InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Calming down ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

*hides* I know you want to murder me, but it's all good. I hope that you enjoy this chapter!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-Three: Calming down.

Sota heard his sister’s sobs and watched her from his place on the horse, he hadn’t made it back in time. Carefully pulling his younger sister off Inuyasha’s limp body, he pulled her into his arms as she cried out her frustration. He too wanted to cry, but kept his composure until Kagome was sniffling, he wasn’t going to let her look at him. Pulling away from the comforts of Sota’s arms, Kagome looked at him frantically, she knew that the guards would be showing up soon.

“Please Sota,” She pleaded sadly, “Please don’t leave him there. Take Inuyasha back to the western lands, just don’t leave him where Naraku will able to find him!”

He knew what she was saying was the truth, and Sota none the less nodded sullenly as he embraced his younger sister one last time before he went to Inuyasha’s body, picked him up carefully, and placed him on the large horse before he jumped on himself. Looking down at his sister as he put Inuyasha in a sitting position in front of him, Sota watched the tears steadily falling from her eyes. He knew deep down inside that Kagome would follow Inuyasha into his death, it would be a sad way to ender her precious life.

“Stay strong Kagome,” Sota said sternly while grabbing the horse’s reigns, “Don’t do anything brash and just wait for me to come back. I promise I won’t be long… Now go back to your room before you’re found and punished.”

“Don’t sorry, I will.” She whispered before taking off down the hall. His heart felt heavier than before and he didn’t know how things would get better, if they did.

Pushing his heels into the horse’s sides, Sota was holding onto his companion for dear life, he had to get to the western lands before morning. Sesshomaru had to get word of his half brother’s death before anything else could become worse. Getting out of the castle’s perimeters seemed easier this time, but Sota just brushed it off, he was too busy pushing his horse ever so faster into the darkness. Thinking seemed to be his only escape as he watched the castle fade out of view, there would be no stopping, no resting until he was able to finish his traveling. Even if his sister’s companion was dead, he made sure to compress the wound, there was no need to bloody anything with such noble blood.


Rin had no clue to what was happening at first, she had only been at the dinner room with her husband enjoying some of the rare quality time they had together when he shot up from his chair, knocking it over and fleeing the room. Worry gripped her heart as she quickly rose from her seat and followed, something bad had happened. She could hear Sesshomaru barking orders and the clanging of what she thought to be weapons. Appearing by his side a few moments later and almost completely out of breath, Rin gasped at the scene. The medics were everywhere, the neko messenger fully transformed growling angrily not letting anyone come near.

She could pin point three humans, one of them wearing Inuyasha’s haori, but something seemed totally off. The woman held onto the man behind her, tears streaking down her face as the dirty young boy jumped off and ran to Sesshomaru with urgency playing on his face.

“We need help!” He yelled, “Naraku has taken over the Eastern lands and the king has fallen! The monk, my sister’s husband has been seriously wounded and needs medical attention! Shippo, our guide left us an hour or so before we made it here. He said he could smell blood in the air.”

“What kind of blood was that?” Sesshomaru said calmly, he could feel the foreboding aura all around and he had to know if his assumptions were correct.

“Hanyou blood sir.” Kohaku said.

Everyone became quiet as they watched the Inuyoukai carefully, Rin’s mouth was slightly ajar and her eyes were wide, the child was speaking of Inuyasha. Sesshomaru sternly looked back at his wife and gave her a stern glance before disappearing from everyone’ view. Rin swallowed the large lump in her throat and closed her eyes forcing back her own tears, and when she regained composure she opened them and took charge.

“Get the monk ready for treatment and find the other’s places to stay! We need a team of healers waiting for My lord to get back! GO! Hurry, this is an emergency!”


Once he was out of the courtyard, he knew that the human’s were right, the smell of blood was in the air. After this whole ordeal was finished, Sesshomaru was going to make it a priority that Naraku died, there was no need for such behavior from a ruler. Many things had been running through his mind, things that every ruler would have to experience, war. If he went there was a big chance of his military force being victorious, but at what cost? How many men would have to give up their lives to save their homes, their families, and other people they’ll never know?

The sun was beginning to rise and Sesshomaru knew that he’d have to find his brother before the rouge demons came for fresh meat, that is if they hadn’t already. Shaking his head, the Inuyoukai trudged on, his royal robes flapping behind him, his silver hair fluttering violently, it wouldn’t be much longer till he was there. The smell of youkai and human spiked his nose and he could see the horse running rapidly towards him, something had happened.

