slut of a girlfriend. Even though he hates Inuyasha with a passion, he still cannot understand why he is in a relationship with the biggest whore in school, Sango.

Sango always wore the skankiest outfits, and tried to make passes at Sesshomaru behind Inuyasha's back whenever she got the chance. It is well known that she beats up people who is weaker than her, and also fucked every guy and or girl on school campus. She takes pleasure in another's pain. In all the restrooms is her number and name, so people can contact her if they want a release. Kikyo was the best decision for him, but after her death, Inuyasha turned into an even more of a bastard, and became the school's biggest and most dangerous bully along with the tramp he is with now. They both love to torture the weak.

"Oi, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha yells across the hall to obtain his brother's attention. Approaching Sesshomaru, "have you seen that bitch I've been pushing around lately?"

Arching a perfect silver brow, "Despite you probably beat on everyone in this worthless place excluding me, but I'm sure that bitch is the one clung to your arm." Seeing Inuyasha he continues calmly; while ignoring the seductive looks Sango was throwing at him, "Little brother I do not become engrossed in what you do, or anyone else for that matter," and he left before Inuyasha could retort to his comment.

Sesshomaru left without a word, and went on thinking back to Kagome. Since he was away and too consumed with his thoughts, he did not hear what Inuyasha and his wench said next.

Inuyasha watched his older brother leave, but was quickly drawn away by his girlfriend, "Inu baby, what are we going to do if we do not find her? You know that's my favorite person to abuse physically; who else will do?"

"I don't know, but let's go and torture someone else for the time being, until we come across her." Roughly grabbing her hair he pulls her into a bone crushing kiss, "I believe she is skipping school now to stop her daily beatings, but don't worry we'll find her," he replies.

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Leaving school he takes a different route, than going straight home. Since Kagome was on his mind all day, Sesshomaru decided to pay Kagome a visit at her house. He know she told him not to visit her until the recordings were all listened to on their rightful day, but he just had to see her, so that he could push the unwanted feeling away. Sesshomaru knows that she is hiding something, and he intends to find out, so that he would not have to listen to those tapes. He very much preferred for her to tell him to his face. Turning the final corner to her house he slowly approaches the said building.

Shock was etched upon his face because he came to a run downed and abandoned home. It was very obvious no one lived there, because the whole roof was crumbled in. It was Kagome's birth house and she lived there for many years including when he left her. Since there was nothing there for him, he decided to drive off home in hope no one bothered with his trash in his room.

Finally home, he rushes to his room to see if the tapes were still in the trash where he left them. Jogging up the stairs, he runs into his room towards the garbage and puts a hand over his beating heart in relief to see that the tapes were not bothered with. Carefully taking them out, he places them on his bed, so that he can place them back in order and listen to the next tape.

Now that the cassettes are in there right order, he places the second into the player. Taking his place upon the bed, he hits play to listen to the next recording.

"Many people would think that with the situation with my mother and all the other abuse I go through, me and my little brother, Souta, should be very close, but it is fairly the opposite. We are not close, not by the long shot. Every time I come home with bruises and burns adorning my body, he ignores it and me along with it. He doesn't even care what state my body holds, as long as I don't bother him about it or anything else of that matter, but he always seem to blame me and become oblivious to the state I am in. If he is not ignoring me, then he is accusing me…"


Coming home from being all bruised and clothes ripped into little pieces that barely covered up her most private places. Stumbling inside her home there stood her little brother sitting on the couch looking at her with so much disgust plastered upon his face. "I guess mom is right you are just a whore," Souta screams at Kagome, "what sibling would want a slut for a sister," he sneered as he slapped her face. "This is why I shunned you, as of today I HAVE NO SISTER!"

Tears sliding down her red cheeks, and hurt by what her brother has called her, "I am not a whore, you don't…" Kagome tries to explain, but was interrupted by him.

"I do not want to hear it, as of matter of fact I don't want to even see you," he bellowed.

Taking in her little brother's words, Kagome runs to her room, despite the pain she feels over her whole body, especially between her legs. Her brother was still oblivious to the way she ran painfully upstairs or the blood that was dripping onto the tile floor of the living room.


"My brother is only the age of sixteen, just two years younger than myself. With the mother issue, my brother was brought up into a hostile environment, so he intends to act hostile when he is not ignoring. Souta doesn't even remember my father, only my mother and grandfather. He lives off the lies my mother planted into his head about me. In order to completely avoid me on most days, he is never home, but out all day and night. He has not only shunned me, but grandfather as well, the very being that stood by us as much as he could before his death…"


It was now announced at the hospital that her grandfather has just passed away at 6:00 am, when he just arrived. Kagome laid next to her grandfather's body clutched so tightly around it, crying her eyes out because the only person who stood by her is now gone. She is left alone in the world with nothing to keep her grounded. After the doctors pried her off of his cold motionless body, they took the body to the morgue.

Her mother and little brother was not there with her, they did not even care about his death.

As Kagome walked into the house, her brother walked passed her and into his room, but saying one thing first. "I'm glad that the bastard is finally dead, maybe you should join him."

With those cruel words her brother has told echoed into her mind. She walked into her room sluggishly and planted her face into her pillow, and cried herself to sleep; with an empty feeling taking over her body.


"If my mother did not plant any lies within his head, and told him to shun me and my grandfather, maybe the brother and sister relationship would have been a positive one than the negative, as well with the relationship he had with my grandfather..."

As he finished the tape, Sesshomaru eyes was burned with hate towards her mother and brother. But as he began to sit there and think about her past transgressions he slowly starts to feel for her. In deep thought he did not notice he was clenching and unclenching his fists. "Now I see why she did not give the tapes to her brother or grandfather." As he pondered his thoughts towards Kagome, he realized that even though a couple of his questions were answered, only more had formed. When did her grandfather die? What other horrible things has been afflicted upon her?

He will honor her request, but once he finishes the tapes; he will try to go to her and make amends.

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Walking into the bathroom, Kagome goes into the bathroom to retrieve a razor. When she obtained said object she walks into her room once again and locks the door. Kagome knew that if her mother and little had gotten the chance they would have killed her themselves. But Kagome wants to have that privilege; it's her life after all. Once the days are counted down, then that will be the day that she takes her life, just as she planned after her grandfather left this ungodly world.

Balling her left hand into a fist, she extends the said arm out and places the razor upon it, and makes a small incision, and then another. The pain somewhat easing her stress. Now adorning her arm are two cuts that will soon be filled with more. "It will help until the day I can completely end my life," she whispers to herself with tears running down her face as she lies down to go to sleep, "only eleven more days to go."

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A/N: Thank you all that has reviewed the previous chapter, it meant so much to me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well. The next posting will be up soon. Ja Ne…