InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Loosing Hope ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

I really think that I need to set something's straight here....

About the alternate pairing, SESSHOMARU AND KAGOME! EWWWWW NO WAY WILL I EVER WRITE THAT! *laughs* I just don't get that pairing and I believe that InuYasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango pairings shouldn't be messed with XD So if you were for a Sess/Kag please go somewhere else. And no Naraku/Kag either.. It just doesn't work that way I'm not that evil....

I hope that answers some of your questions! and now onto the story!!!!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-Four: Loosing hope

Kagome looked at her blood stained dress in sadness as she stared at the person in the mirror. Inuyasha had died in her arms, his once amber eyes wouldn’t ever look at her again. She would never get to see his smirks or his smiles. Tears began to blur her vision, but Kagome fought against them, she needed to be strong. There was still so much that there was left to do, and now there was no way of avoiding a loveless marriage. Kagome realized it the moment Inuyasha had closed his eyes and left her all alone. She had no one left to protect her, she had no one who could love her how she had loved Inuyasha.

She heard the soft creaking of her bedroom doors as they opened then closed, she knew who it was and she closed her eyes. She didn’t need him knowing just how much he had crushed her spirit. Kagome immediately felt his hot breath on her neck, but she didn’t move, her whole body was numb from the pain in her heart. After everything that had happened to her, Kagome’s thoughts became bitter. If it hadn’t been for her father’s stubborn behavior and lack of intelligence, Kagome wouldn’t have had to experience such heartache and such hatred. She blamed her father for everything that had gone wrong since the ball, it was all his fault.

Cold air hit her back as Naraku unzipped the back of her blood-stained dress and slowly pulled the ruined fabric over her shoulders letting it drop into a pile around Kagome’s ankles. She shuddered with disgust but couldn’t make herself move as his h and moved her long hair, exposing her neck. His lips made contact with the cold flesh as Kagome covered her chest from the mirror’s reflection and Naraku’s heated gaze. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of breaking her more so than she already was.

“There will be no need for you to cover yourself from me princess,” Naraku said lowly as one of his hands ran up and down her arm, “We will be wed in less than a month and then you’ll be completely mine. Your hanyou will never be able to get in between you and I any longer… And if you try anything sneaky, the monk and the boy in the prison will be killed on the spot.” Naraku smiled as he turned, leaving Kagome to all of her new thoughts.


The moment Naraku left Kagome’s bed chambers, he smirked evilly, it was about time for the monk to say his final prayers. Things were going even better than he had hoped, the half breed who stood in Naraku’s way had been exterminated and now nobody would be able to stop him from ruling both the Northern and Eastern lands with a beautiful woman helplessly by his side. Walking calmly down the halls, Naraku let his mind wander, he was going to launch an attack on the Southern lands during the next full moon, which would be very soon. Then once he had the largest youkai army known to everyone, he would finally be able to finish what his father had started all those years ago; the destruction of the Western Lands and the damned Inu-youkai blood, Sesshomaru.

It wasn’t like there was any reason why Naraku should hate Sesshomaru as much as he did, but weren’t the sins of the father always the sins of the son? In any case, Naraku was dishing out revenge for his father’s defeat and the punishment of Inuyasha’s failed attempts of trying to take away Naraku’s plans for the ultimate power. Entering the throne room, Naraku glanced around at all his servants. They knew their place and so would everyone else in due time. Going over to the enormous chair, he sat down and the general of his Northern army came into the room with a very passive look on his face. There were countless scrolls in the panther demon’s arms as he calmly approached Naraku, his red eyes not giving away any unnecessary information.

“My lord,” The panther began, “Here are the repots of all the Southern lands. Many of my men are getting ready for the surprised attack and some of them are already inside the castle like you’ve commanded sir.”

“I see,” Naraku said coldly, “Be sure that your men are ready for battle in three days. I will not tolerate anything less than perfection.”

“I will make sure of it my lord,” The panther said bowing respectfully.

Naraku only waved his hand and the demon put the scrolls down on a table before leaving back to the Northern Lands. Things still had to be done, and people still had to be seen.


Days slowly passed by and everything in the Western lands were beginning to go back to normal. Sesshomaru was in his study going over countless scrolls and other papers regarding the welfare of all the lands and people he didn’t even know sending their condolences on the behalf of his hanyou brother’s “death”. The Inu-youkai scoffed at their ignorance, but didn’t correct the large error. If he did there was a big chance that Naraku would try and invade. Sighing heavily, Sesshomaru ran a tired hand through his massive amounts of silver hair, he really needed a break so he could go see his wife, but there was so much work to be done that he would probably be spending the next few nights still working in his study.

