InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Falling ill ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Fifteen: Falling Ill

They had given her the space that she needed, but she still had to go to Naraku's father's kingdom and check out how she'd be spending the rest of her miserable life. Kagome had been an emotional wreck since the night Inuyasha left her. The good thing was that her closet friend Sango was ordered not to leave Kagome's side, which meant that the lecherous monk would also be tagging along.

'As long as I'm not going by myself!' She told herself as she laid in her bed dreading having to get up soon and repeat the same once again. Sango was already in Kagome's room, preparing her clothes for the day and drawing a nice cold bath. Lazily Kagome rolled over and stifled a sob, she didn't want to get up and see his smiling face, his cold emotionless eyes. He made her feel self-conscious the way that he stared, more or less leered at her, it was so creepy.

"Kagome I know you're awake." Sango called form inside the bathroom, "So why don't you get off your ass so we can get this three day nightmare over with!"

Sango had become a little more distant towards Kagome, but she knew that she deserved everything that was coming to her. Pulling the covers off her body she climbed out of the bed, instantly falling to her knees. She cried out in pain and Sango came rushing out, worry and concern playing on her face as she kneeled next to her friend.

"Are you okay?" Sango asked quickly as she looked down at the princess.

"Yeah," Kagome replied as she shakily stood to her feet with Sango's help, "My legs must have fallen asleep on me.."

Kagome hadn't particularly felt too well when she woke earlier, but she wasn't going to say anything because if she tried, her father would throw a hissy fit and make her go to Naraku's anyway. It was a lose/lose situation, so she brushed it off like it was nothing.

"You sure?" Sango questioned watching Kagome closely, "You're face is flushed and you don't look so good."

"No, no." Kagome waved her off, "I'm just a little hot... Don't worry, I'll be find once I get some of that cold water. Thanks for asking though."

The princess made her way to the bathroom when there was a knock at her bedroom door. Quickly going to the door while Sango changed the bed sheets, Kagome opened the door. It was Miroku, a halfhearted smile on his face until he looked at Kagome's reddened face.

"My lady, are you feeling well? You're all flushed and you look quite sickly." He replied worriedly glancing at Sango who blushed.

Kagome frowned angrily, "I'm fine! What's wrong with you people?" She turned her back to him to walk away when a wave of nausea hit her full force and she stumbled backwards.

Miroku quickly caught Kagome in his arms as the princess collapsed. Sango practically screamed as she rushed over to the monk, a horrified look on her face. Carrying Kagome's lifeless body back to her bed, he set her down and turned to Sango, putting his hands firmly on her shoulders as he stared at her; something was wrong with the princess.

"Sango, get a cold washcloth.” Miroku said sternly, "The princess has some how gone ill and the heat is radiating off her body. If she has a fever, you need to try and bring it down. I'm going to go fetch the doctor and the queen. Don't let anyone enter this room and watch over Kagome okay?"

Sango nodded as she ran off into the bathroom and grabbed a cold washcloth and went back to Kagome's aide. Miroku ran to the door and quickly left. First he had to find the queen and inform her of her daughter's condition. The monk believed that if he went to the king, he'd only believe it to be some kind of hoax to get out of going to the Northern Lands.

Quickly running down the ridiculously long hallways, the monk thought about how many times in the last week and a half he'd been running down the hallways for one reason or another. Now he couldn't complain about the lack of exercise. Everything had become chaotic since after the ball, and it could only get worse from now on if things continued like how there were currently.

In a matter of minutes, Miroku skidded to a stop as he spotted Kagome's mother, the queen turning down the hallway towards the throne room where her husband, the king would most likely be found.

"Queen Nao!" Miroku yelled out after her, waving his hand in the air like a fool, "Queen Nao!"

The woman stopped abruptly as she heard the voice of the young monk calling her frantically. She had a concerned look on her weary face. Miroku stopped at her side and leaned over on his knees trying to catch his breath for his next run to the doctors and then back to Kagome's bedroom. Soon enough, he stood up and wiped his brow, his heart still pounding in his chest.

"My lady," He coughed standing up straight, "Princess Kagome has collapsed and is with fever! We believe that she's fallen ill!"

"Are you sure monk?" The queen asked concernedly. "Has she really fallen ill or is it a ploy?"

"No my lady!" He assured frantically, "Sango has hysterically sent me to get you and the doctors. I wouldn't lie about something like this!"

Miroku didn't wait for her answer, he needed to get the castle's doctor to his friend's aide immediately. Hopefully the old woman wouldn't be out on duty, checking out all the soldiers, because this was more important at the moment. So he was off again racing down the corridors, and wings in search of yet another person.


After a while of minor hysterics, Kaede emerged from the princess' bedchamber and sighed as she looked over at the disheveled queen, and monk holding onto the princess' servant and very best friend. The priestess wiped her hands on her lap as she closed the enormous Victorian doors.

"How is she?" the queen asked in a small voice.

"She is resting." the elderly woman replied, "Princess Kagome shows signs of under nourishment, I believe that she hasn't been eating properly and with all the traveling she has done, it has caused her to become weary and sickly. I do not advise for her to be making any long journeys any time soon... For it will be a while before she recovers..."

"Do ye know what has caused her illness?" Miroku asked curiously as he held Sango closer to his body.

"Nay, I can't say I do." Kaede replied sullenly, "Tis probably from some one carrying sickness around with them. I have heard that illness has been plaguing the world a lot lately and in some cases it doesn't bode well."

"Thank you for everything you've done for my daughter," The queen said tiredly, "I appreciate it, but it's getting late and I'm sure that you all have other things to do."

Kaede nodded and took her leave with the queen down the hallways. Sango pulled away from the comforts of the monk's warms and strong embrace. Her eyes were down cast until Miroku's fingers gently brought her gaze to his.

"You should go watch over Kagome, I'm sure that she could use a friend right about now." He gave her a half hearted smiled.

Sango nodded and was about to open the door when Miroku’s hand grasped hers and tugged her, she turned around and was immediately met by a tender kiss from the lecherous monk. His hands soon held her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck while she parted her lips so his tongue could gain access to her mouth. She giggled softly as his tongue massaged hers in a teasing manner before he pulled away and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"I love you Sango." He whispered as Sango opened the door, her eyes not once leaving his.

"I love you too." She replied as she entered the room and closed it behind her.
