InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Thirteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, “Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

A/N: Here is the next chapter as promised and I hope you all enjoy this post. Thank you all for the continuous support that you have given me so far and the reviews that you took the time to write.

Chapter 14: Tape Thirteen

Kagome awoke from her sleep sore as ever, but she did not let that get to her. Today was the day that she was going to attempt suicide and nothing could get in the way of that. All the pain and humiliation she had to suffer throughout the years of her life were going to finally cease.

"The day is finally here jii-chan. Soon I will join you in the afterlife." Kagome whispered to herself as she removed herself into a sitting position.

As Kagome sat on her bed, she started to think back on the transgressions from yesterday. She did not know why Sesshomaru took her to his home and bandaged her wounds, but at the moment she did not care. She could not understand the change of heart from him suddenly, but that still will not stop her from the plan to take her own life.

Kagome still believes that there is no one there that really cares for her well being as they should. The only being that cared for her was now gone and she wanted so desperately to go where he is now, but she will wait for the little time that is left. Soon the end of her plan will arise and then for once in her life she could truly smile.


Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's father, Touga, sat in his office thinking about what he had found out last night by his oldest son. It troubled him greatly and he would have never thought that his youngest were capable of such shameful acts. He felt so ashamed to have a son that did horrible things to others. It really broke his heart and he could not let this go by as it has been doing for so long. Too many people have suffered, but out of all those people there was only one person who had the worst encounter of it all. Kagome.

The unpleasant things she had endured throughout her lifetime so far. Not only was it his youngest son that tormented her so, but her mother, brother, and Inuyasha's friends as well. Even Sesshomaru was categorized in the tormenting also. It might not have been how the others acted, but he was somewhat at fault. It was truly heartbreaking and there was no one there to help her after her grandfather had left this world.

"She has truly been alone for all this time," he said aloud while he shook his head, "who knows how long until she breaks."

Who knew the little girl back then that had always seemed so cheerful was really going through so much pain. He was most surprised to know that Sesshomaru did not know everything that transpired in her life. It was ironic really when they were together most of the time. What even confused him was why he would stop communicating with her all together. They were always together when they were younger, so what could have happened for him to stop hanging around her.

Even though Sesshomaru told him everything that happened to her and most of having to do with his youngest, he did not explain why he stopped his actions for leaving her. Which is very confusing, but he is glad that his oldest is starting to look out for her once again. He can tell Sesshomaru is hurting deep inside for abandoning her and also that he was not aware that her life had literally became a living hell.

With thoughts about what has been happening without his notice, he made phone calls regarding the matter. It was a great thing he had 'special' connections, but who knows how long it will take for the wrongdoers to be caught and to find Kagome.

"I hope it won't take long," Touga said as he stood up from his chair. "Sesshomaru," he called out."

"Yes, father."

"Have you found out where Inuyasha is located."

"He is over his whore's place."


Inuyasha paced back and forth in Sango's apartment trying to decipher if Sesshomaru had really told their father of what happened yesterday morning. He wouldn't put it passed his brother to neglect his own word. What his half brother says is always followed through. He always keeps his promises when it has something to do with Inuyasha being tormented. No matter how much he tries to think of the opposite, he goes right back to the obvious which being that he will soon have to face his father's wrath.

Sure his father knew he had a temper, was brash, and a bad seed most of the time, but the things he did to Kagome and most likely others; his father was not aware of that. He didn’t think his youngest son was capable of such horrible behaviors. He would have never suspected Inuyasha could have been this terrible.

"Fuck. What am I going to do now Sango," he said as he fell on the sofa next to her.

"Shh, Inu," she replied, "he is just trying to scare you. Your father can't be that scary, can he?"

Inuyasha glanced at her and snorted, "if you ran from my brother yesterday, then who knows what you will do when you see my old man enraged."

Sango was at lost for words at that. She had never seen Sesshoamru so mad as she had yesterday and just the thought of it still scared her. She didn’t want to be even near him anymore. Who knows what he would do to her once he she's her again. Hopefully they never cross paths once more. Who knew Sesshomaru could even become the way he displayed yesterday. If Sesshomaru has that impact on her now, then she does not want to see what Inuyasha's father would do if he saw her. She never once met Touga and now she wants to keep it that way. An enraged Sesshomaru was enough, but little does she know that she has something that's coming to her also.

As she and Inuyasha were pondering on what to do next, a knock was heard at her front door.

"That might be Miroku, Sango," Inuyasha said as he watched her open the door.

When the door fully opened, it revealed a much older man who resembled not only Inuyasha, but his half brother as well.

"F-Father," he finally choked out.

Sango stood frozen and wide eyed as she watched Inuyasha's father walk in with his half brother and two other men. She did not know what to do but only stand there in shock wondering how they found her home.

"You know Inuyasha," his father paused as he stepped into Sango's apartment with Sesshomaru trailing behind him and two men wearing policemen uniforms, "I am ashamed to call you my son. As of today, I disown you and will have nothing left to do with you once I take care of necessary matters.

"I knew that bastard wouldn't keep his mouth shut. And what ya mean disown me? You can't do that and why did you bring those fuckers," he replied as he moved away from his 'visitors.'"

