InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ How we met ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter eleven: How we met

Inuyasha looked around the room, but there was no sign of Kagome anywhere. He dashed into the bathroom and check every hiding spot that he knew of, still she wasn't anywhere to be seen. He walked back out to the middle of her bedroom facing Miroku and Sango.

"Where is she?" He demanded impatiently sniffing the air as the smell of salt came to his nose faintly.

There was a moment of silence then Sango answered, "She has disappeared."

The hanyou looked at Miroku and Sango seeing no visible tears, he knew that Kagome was close. He could smell her tears and her sadness.

"Go keep watch." He said roughly, "I'll find her."

When the girl and monk left, he went straight for the closet. He jerked the handle, braking the lock and the door opened easily. The scent of fear picked up mixed with salt of tears and her jasmine perfume. Inuyasha spotted the small secret door and he opened it, getting onto his knees to crawl inside.

Getting to his feet, she spied Kagome's shoes, he could hear the pitter-patter of her feet on the cement, her heavy breathing and the quick faint pounding of her heart. He took off running after her, catching sight of her turning a corner and his happiness dwelled in his chest. 'Why is she running from me?'

"Kagome!" He called, "Kagome, stop!"

But she didn't stop, she just kept running oblivious to the world surrounding her. Pumping his legs harder, he quickly drew close to the Princess. Only a few feet away from her, he reached out to her. 'Why won't she stop? Can she not hear me?' He asked himself as Kagome came closer to a dead end. The hanyou slowed down a bit, 'There's a dead end up ahead.' But boy was he wrong.

As soon as he slowed down, Kagome opened a hidden door, showing off the gigantic view of the garden, his eyes grew wide.

"Shit!" He growled as he quickly dashed after her.

Barely touching her shoulder as they ran, Inuyasha lost his balance and tumbled forwards. He must of pushed her a bit, because she too fell. Thinking fast, Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's waist with one of his hands as they fell to the ground. His free hand was right next to her head, he breathed heavily and his hair fluttered over his shoulders onto Kagome's face.

He watched her, his words caught in his throat. Her eyes were shut tightly and her cheek was facing him. He sighed heavily putting his forehead in the crook of her neck.

"I hope I didn't hurt you." He said, his voice muffled a bit.

Kagome's eyes shot open as she heard his voice. 'Inuyasha? Is that you?'

"Inuyasha?" She whispered.

He quickly sat up and climbed off her. She stared confusedly before she lowered her gaze to the ground as she sat up.

"I'm sorry," She said sadly, "For a moment I thought you were somebody else. My...."

"What are you talking about Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, "Who did you think I was?"

"I thought you were my Inuyasha," She choked out as the tears began to pour from her eyes. "I'm sorry," she stated, "You must be Lord Sesshomaru's true brother."

He got onto his feet and chuckled a bit as he outstretched a hand to the princess who just stared at him sadly before she took his hand and was pulled to her feet. He watched her silently as she brushed herself off.

When she didn't look up at him and began to walk back to the secret passageway Inuyasha sighed.

"You know you're right." He said trying to hold back his grin.

She stopped and looked back at him, "I'm right about what? Is it you being Sesshomaru's brother?"

He looked at her almost thoughtfully as he replied, "Yeah, that too."

Inuyasha walked up to her and with his thumb, he carefully wiped her face dry, not wanting to knick her with his claw.

"Inuyasha?" She asked uncertainly.

He nodded slightly, "It's me."

Gingerly she reached up and touched his cheek, her eyes clouded with confusion. He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.

"How can this be?" She said pulling away from him and backing up a few steps, "You can't be my Inuyasha. You look completely different."

"I know I don't look the same, but it's me." He told her, "You have to believe me."

"How can you prove tome that you are really my Inuyasha?" She questioned glaring into his eyes. 'It's him! I can feel it, but I have to make sure!' She told herself, 'Please, be Inuyasha.'

"I'll do anything you ask if only to prove to you that I am who I say I am." He replied taking her hands gently into his.

His actions made chills go throughout her body followed by an immense warmth sensation in her chest. She closed her eyes forcing herself to think of something.

"Then tell me," She started, "tell me how I first met you."

"I remember like it happened only yesterday," he said happily that she was giving him a chance.

-Flash back-

Inuyasha ran down the hallways. Fear in his eyes as he searched for a place to hide. He had been only ten years old and during his long journey, he had come across a gigantic castle. He turned a corner quickly avoiding a frying pan to his left.

Seeing an open door, InuYasha pumped his tiny legs and skidded into the room and slammed the door shut. With his eyes closed, he put his back onto the door and slumped to the ground. Breathing heavily, he sighed as he heard footsteps retreating away from the room he was hiding in.

Inuyasha must have fallen asleep because he heard a gasp, a moment later something rough hit his foot. Opening his eyes, he saw a young girl holding a basket of what looked like fruit. Her knee high white dress had dirt all over it and her long black hair hung loosely over her shoulders. He looked down at his foot to see a rather large orange lying right next to his dirty, blackened foot.

Returning his gaze to the girl, he noticed she had come closer to him. He quickly got to his feet and growled at her. She looked at him curiously before she began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" He demanded.

She giggled louder, "You sound so funny! Little boys don't growl, only dogs." then she added as she took a step closer, "And from here, you don't look like a dog to me."

