InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ A visitor and disbelief ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Five: A visitor and Disbelief.

Kagome looked up at Inuyasha, her eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to fall. She got up out of her chair and wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face from everyone's eyes and she began to sob. Inuyasha embraced her and ran his fingers through her hair, they stayed that way until Kagome's crying had dulled into dry sniffled. He lifted her chin with his fingers and smiled.

"You should get ready." He said calmly, "I've heard about the royal family from the western lands, and they aren't too keen on waiting for their hostess."

Inuyasha softly brushed away the few strands of her hair and placed them behind her ears. She nodded and sadly left his warm embrace so she could get ready. As she disappeared behind a door Miroku coughed and Sango looked dumbfounded, Inuyasha blushed as he realized that his friends watched his display of affection towards the princess.

"Is there something we should know about our friend, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked thoughtfully.

"No, not right now at least. But in due time if I'm ready to tell you that is." Inuyasha replied as he made his way glumly back to the window.

"You love her don't you?" Sango questioned, her eyes held a glassy, dreamy touch to them.

He gave a lopsided grin and nodded as he turned and hopped over the balcony and disappeared from view. Sango sighed heavily and shook her head. She looked up at Miroku who seemed to be in deep thought.

"Come on Houshi, let's go." She said as she took his hand into hers and headed out the door, slowly walking down the halls.


Kagome sighed as she closed the bathroom door. She quickly pulled off her clothing and walked over to the tub that was already filled with warm water. She slowly lowered herself in and grabbed a tiny rag and began to wash herself.

'Why is my dad jumping at the chance to have me wed? And even go as far as betrothed me to a complete stranger? I don't even know this "Lord Naraku" is to boot. What makes him so sure that I would want to marry him.'

Minutes later Kagome dried herself off and pulled on her soft robe and walked out into her room to find Inuyasha sitting on a chair near the window. She gave him a genuine smiled and walked over to her closet.

"I don't think that you should be forced to marry anybody you don't want to," Inuyasha said, "or love."

She turned around at his last words, he was no longer sitting in a chair, but only a few inches away from her. Kagome clenched the dress she held in her hands as he touched her face, a blush crept over her cheeks and she looked away from his piercing violet eyes.

"I….Inuyasha, please we can't." she whispered.

He took a step back from her, he understood, "I know but you should be allowed to find your own suitor on your own time."

Her heart ached and she couldn't breathe. Kagome looked up at Inuyasha, he seemed to be so depressed and sad, but she couldn't. There was no way she could ever think that they wanted to be together, they were practically best friends. She wouldn't break his heart, so she wasn't going to lead him to a cliff and ask him to jump.

"You should leave," she said, "I have to get ready before Kaede gets back."

"I'll come back later, then we can spend time together and talk." He assured her, "Like the good ol' days."

"Yes, Inuyasha. Like the good old days." He leaned down and kissed her cheek and then left her once again.

Kagome hurried to the glass door and closed it. Her face was flushed. How could she keep up this charade of pretending not to love him when it was so obvious to everyone else around her? She leaned her back against the glass and stood there for a moment until she remembered that she still had to get ready before Kaede would return.

Tearing off the towel wrapped around her hair, Kagome rushed back into the bathroom, clutching her dress and quickly finished getting ready. As soon as Kagome had finished putting her hair up into a neat and tiny bun, Kaede walked into the room with a smile on her wrinkled face.

"Are ye ready mi lady?" she asked.

"Yes I am Kaede. Shall we go?" Kagome replied dully.

The elderly woman nodded and they both made their ways out of the gigantic room. Kagome sighed mentally screaming in utter rage on why she would have to meet with other lords. Her main agitation was that she would have to find a suitable husband by the next new moon or else she would have to marry some young lord named Naraku.

'What if Naraku was the man with long silver hair?' she asked herself 'Well then it would okay. Right? What's wrong with me! Why can't I just ask for a bloody name one in a while!'

