InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Promise me ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don't own Inuyasha or any of those other character's that are in da' show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Okay so I know it's a bit late, but I couldn't help it. I've been really busy lately with editing and stuff that I totally spaced off everything. Well that and I'm working on a Sesshomaru/Rin story, but that won't be out for a while to come... ^_^

Thank you for all the reviews that you've submitted, good or bad. Praising or threats, I love you all! I hope that you like this chapter, cuz sadly this story is coming to and end. I'm not sure how many more chapters but it's probably around eight or so. Please review though! It keeps me going!

OOOO and there's a little lemony scene so yeah, DUM DUM DUM! lol Yeah that's all I'm going to say.

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Nineteen: Promise me.

Sweat gathered on his brow as he pushed his hardened member swiftly into his wife's throbbing body. He could hear her loud moans of pleasure as he lowered his head, sucking on the flesh of her neck. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his sweat slicked and muscular chest, her somewhat long nails digging into her lover's shoulders as her legs parted even further apart. Her muscles pulled his hardened member deeper into her womb as Miroku quickened his pace, their heavy breathing in sync while their bodies rocked together as one.

The monk clamped his mouth over Sango's in a demanding kiss, he could feel her body temperature rising dramatically as the silk sheets that covered their bodies became drenched in their perspiration. Plunging into her body roughly, Miroku felt her nearing her climax, but just before the two lovers could end their passion filled moment, Miroku's bedroom doors busted open with an unnatural force causing Sango to scream in shock as countless amounts of castle guards came into the pitch black room. Some held torches, others with their swords drawn.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Miroku growled angrily as he pulled out of his wife and climbed out of the bed, a sheet covering his lower half as he neared the emotionless man.

"Put some clothes on monk!" Naraku hissed as he entered the room, a large parchment strapped to his belt. His long hair cascading down his back as his black eyes glared at Miroku's somewhat nude and sweaty form. "You sicken me"

Miroku quickly pulled on a pair of loose breeches as Sango held some blankets close to her nude body. He could plainly see Naraku's guards leering at his wife with their sickened lust. Running an annoyed hand threw his matted black hair, he stepped up to Naraku and frowned angrily.

"Now what is the meaning of your trespassing uninvited into my bedchambers so late?" He questioned in a harsh tone.

Snapping his fingers, Naraku smirked evilly as the guards seized Miroku's limbs and roughly forced them behind his back. Sango had immediately jumped out of bed, the blankets wrapped tightly around her form. Before she could get to her husband, the guards drew their swords to her pale neck making the servant girl stop dead in her tracks.

"You can't do this!" Sango cried out angrily as she glared at Naraku.

"Oh, but I can." Naraku hissed before turning to Miroku, "Monk you are hear by under arrest for the cold blooded murder of the king."

"WHAT?!" Both Sango and Miroku yelled, "I did no such thing!" He said calmly, "I have been in my chambers all day!"

"We have the proof that places you at the scene of the crime at the time of the murder." Naraku wanted to laugh, "There are witnesses willing to testify that they saw you enter the throne room and leave all too suspiciously not even an hour ago. Monk this is the end of the line. You will face death for your actions. And since there is no ruler of this kingdom, I'm taking charge!"

"You can't take him!" Sango screamed loudly fighting against the guards that now held her, "He didn't murder the king you bastard! It is all blasphemy! BLASPHEMY!"

"Woman be silent!" Naraku growled angrily not really wanting to draw any uninvited attention.


"SANGO!" Miroku growled, "Please, I don't want anything happening to you! Just stay quiet.. I promise I'll be just fine."

Tears brimmed at her eyes as she clutched the sheet to her body and hung her head. She knew that he was right, but something inside her said to continue fighting. Naraku chuckled as he motioned for the guards to take the monk from the room. Everyone save Sango and Naraku had exited the room, he stood at the door sizing up the fretful woman a few years away from him.

"You know Sango," He laughed, his cold black eyes boring holes into her, "you won't see him again."