Coming onto the scene, he saw the wolf clan swarming the people, their rabid fangs, and the horrible stench that followed them. The human seemed to be protecting something hidden in the tall grass and Sesshomaru knew it would be Inuyasha. He pinpointed the exact location of the leader to the wolf pack and Sesshomaru growled angrily, Koga was proving to be a nuisance. Showing up uninvited right next to his brother’s severely wounded body, the Inuyoukai knelt down and picked p his hanyou brother effortlessly.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Mutt face is mine!” Koga yelled angrily from a few yards away.

“GO!” Sesshomaru warned in a calm voice, his eyes narrowing menacingly hinting that pain would follow if disobeyed. “I will not spare you next time wolf.”

Sesshomaru didn’t wait for an answer, he turned and disappeared. Even if the human couldn’t tell, he could, his brother was holding on by a thread. He had to be immediately helped or he wouldn’t last a few more hours and Sesshomaru still needed Inuyasha for a few things so he’d be damned to let the hanyou die just yet. It’s not like Inuyasha couldn’t be revived, it’s just Sesshomaru didn’t want to go through the hassle.


Sango sat quietly on the edge of an elegant bed that the servants had provided for her. She was grateful for the hospitality that the western lands were showing her and her brother, but the only person she was worried about was Miroku. Sango knew about the selfishness behind her behavior, but she had almost came so close to loosing her newly-wed husband and in all honesty she didn’t want to think about all the hell that they were put through because of Naraku’s evil heart.

Sighing heavily, Sango turned her gaze to the young boy sound asleep next to her, Kohaku had been exhausted after they arrived and the lady of the castle was kind enough to let Kohaku bathe and eat to his heart’s content. Sango couldn’t even begin to show just how thankful she was to the complete strangers that took her and her small family in with no questions asked.

Running her fingers through her brother’s brown hair, she leaned over him and gently kissed his forehead. Sliding off the bed, San go smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress and left the comforts of the bedroom, she wanted to go and check up on Miroku and make sure that he was alright. Since Inuyasha had broken both Kohaku and Miroku out from their prison, her husband had been unconscious. Closing the large door as softly as she could, Sango walked calmly down the halls, they were completely empty now and it was an eerie silence that she was surrounded by, it was a very awkward silence even though she was alone.

There was a faint shuffling sound headed to where Sango was and she swallowed heavily, her nerves weren’t used to how quiet the western lands kingdom was. Seeing the lady of the land smiling brightly a moment later, Sango relaxed a bit. There was nothing to be so tense about. They walked next to each other for a bit without saying anything, Sango was following the woman becoming nervous because she didn’t know where she was being led to.

“The lord monk,” Rin said softly, “his wounds weren’t too severe and he is resting in the hospital wing… The nurse in charge of keeping an eye on him says that your husband has awaken and is wishing to see you.”

Sango’s eyes grew wide as Rin opened the door in front of them and she saw Miroku laying on his stomach, his blue eyes staring happily at her.


Sota frowned as he thought about how badly things had become, his father was dead, his kingdom was being taken over by some psychotic loser with a hasty taste for death. Watching the whole dramatic scene between Inuyasha and Kagome tugged harshly at his heart, his sister didn’t know that the hanyou was still alive, and even that was a miracle. If Sesshomaru hadn’t show up when he did,, there was a big chance that Inuyasha would have died in the field of grass earlier when his group had encountered those wolf demons.

Casting a glance down at the hanyou turned human, Sota could feel the pity building up in his stomach, so much sadness, so much pain and most of it was directed at the unconscious teenager. Shippo was not too far away from Sota, the kitsune was having what seemed to be a very serious talk with Sesshomaru and there was no way in hell that he was going to interrupt. Closing his tired eyes, Sota felt himself begin to drift off into unconsciousness himself, he was worn out from all the activity in one night. Letting the exhaustion take over, Sota could barely hear the notice that had started around him, he couldn’t fight against fatigue any longer and it wasn’t like he wanted to anyway.

The dreams that met Sota weren’t one of the best that he had, but they weren’t anywhere close to the worst he’d experienced. It all seemed to be a never ending tunnel, one that made you completely incapable of ever leaving of ever finding an exit that would leave one with a smile. His mind was filled with unanswered questions that he so desperately wanted to be solved and questions that he had yet to even ask. Memories that haunted him and never gave him peace, memories of his life at the Eastern Kingdom with his family, and the pain of knowing that there was no such thing as happiness, no such thing as a happy ending. These were thoughts of a man who had lost everything in his life that made life precious, that made it easier to live and be free.


Okay! So he's not dead! There are so major twists coming up, some that left me blushing xD Unsusspected pairing coming up and a little nastiness! ANGST is somewhere lurking in the corner folks, it can't be illuded.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away... But no leaving a review makes me cry!" SO PLEASE LEAVE ME A REVIEW! *cries* or I will get sick and die! And you don't want me getting a brain tumor before I can finish this story do you?

SO until next time, Krystal.
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