"Lady Kaede?" she asked nervously, twiddling her fingers frantically.

"Aye Princess?" Kaede replied.

"Who is this 'Lord Naraku'? And why do I have to wed him?" Kagome asked as she looked at the mosaic paintings on the walls as she walked down the nearly empty hall.

"Aye, he is the young lord in which ye danced with the other night."

"Oh, well…uh…which one?" Kagome questioned, 'So it narrows my search down to two people.'

"I'm sure it was the young lad who ye danced with first. He seemed like a good gentleman." Kaede replied honestly.

Kagome wanted to break out in a sarcastic laughing fit, but she knew better, it was unlady like. She followed the elderly woman into one of the large conference rooms, she sighed and seated herself down in a plush chair and waited for her visitor to arrive, as the old woman left her.

"I see we are a rather impatient young maiden." A cold voice said sarcastically from the other side of the room.

She quickly moved her head in the direction of the man. He had long silver hair and amber eyes. Kagome was speechless, her mouth moved but no words came out. 'Is that him?' she asked herself.

"How disappointing," he muttered as he sat in a near by chair.

"Excuse me?" she asked finding her voice.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" He hissed, "I don't have all day, I'm a very busy man."

She nodded and stayed quiet waiting for him to continue, when he didn't she let out an agitated sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Well what is it you would like to talk about ….Lord?"

"Sesshomaru, of the western kingdom." He finished for her quite rudely, "I have come because some of my sources have informed me of something of great importance. It has struck my interest and I would like you to confirm them."

"Okay, Lord Sesshomaru ask away." She replied softly.

This Lord had reminded her of the young lad who swept her off her very own feet and left like the wind, 'Maybe he's related to the boy? I could ask him if I could wed the young lad with those cute dog-ears. That would be better.'

"I'm searching for my half brother," he started bored. "He was said to have been here during your 'ball'. Is this true?"

Kagome thought long and hard for a moment trying to find something to say to this lord.

"What is your half brother's name? He might have been on my guest list." She said flatly.

Sesshomaru looked kind of mad and irritated by this girl’s ignorance, but none the less he gave her an icy cold stare and almost growled venomously, "I…Inu--"

"Inuyasha?" she finished, her eyes a blaze completely shocked.

"By your expression I gather that my sources are correct," he said, a victorious smirk starting to purse his lips.

"I do, but how can he be..uh..I mean he's only a.." she didn't get to finish as yelling could be heard coming from down the halls.

"You can't be here! GET HIM!" some guards, yelled.

Inuyasha came bursting through the doors, his long black hair fluttered over his shoulders. He breathed heavily as he stared at the lord across from Kagome.

"Sesshomaru." Inuyasha growled faintly, human ears couldn't hear him, but since Sesshomaru wasn’t human, he heard perfectly clear. Getting to his feet the Inuyoukai stared back at his brother.

"I see, it's you then Inuyasha." He practically laughed.

Kagome quickly got to her feet and rushed over to Inuyasha's side. "I'm so sorry Lord Sesshomaru, I'll be right back." She then quickly left the room, and turned down the halls into an empty room, Inuyasha following close behind her, his hand laced with hers.

"Inuyasha, you shouldn't run around like that." She said worriedly, "They'll surely catch you now."

"I know, but once I found out something about this 'Lord Naraku' guy, I felt you just had to know." He replied.


"He's an heir to the throne of the northern lands. Once his father has dies and he's married, he'll--"

Kagome could hear footsteps coming their way, she clamped one of her hands over his mouth and pushed him back into a secret passageway. The area was small and they were pushed tightly against each other. They both blushed at their closeness and Kagome turned her head and tried to listen.

"Damn! They're not here!" a guard yelled.

"Keep searching! They couldn't have gotten far!" another said.

"Aye, keep searching." Kaede told the guards furiously, "I'm truly sorry about this Lord Sesshomaru, Princess Kagome has never acted like this before."