Touching the top of his head, he felt only hair, no velvet dog-ears. Then he touched the side of his head only to touch the human ears that were now on his head. This only caused the girl to laugh.

"Whatcha looking for? There ain't nothing on your head but hair." She said raising an eyebrow curiously.

"Feh, what do you know!" He growled, "You're only a human girl!"

She frowned putting her hands on her hips like an angry and scolding mother.

"Well you're a human boy, you turd!" She retaliated against him.

He was about to say something when he heard footsteps coming slowly closer. The girl must have heard them also because she ran over to him, grabbed his arm and took off running towards the open glass double door. she pushed the basket into his arms and looked at him worriedly.

"Go hid in the bushes! If Kaede finds you, there will be trouble. Big trouble." She said quickly shoving him over the ledge.

Inuyasha nodded confusedly and hid out of sight as the door opened and a rather haggard old woman came into the room.

"Kagome," The woman said, "There is a young boy loose in the castle, have ye seen anybody?"

"No Lady Kaede, I've been in my room the whole time." She said angelically.

"Princess Kagome, ye should really try to keep clean while wearing yer nice dresses." The woman replied irritably.

"Yes Lady Kaede," Kagome sighed.

He could hear the woman sigh herself as she exited the room and closed the door behind her.

"You can come out now." The girl whispered loudly.

As quietly as he could, he climbed back over the ledge and into the room. The girl looked at him worriedly and walked up to him. Frozen in place, Inuyasha just stared at the girl as she reached out her hand and gently touched his face.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He stuttered moving away from her.

"Your cheek is bleeding." She said.

Touching his own cheek, he felt the slight wetness, then bringing his hand to his gaze, he saw a rather thin streak of his own red blood. Wiping it on his pants, he snorted.

"Feh, I'm fine, it's nothing." He told her.

Kagome grabbed his wrist and began to pull him towards the door. Confused by her actions, he struggled a bit, but when she gave him a very bright smile, his mind went numb and he silently followed her into what was her own personal bathroom.

She pulled him into the room and closed the door, then told him to go sit on the edge of the tub. Without a word in edgewise, he complied and went to the tub and sat down on the rim. He watched as she opened a weird looking cabinet, pulled out a washcloth and a bottle. She walked over to his side and sat a few feet away.

Opening the lid to the bottle, she dumped some of the contents onto the cloth, then recapped it. The smell was horrible, and even if he didn't have his demon sense, he sure as hell knew what that was in the bottle, alcohol.

Jumping to his feet, he tried to get away, but she grabbed his wrist once more. He tried to tug himself free and after thinking carefully, he practically pulled her to her feet and gave his arm one last tug. Though it seemed to be a good idea at first, he quickly regretted his actions as she let go of her grasp and he went tumbling to the floor. In the blink of an eye she had straddled his waist, sitting on him.

It took him a minutes to fully realize that she was holding him down, and the position that they were currently in was one not so good, but it was left unnoticed due to their truly young and adolescent ages.

"Get off me!" He growled as a blush crept over his face.

"Nope, not happening dog boy. Not until I clean you up!" She said sternly.

"Well you don't have a choice so geddof of me!" He continued to thrash about, but not too much to where it might hurt her.

"Just hold still!" She yelled taking the cloth and trying to get to his face, "it will only sting a little!"

Shoving her roughly off his waist, he angrily sat up. Looking at her, he saw the young girl, her hair over her face, sprawled out over the floor. Her hands were covering her face and she started to cry softly. His expression turned into one of shock, surprise, and guilt.

"Oh, please don't cry." He said getting on his hands and knees crawling over to where she was.

Her sobs seemed to grow slightly louder, causing Inuyasha to glance around uneasily, as if looking for a way to cease her crying. When he was sitting next to her, he picked up the cloth and dropped it down in her lap. She didn't stop or even look up at him, this made him feel worse about making her cry in the first place.

"Please stop crying girl. I didn't mean to hurt you." He continued as he gently patted her back, "If you want, I'll let you clean my small cut, even if it has stopped bleeding. Only if you please stop crying.."

That's when her crying had stopped. Removing her hands from her face and brushing the stray strands of hair from her eyes, she picked up the cloth from her lap and gently grabbed his chin. Her face was lit up with a smile, no trace of tears had ever penetrated her eyes.

A confused look over came his face as his eyes widened, then narrowed earning him a giggle. She smiled at him lightly and dabbed the cut on his left cheek, causing him to wince as the alcohol stung his tiny flesh wound.

"Don't be such a baby," She sighed dabbing his cheek again, "It's only a little cut with a bit of alcohol."

"Feh," He said as he watched her. For him time seemed to move more slowly. When she finished his face had slightly turned red.

Standing up, she brushed off her dirty white dress and smiled, "Now, that wasn't too bad. Was it?"

He didn't meet her gaze and shook his head. He had no clue to who this girl was, but if she was living in a castle and elder people knew her name, then she'd have to be somebody important.

"What's you're name?" Inuyasha asked in a low whisper.

She smiled again as she put the cloth down in a basin and walked over to him. She stuck out her hand, and not sure of what to do, he took her tiny hand into his.

"I'm Kagome." She replied sweetly, "And what's your name?"

"Inuyasha." He gulped as he shook hands with her.