"What do you mean?" She spat still glaring at him.

"I mean," he paused cocking his head to the side, "that the punishment for murder is death. He will be beheaded at dawn."

"NO!" She cried out rushing after Miroku as Naraku went walking down the hall, "You can't do this! You fucking bastard! Bring him back! Miroku! MIROKU!"

Running out of the room, Sango ran directly into two chests and tumbled back onto the floor. Two guard members stood straight, their toothy grins and their hands crossed smugly over their chests.

"Looks like we found us a little sweaty whore didn't we?" One man said maliciously.

"I thinks you're right Yuki." The other replied, "I thinks this little cunt wants us to show her good times." the other said stressing the word 'good'.


The tears rolled down her face as she hid her head in her arms. Her heart and soul begged to the gods that Kirara had reached Inuyasha because her time was running out and quickly at that. She had been so overly absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn't heard the quiet click of a door or the silent pitter-patter of shoes as they collided with the floor. She only sniffled softly until a firm but gentle hand rested on her shoulder.

A cry of surprise sputtered from her lips as she tried to scream only to have a hand clamp securely over her mouth and the other around her chest, holding down her arms. Kagome's back was pressed tightly against her intruders chest and she could feel the hammering of her heart in her ribcage as his hot breath flew into her hear making her shudder. It was dark in her room so she couldn't see his reflection in the vanity mirror, but his hand against her mouth was baby soft and it felt oddly familiar.

"I'll let go as long as you promise not to scream okay?" His voice was husky and she shuddered yet again in his grasp.

Obviously she couldn't verbally reply, so Kagome numbly nodded her head. The person seemed to pull her body tighter against himself before releasing his hold all together. Whirling around instantly after she felt his grip loosen, Kagome gasped loudly as the tears began to our down her face by the gallons again. She stared deeply into his soft amber orbs for what seemed like hours before she ran into his strong arms, wrapping her arms around his waist as she held him tightly never wanting to let go. Inuyasha chuckled as he rested his chin in Kagome's ebony hair, inhaling her sweet aroma that he had missed so dearly as he returned her embrace with vigor.

"Oh Inuyasha!" Kagome cried into his chest.

"Shh, I'm here for you Kagome," he replied kissing her hair, "Don't worry I'm here and I won't leave you selfishly like that again."

"It's gotten so much worse since the letter." She whispered hoarsely looking up into his concerned eyes, "Naraku was there when I got back from giving the letter to Kirara." She tried to hold back her tears, "He's taken Kohaku to the dungeons and it's all my fault I've become a prisoner in my own home and I haven't been allowed to leave this room. All because I refuse to go anywhere with that monster Naraku"

"It's going to be alright, I'll make sure nothing happens to him." Inuyasha promised pulling reluctantly away from the beauty in his arms, "Something's going on her, I don't know what but something's up."

"What do you mean?" Kagome asked a little frightened.

"As I came, I could smell new scents, but familiar one's and blood lost of itI think someone's dead Kagome.."

"Father!" It was the first thing that came to mind.

There was a few moments of silence as Inuyasha watched Kagome with sullen eyes. Of course he had already known that it was in fact the king by the blood's scent, but he couldn't bare to make Kagome cry again. Oddly enough, she didn't cry. Inuyasha knew that she loved her father, but maybe it wasn't possible for her to cry anymore, she had cried so many tears that just maybe they were all dried up.

"Promise me something Kagome," Inuyasha said seriously so she nodded, "Promise me that when this is all over that we'll be together forever. Promise me that you'll marry me and be mine forever."

Thrusting herself back into the comforts of Inuyasha's arms, she resisted from crying as she continuously whispered, "Of course I promise Inuyasha, of course I will.."


Okay so you can officially call me the "Angst Queen", well you don't have to but that's what my friend's call me! So this is all for this chapter and come back in one to two weeks for the next chapter!

Chapter Twenty: Getting the hell out of Dodge