"I can and I will, Inuyasha. These 'fuckers' as you put it are going to take you and your whore down to the station for the actions you have caused not only yesterday, but the other disgraceful performances you have done in the past," Touga replied.

"Over my dead body," Inuyasha bellowed as he tried to run while pulling Sango behind him.


It has been a long day for Sesshomaru since he and his father had to deal with Inuyasha and his friends. It took some time to finally catch Sango and his half brother, but they had succeeded in the long run. Everyone knew that Inuyasha would put up a fight, but they also knew he would be caught as well.

Sesshomaru was very pleased to watch his sibling in the back of the police car with his slut of a girlfriend. He almost smiled as he watched them drive off and will be soon put in a place where they belong.

Before Touga and his oldest went to take care of Inuyasha, they went to Miroku's workplace and arrested him first. Of course they needed the victim to confirm his treatment towards her, but with the connections Sesshomaru's father had; made things quite easy so far. Sure it's been a while since they still could not find anything about Kagome or where she resides, but he is glad to see that Inuyasha and his gang will be put behind bars. It made him feel a little at ease and once everything is situated with Kagome, they will move on towards the school on why they let such matters take place.

Even though today has been a tiring day dealing with his sibling and his sibling's friends, Sesshomaru was so eager to listen to the last and final tape. When he thought about it, the days it took to listen to them all went by rather quickly.

With the final tape in hand, he listened to the recording and waited to hear what was going to be said next. Deep down he had a feeling it was going to be something worse than what he had heard on the previous cassettes.

"Finally, this day has come. It seemed as it took forever, but I am grateful that THE day has finally arrived. In my other recordings you have learned all the horrible things I have went through. It all contained some type of pain and humiliation that I had to endure over the years with no one there to help me through it most of the time.

I had to deal with Neglect, being ignored, a financial crisis, a love triangle, physical abuse, being raped, my poor body image, my employment, school, death of a loved one, a loss of self esteem, and a loss of a valued friendship. These twelve things has played a big part in my life and throughout most of it I had to deal with it alone. I felt and still feel lonely deep down as if no one cares. Well it's pretty much the obvious that the most important people in my life does not care right along with the others' who have bullied and called me horrible names.

Now later on I will be free from all this. Did you remember today is my birthday. Of course you haven't, but deep down I had hoped you would have. I don't know why, but I do. I could not fathom why you broke your promise, but it's all in the past. It's no point in bringing up the inevitable.

I'm sure you wondered why I have placed this burden upon you in the first place, where I planned on going, and it is now time for you to know. Tonight I will commit suicide at 6:45 pm; the time that I was born on this day. Pretty ironic right; taking my own life on the day I was born.

I hope by the time you have heard this that it will be too late for you or anyone to stop me in my plan. Well that is if you are even listening to this. I also want you to see my cold lifeless body laying before you , so that you can understand all the hurt I went through when you left me. Yes, I did say I was not angry with you over that matter which is true, but I still want you to see what your actions has also done to me.

Even though my heart seem to not get over you after that day I found out how much I felt for you, just remember that I will always love you, but this night I will soon join my grandfather, the only true person who has tried to help me before he had died.

In the inside of the parcel that housed the very tapes that told parts of my life, you will find where to locate me. I hope it has been long pass the time for you to do just that.

Good-bye my friend."

Sesshomaru could not stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. He was surprised that he could even cry and now he truly knew how much he cared and loved Kagome. "So by her meaning 'leaving,' she actually meant dying."

He would have never thought that she was capable of killing herself, but then again how could he be so stupid. She endured so much and the only way for her to leave the hurt and pain was to kill herself. At least that was what she believed. She concluded that there was no one there for her, and most of the time it was true.

She might not have known it, but deep down with her giving him the package was a silent cry for help. She had a little ounce of hope that someone would come to her rescue and that's exactly what Sesshomaru believed. Why tell him of what she was planning? Why give him the package in the first place? But then it came to him, she wanted someone she at least thought was special in her life to remember her and be the one to find her once her last breath has been drawn.

Sesshomaru shot up and looked over to the clock which now read 6: 32 pm. Quickly, he wrote down the address that was written inside of the parcel, how he missed that he did not know, but that was not on his mind at the moment.

With address in hand, he ran to his car and sped to Kagome's in hope to get there in time.


Kagome sat in a tub of hot water and glanced at her clock. It now read 6:45 and she reached over to pick up the razor that she thought best to use. With one clean swift she made a deep cut from one side to the other on her right wrist and did the same to the other. Kagome laid back and watched as the blood continuously fell from her wrist into the water which started to turn crimson.

"Finally," she whispered as her eyes slowly slid shut and soon she fell into unconsciousness.

With Kagome already too far gone, she did not hear the bathroom being broken into nor heard someone shouting her name.


A/N: I had trouble with this chapter, but I hope it has met your expectations; at least by a little. Sorry for the cliffy, but it was calling me. There might also be some errors due to the fact that I have a terrible headache, but once I get a chance I will look over it and fix the problems. Until next time.. Ja Ne. (^.^)