There was a soft knock coming from the closed mahogany door and Sesshomaru looked up just as his wife entered the room with a big smile on her face and a tray of food in her hands. A smirk pursed his lips as Rin came to his side and put the tray down on an empty space on his father large desk, she had good news to tell him by the expression on her face. Sesshomaru stood up from his chair and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips meeting hers for a chaste kiss.

“What news have you for me Rin?” He asked softly pulling her body to his chest.

A muffled giggle escaped her lips as she hid her face in Sesshomaru’s chest, “Can’t a girl just go see her husband when she wants to?”

“If those were her real intentions then yes.” He told her raising his eyebrows curiously, “But not if her face has that mischievous grin on it like yours does.”

“Awwww,” Rin laughed, “You’re such a party pooper!”

“Tell me,” He told her.

“Inuyasha’s regained consciousness,“ she caved laughing against his lips, “And when he was finished trying to leave we took a walk…” She paused giggling, “He was so unstable that he fell into the pond after he tripped over a rock.”


Inuyasha had become a prisoner in his brother’s castle, Sesshomaru had made it sure that the hanyou turned human had no possible way of escape. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he had to get out of the western lands and back to Kagome, he needed to rescue her. Inuyasha had long since healed from the poisonous dagger that Naraku had stabbed him with, but at a very dear cost. Somehow his demon blood was being suppressed and he had become human once again. To him, it was the curse all over again, but at least he could say during that time he was his happiest.

Rin, his sister-in-law, Sesshomaru’s wife helped Inuyasha the most during his darkest hours and it was her who had given him the strength to live. Things hadn’t been too great for Inuyasha since he regained consciousness, but they weren’t exceedingly horrible either. His brother made it very clear that even though Inuyasha was human, he had duties to uphold, and that’s where the training had come in. A sword, a battered and old katana was given to him and a very knowledgeable swordsman taught the human everything in the art of combat. Given he had only been learning for a few days, almost a week, but sword handling came naturally to him, just like breathing.

Sesshomaru told him that hard work would pay off, but all Inuyasha could think of was getting revenge. Naraku would be dead before he what hit him. Most of Inuyasha’s anger was fueled the day he overheard Rin and his brother having a very heated argument about the southern lands and a marriage invitation. Let’s just say that when he heard, “Kagome,” and “invasion” he knew exactly what was going to happen and boy was he furious. Sure Inuyasha tried to escape and was almost thrown through a wall by Sesshomaru, Inuyasha didn’t try again since, and a day later Sesshomaru left to the Southern Lands to try and build alliances for the upcoming battle against Naraku and his ingenious plan to rule the world.


Kagome sat nervously on her bed waiting rather impatiently for a knock on her door. She had been in this position for almost all day due to Naraku’s demands and she wouldn’t dare disobey him again unless she wished to repeat what happened not even two days before. The haunting memories would never go away, but the bruises eventually would. It had been an innocent mistake and she ended up paying the consequences. Kagome had been told to stay in her room and not leave her bed no matter what and of course she thought the idea to be ridiculous. So hours slowly passed by and Kagome opened her balcony doors to get fresh air, and the moment her hands touched the balcony wall, she could feel his angry eyes staring at her, and the moment she looked out into the garden she saw him glaring daggers at her.

Becoming afraid of the expression on his face, Kagome quickly went back inside and locked all her doors, she thought she’d be safer that way. The day slowly seemed to drift by and as it grew darker, she remembered taking a bath to cleanse herself from the imaginary dirt she felt covered her body. At some point she fell asleep and the next thing she knew was Naraku standing over her with the most enraged look before he grabbed her and dragged her out of the tub. She screamed for help, fighting against him or at least trying to while he threw her to the ground. She had hit the wooden pole at the edge of her bed before she connected with the floor, a cry of pain shooting from her lips. Naraku loomed over her wet and nude body and dropped to his knees, pinning her to the ground. She fought to get away, but Naraku would have none of her disobedience, he placed his hands firmly around her neck as his eyes moved down her body, taking in every inch of her exposed flesh. She felt violated beyond belief until his free hand loosened his breeches, exposing his male sex, Kagome believed that she was going to die by his tainting hands, his evil. At the last second there came a pounding at the door, something urgent was going on and with an angry growl, Naraku pulled away and left.


OKay so that's all for this week. I'm posting this early because I have big plans for this weekend and I won't be doing any posting! *hides* So please leave me a reivew, I really like them...

Chapter Twenty-Five: Point of no return.

So until next time, Krystal.
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